Whimsical System

Chapter 1102: Swallowing power

However, even if it was such a troublesome thing, he was still hit by him!

"Sorry sir, there may be something going on between us! If you want to prove your innocence, maybe you have to come with us!"

Several staff members in the bottom hall suddenly surrounded Chu Feng, and after that they also restrained the three of them, John, Weird and Xiaoru!

"Can you tell me the reason? I don't have any intersection with you!"

Even if the trouble has come before him, Chu Feng still maintains a calm and composed look!

"There are so many people here, it's inconvenient to talk! If you think you have no problem, then you can naturally go to the conference room and talk to us!"

The guards didn't seem to plan to talk too much with Chu Feng, anyway, their task was to restrain Chu Feng and not let him leave this building!

As for what measures they need to take, there are no hard and fast requirements!

Therefore, in order to avoid the resistance of Chu Feng and others, the attitude of the guards was rather kind!

Of course, the peace at this time does not mean that the guards really have a good temper!

Sure enough, just when Chu Feng wanted to defy, those guards were "exposed" to their real faces!

"This is a hard requirement! If you don't cooperate with us, then we will take coercive measures! I hope you can understand this, give up resistance as soon as possible, and don't make unnecessary sacrifices!"

This is the last warning made by the guards, and it is also their last patience!

However, Chu Feng did not give them patience and left room.

"Sorry! There is no reason to restrain, that would be something we can't recognize! If it is convenient, please let us leave!"

Chu Feng subconsciously shook the shoulder of one of the guards, but his movement directly stabbed the hornet's nest!

Several guards rushed towards Chu Feng almost instantly, and then they waved the batons in their hands, trying to knock Chu Feng on the head.

When Chu Feng saw this, he subconsciously dodged his body and escaped from their surroundings.

The current incident directly caused the chaos in the bottom environment!

In an instant, screams and footsteps mixed into one, the kind of death-like screams almost filled the entire bottom environment!

The security personnel were desperately maintaining the order of the scene, but the guards were still entangled with Chu Feng!

Chu Feng shuttled through the crowd, and threw off several guards who were hunting him down!

On the other hand, when all the guards were hunting down Chu Feng, John was granted temporary freedom of sex!

So, he dragged the weirdo and Xiaoru one by one, crowding in the crowd wantonly, trying to escape from the building by the current chaos!

But what he thought was too simple after all. Who said that when he first came to the exit of the building, he was caught by the guard at the door.

As a result, he didn't even have to run, so he fell directly into the guard's hands!

The fall of John also affected Chu Feng's actions in a great sense!

In desperation, Chu Feng had no choice but to give up and escape, and decided to fight the guards!


Chu Feng stood still on the spot, and the guards who were chasing after him surrounded him!

At this time, red light began to glow around Chu Feng's body, which was the ability he had acquired in the palace.

Even after leaving the palace, his power still exists, but the intensity and richness of the red light is slightly lower than in the palace!

However, the effect of red light did not have the slightest impact.

"Chu Feng, if you do this, your physical strength may be extremely exhausted. You are already too exhausted today! If you continue to consume it like this, I am afraid that you will soon be exhausted!

If they can't catch you when you are weak, then you probably won't be able to keep your strength anymore and escape their limitations! "

As a discerning person, Lao Chu is naturally very clear about the current price of Chu Feng doing this. But even so, Chu Feng still did not dispel any idea of ​​making such a decision!

Obviously, he himself knew very well what the consequences represented, but even so, he still chose this method!

And from this we can also see how determined he is!

"Well, I know I can't persuade you! It seems that there is only one way I can do right now!"

Seeing that persuasion was useless, Old Chu returned directly to Chu Feng's body and forcibly merged with Chu Feng's personality!

Speaking of which, this is the first time Lao Chu has actively merged with Chu Feng.

Perhaps it was because of the fusion many times before, so when Lao Chu took the initiative to merge with Chu Feng, the process was extremely smooth!

Overall, it was only a few seconds, but these short seconds directly caused Chu Feng's body to undergo earth-shaking changes!

Chu Feng never expected that the red light around his body would change its color!

The previous red "color", as Lao Chu's personality merged, turned into a lavender "color"!

In addition, the hot temperature that the red "color" had originally turned into a mysterious force with the ability to swallow!

"I don't know what he did to me! It's incredible that my body will change like this!"

Chu Feng said with emotion, and even to himself at this time, he didn't know what kind of ability he had!

But about this, he didn't worry about it, because he realized it from the moment the red light changed "color"!

The changes at this time must be getting stronger and stronger, so it is precisely because he has not had the slightest worry, so all he showed is a confident appearance!

And it is precisely because of this confidence that it directly discourages the surrounding guards!

"If you have the courage, come here! I can fight with you. If I win, you will let us go. If I lose, then I will naturally be punished!"

Chu Feng waved his hands, and the surrounding air instantly became thinner, and this feeling was okay, very clear!

"Swallowing power... he actually has swallowing power..."

Among the guards, there are also people who are knowledgeable. As a result, the moment the guards waved their arms, the skin around them was straightforward, and they stepped back!

"It seems that you already know my abilities. Since you don't want to fight with me, don't try to keep me here! Excuse me, I will leave immediately!"

As Chu Feng spoke, he deliberately reduced the light purple "color" around him, and gradually approached the exit of the building!

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