Whimsical System

Chapter 1105: John's Confession

"Although this does not sound like a good job, since it is your request, I can reluctantly agree!

And, besides me, I can also let my friends help you together, because besides me, my friends have also dealt with that guy! "

Chu Feng easily confessed to John and others, but in his opinion, this is not a bad thing, at least from the current situation, it is indeed the case!

"In this way, those of your friends can also help me. If this is the case, it has played a great role in our search!

At least we can divide into several teams and look for them together, which might be faster! "

The Thirteenth Master was quite satisfied with this matter, but as for how John and the others considered it, that might not be something that Chu Feng wanted to worry about!

After talking about the important matters, the thirteenth master brought Chu Feng out of his secret room, and once again met with John and the others, Chu Feng's face looked much better.

And under the arrangement of the thirteenth master, the living conditions of Chu Feng and others have also been greatly improved!

Although the plan to find bloated guys has reached the stage of implementation, the specific situation has not come to a result!

John and others still don't know the cooperation between Chu Feng and Thirteenth Lord. Although they have been enjoying the superior conditions that Chu Feng has brought to them, they don't know how they got it all!

A few days later, when the Thirteenth Master had everything ready and was ready to implement the plan, the cooperative plan that had been in a conservative state was finally learned by John and others!

At this time, after a few days of recuperation, the weirdo and Xiaoru have woken up, and when they learned that Chu Feng had reached a cooperation with the thirteenth master, they were not too surprised, and they were still thinking Chu Feng, he was delighted to help them obtain such good living conditions!

It's just that while the weirdo and Xiao Ru are happy, John always maintains a sad look.

In his mind, Chu Feng should have been used by others, otherwise he would never be confused with Shisan Yegou!

It's just that he couldn't find any reason to prove this. At best, he could only say that Chu Feng had a different mind, and then he would do something else to cover up all this!

As for the Thirteenth Lord, he almost knows nothing. He wants to have a deeper understanding, but it seems that everyone is avoiding him to prevent him from achieving this goal. In the end, he can only be In a state of ignorance, it seems to know something, but after all, it is just some illusion!

It wasn't until the day when the cooperation started that John really got in touch with the content of this cooperation, and when he knew that the main purpose of this cooperation was to find bloated guys, the last defense in his heart was also gradually at this time. Cooled down!

This is a good thing, at least it can be investigated clearly why they were deceived here.

Even at this time, John still suspected that this incident was an illusion that the Thirteenth Lord directed and acted himself!

But whether or not it was the trap of the Thirteenth Lord, how their identity was revealed, this is probably an issue worthy of attention!

But now if you want to investigate all this clearly, you must find a bloated guy, so it was only then that John suddenly understood why Chu Feng agreed to this cooperation!


It turned out that Chu Feng was not just for the current superior environment, it was more that Chu Feng wanted to find the bloated guy, and then get more accurate information from him!

And now this upcoming cooperation plan has gradually brought Chu Feng's goal closer to reality!

Looking back and thinking about it, John felt a bit regretful for what he had done before. You must know that in order to express his anger in his heart, he has never had any intersection with Chu Feng during this period of time!

However, when he learned the truth about this incident, he wanted to find Chu Feng, but found that Chu Feng was no longer in the building!

"Chu Feng has already left. He was the first group to leave. In order to provide us with a better condition, he specially selected the first group of action teams!

The action time of each team is two weeks respectively, if Chu Feng can find that guy within these two weeks!

That means we don't need to act at all. It may be because of this that he left in such a hurry!

John, you have always blamed him, Chu Feng is really not easy, everything he did before was actually for us, but you have been misunderstanding.

Now think about it, Chu Feng is really pitiful, why didn't he explain all this to you, if he can explain it clearly to you, maybe you won't misunderstand him, and at the same time you won't hurt him again!

But he didn't do that, not only that, he silently took things that he shouldn't have to take!

From the point of view of this matter alone, even if these things have nothing to do with me, I also feel a little guilty in my heart! "

In the process of self-reflection, the strange man repeatedly mentioned the incident between John and Chu Feng, and it was precisely because of his repeated reminders that John felt even more uneasy!

In contrast, Xiao Ru sees more thoroughly than the weirdo, so when the weirdo says these things, she has been staring at John!

And when the weirdo mentioned that he was more guilty, Xiao Ru directly refuted him!

"How do you get rid of the connection between this matter and you? We are all being blessed. Whether it is our "life" or the current living environment, it is Chu Feng desperately fighting for it. Coming!

Now you say you have nothing to do with all of this, thanks to your ability to speak it! "

When Xiao Ru turned back, the weird man was a little speechless. That's right, what Xiao Ru said was all the truth, even though the weird man had a lot of excuses, he couldn't say half a word!

Besides, John also stood up slowly at this moment, making a look of repentance!

Obviously, what the stranger said has completely touched him, even if he wants to avoid this matter no matter what, it has reached the point where it is inevitable to retreat and avoid it!

Therefore, John must face the current reality, no matter what kind of pain and guilt he needs to endure in the process, he must face up to all things that are currently happening.

In addition, due to the absence of Chu Feng, all the burdens fell on John almost at that instant. Although John could completely share these things with the weirdo and Xiao Ru again, he did not do so!

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