Whimsical System

Chapter 1107: Water point

The other person's answer was a thorough explanation to Chu Feng, the reason for this matter.

Speaking of this, it's not too complicated, it's nothing more than the distance. Visual errors can almost be seen everywhere, so Chu Feng didn't care too much!

It’s just that Chu Feng still wants to know how long this distance will take. Although the concept of time in this space is not very precise, Chu Feng’s concept of time is still very important, at least in this case. , Two weeks, overall it is relatively urgent!

If it takes more than two weeks, John and the others will go to other cities together like him. If this is the case, when they meet again next time, they don't know when they will wait!

Therefore, Chu Feng wanted to avoid this situation as much as possible, and strive to be able to do this to him and solve it completely, so as not to disturb other people again!

"The distance is very far, I can see it, but I want to ask, if it is under normal circumstances, how long should it take us to reach that city?"

Chu Feng deliberately pretended to be very casual, and asked this question. In fact, this question is not difficult for everyone to answer. After all, this is not the first time to cross the desert and rush to the two cities. between!

Therefore, as soon as Chu Feng asked this question, he immediately got the answer he wanted!

"In terms of time, although it is not very accurate, it is basically maintained within a week!

The distance is constant, it's just that various changes will occur during the journey, such as wind and sand, heavy rain and the like!

Therefore, it is precisely because of the emergence of these uncertain "sexualities" that there will be various time gaps!

But on the whole, it is the slowest speed in one week, so you don't have to worry about time. Since we set the time two weeks apart, then there must be our own truth! "

The answer to Chu Feng's question was still the person who explained the distance to Chu Feng earlier.

This person seemed extremely kind and helped Chu Feng a lot, so Chu Feng left a good impression on him!

"Thanks for letting me know. I haven't asked what you call it yet?"

Out of politeness, and at the same time for the convenience of addressing in the future, Chu Feng directly asked the person's name!

"You can call me Chaoxia directly, this is the name that the thirteenth master gave me, as long as I am still with the thirteenth master, then I will always be by this name!

When Chao Xia told Chu Feng her name, she also explained the origin of the name by the way.

Although this explanation is not very necessary, it seems to have extraordinary significance in Chaoxia's view!

After listening to Chao Xia's answer, Chu Feng nodded solemnly. On the one hand, this was out of respect for Chao Xia, and on the other hand, it was also because of the determination of the name!

A group of fourteen people drove in the wilderness. Since there were not many people, from a distance, only a faint black shadow could be seen!

There are many strong winds in the wilderness. Whenever a strong wind comes to the face, everyone will raise their arms to cover their cheeks to prevent the sand from filling their mouths and noses!

auzw.com Normally, the duration of strong winds is relatively long, and sometimes it is special, and even blows all day. This is precisely because of the presence of strong winds, so the speed of a group of people Not very fast!

However, fortunately, their bodies are relatively strong, so this will not affect the daily progress of the journey!

When the time came to the fourth day, the outline of the city in the distance gradually changed. The outline of the city that had not changed before now appeared to be slightly larger!

From this point, it can also be seen that Chu Feng and others have already stepped out of the range of that constant contour at this time!

Nowadays, they are getting closer and closer to the city, and as they gradually walk into the city, the wind and sand in the wilderness is also smaller!

It may be because of the city's occlusion. A large part of the sandstorm has been absorbed by the city, but the remaining small part is no longer a climate!

When the time came to the sixth day, everything was as estimated in the plan. A group of people had already "closed" to the city at this time. After about half a day's journey, they could enter the city and get rid of the intrusion of wind and sand completely!

On the way, everyone's lips had cracked. In fact, since the afternoon of the fifth day, the drinking water they carried with them had been used up!

And in such arid environment, once water funding is missing, then all the pain and suffering will follow!

Therefore, the corners of the cracked mouth are constantly stimulating Chu Feng's brain. The pain has never been reduced. Even breathing can make Chu Feng feel very painful!

Therefore, on the way, almost no one in the group is willing to say a few more words, more often they are communicating with their eyes and body!

On the one hand, this is to reduce the volatilization of water in the body, on the other hand, it is also to prevent the corners of the mouth from becoming dry and cracked and suffering a new stage of trauma!

On the evening of the sixth day, the sun was still astonishingly high, and time did not meet the rules here. Usually, during this time period, the sun had already disappeared!

But in this city, the sun doesn't seem to set at all, just like the night, it won't come at all!

Chu Feng and others entered the city one by one, and at the entrance of the city, there were many drinking water vendors!

In addition, there is no need to buy the drinking water here. Pedestrians only need to sign their name on their record book, and then they can get water there anytime, anywhere!

And it is precisely because Chu Feng discovered this convenient place, so he hurriedly wanted to rush to the selling point to get drinking water!

But who ever thought that when he was about to arrive at the sales point, Chao Xia suddenly grabbed him and gave him a slap in the face!

At this time, Chao Xia's mouth was bleeding, and it was obvious that the violent exercise just now caused his wounds to open instantly, so that he reached a state where he could not stop the loss of blood fluid!

And Chu Feng, because of Chao Xia's slap, fell directly to the ground!

And because the corners of his mouth were attacked, it was as good as that of Chaoxia, and there was some blood "liquid" containing clotted blood!

"Why are you hitting me!"

Chu Feng forcibly endured the pain at the corner of his mouth and questioned Chao Xia with the anger in his chest.

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