Whimsical System

Chapter 1104: Clue without name

"Could it be that you wanted to turn back? You didn't agree personally just now. Should we let us go as long as I can prove my innocence? Why don't you let us go now?" Chu Feng said unhappy.

"Please don't get me wrong, I don't intend to stop you, but the current situation is too special, so I want to ask you to stay and help me with the investigation!

Please rest assured, as long as this matter can be found out, then I will definitely reward you accordingly!

Of course, if you are unwilling to cooperate, then you can also leave first, but after the wind you leave, I will look for you again!

And maybe I will take some other measures to force you to choose to accept, but if I were you, I would not do it!

Because this is too passive. Firstly, it is unnecessary. Secondly, it seems to hurt feelings a little! "

Although the Thirteenth Lord did not force Chu Feng, what he said had some threatening meanings.

"I understand what you mean. Whether I agree or not, you will always have a way to get me to agree, right?" Chu Feng asked.

"Almost! Maybe you are not very clear, I do things so decisively in some cases!

If you are really unwilling to cooperate with our investigation, then I can only take other measures!

It's just that if you consider this matter from your perspective, then I am still reluctant to take other measures. After all, this is really unfair to you, and it is too cruel! "

The Thirteenth Lord didn't say anything bluntly, but just intentionally or unintentionally "showing" his own thoughts, and now this is indeed a test for Chu Feng!

After all, this is a choice involving destiny. If Chu Feng makes the wrong choice, then what he will face is probably the punishment of destiny!

"Okay! Since you are all talking about it, then I won't be too long-winded with you! I agree, I can help you investigate this matter, but I also have a premise!"

"If you have any requirements, please mention as long as I can satisfy you!"

In the face of Chu Feng's condition that he was about to make a statement, the posture that the thirteen masters showed was extremely shocking!

"I didn't expect you to have such courage! However, what I want to say is not a big deal!

It is nothing more than to arrange a place for my friends first! You can also see that my friend passed out, so in some cases it is not very convenient to bring them!

If you can do me this favor, then I can help you investigate the truth of this matter!

In addition, I am also more interested in this matter, so it is not that you threatened me! "

Chu Feng found himself a step down, after all, being threatened by so many people to compromise, after all, made his face dull!

The Thirteenth Master could also see his thoughts, so he almost did not hesitate too much, and he directly agreed to this matter!

"No problem, this is a trivial matter for me! I can keep them in this building first, and I can send someone to protect them!"

"There is no need for protection. The protection you are talking about now gives me a feeling of imprisoning prisoners!

Instead, you give them a certain amount of freedom and they do what they want to do, so they can relax a little bit! "Chu Feng suggested.

auzw.com "No problem, as long as you don’t mess up in the building and give them the freedom to read, it’s not difficult!"

The second suggestion that Chu Feng put forward was once again adopted by Lord Shisan, and such a talkative guy like Lord Shisan, Chu Feng had never seen it before!

"Well! Now that you have met my requirements, then you can talk about your purpose! What do you want me to do for you?" Chu Feng asked.

"There is something about this, let's not talk now! Why don't I take you to a place first, and when you get there, you can tell me if you have anything!"

The Shisanye asked, although Chu Feng didn't know what Shisanye wanted to do, but he did not refuse!

"Okay! Now that I have promised you to help, I will naturally meet the guests as I please!"

"Very well, come with me!"

The Thirteenth Lord nodded with satisfaction, and then led Chu Feng to a 4-week sealed space!

"Why did you bring me here? Is there something hidden here?"

Chu Feng observed from left to right, but in this dense space, there seemed to be nothing more than a lamp!

"Nothing exists here, but the soundproofing effect here is the best! It is not an exaggeration to say that in this entire building, it is only possible to leak the news here!

So, I hope you can be here and tell me the truth! Tell me, who is it who wants to blame me on this matter? Have you ever understood before this? "

The thirteenth master did not make any inconsistencies, and when he opened his mouth, he pointed to the center of the matter!

"You asked me to answer this question directly, it seems a bit difficult, because I basically don't have a clue about this matter! And even if there is, it is just some messy information!" Chu Feng said.

"It's okay to be messy. I can sort them out. For now, you just need to tell me what you know so far, and that's enough!"

"Well, since you really want to know, then I won't hide it! And, this is not something worth hiding!"

Chu Feng nodded, and then told the thirteenth master everything about the bloated guy!

"Don't you even know his name?"

But when the bloated fellow was described by Chu Feng's figure, the Thirteenth Master couldn't help being a little bit troubled!

"This is all the information I know so far, and I also want to know what his name is, but he never told me!

So there is no way, I can only describe it to you, but if I can see him again, then I can basically recognize him at a glance!

So if there is a chance, maybe I can do this for you! "

Chu Feng said with a serious face, he really did not deceive the Thirteenth Master, it is just this matter, for the Thirteenth Master, it is really too general!

As long as Chu Feng can name the bloated guy, then he can investigate in this space based on that name!

But now, Chu Feng just didn't know the name of the bloated guy, so this matter became a lot more complicated!

"Maybe this matter is really going to trouble you, because you can't provide a name, maybe you are the only way we can find that guy!"

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