Whimsical System

Chapter 1112: Soul fluctuation

"Chu Feng, can you simply try to find the existence of those soul painters, knowing that doing so may be very difficult for you, and it will also have a certain impact!

But this is currently one of the only ways we can speed up the search! So if you think it is possible, then you simply try it!

Of course, if you reject me, then I will not force you, but in a few days your friends will go to other cities to find the goal of this mission like you!

If you can successfully get this portrait before he sets off, then maybe he doesn't need to set off again, and you can also go back the same way!

If it is from your point of view, this choice should not be considered a bad thing for you, so you can think about it. I don’t mean to **** you. I just want to give you a suitable suggestion. You make the most correct choice you feel! "

Chaoxia wanted to try to persuade Chu Feng to make this decision, but he didn't dare to force Chu Feng too much to "force" Chu Feng to do so.

So he put all the possibilities in front of Chu Feng and let him make the right choice! Of course, before making this choice, he also gave Chu Feng a reasonable guide!

"You don't need to say more, I know what I should do. This is a shortcut for me, at least it can help my friends!

Although, I will suffer some unexpected losses as a result. However, as long as this trouble can be solved, then my sacrifice can be considered worthy! "

Although Chu Feng finally made the decision that Chao Xia hoped for, Chu Feng's decision had nothing to do with Chao Xia's persuasion!

In fact, even if Chao Xia did not persuade Chu Feng, Chu Feng would still make such a decision! Because Chu Feng is very clear about the benefits of doing this, even if there is a certain risk, he will also take the risk!

Because only in this way can it meet Chu Feng's "sex" style, otherwise it would be a little strange!

"It is really lucky to have a friend like you! Chu Feng, if you are ready, let's start. You will be the masters of all this, and we will not have any urging!"

Chao Xia "Lu" appeared indifferent, and there was no mood swing during the whole process. He knew that Chu Feng would definitely not have any stimulation at this moment!

Whether it is persuasion or urging, that will affect the quality of Chu Feng's soul exploration!

And Chu Feng gradually calmed down his emotions in the gentle atmosphere created by Chao Xia.

Immediately afterwards, he let his soul jump out of his mind, surpassing his body, always maintaining a relatively calm and relaxed state!

Chaoxia and others naturally couldn't see Chu Feng's soul state, but they could feel a different feeling, that feeling was very subtle, as if the breeze was blowing the flag, and suddenly stopped at that moment. Generally, secondly, it is still hanging in the air, never falling, but the breeze has disappeared!


Chaoxia stood there blankly, trying to keep his emotions at a certain level, without making any waves. It turned out to be difficult to do so, but he still persisted in this way, trying to reach that level!

But in the end he did indeed do it, and at the moment he did that level, he actually vaguely saw the fluctuation of Chu Feng's soul.

Perhaps among these people, Chao Xia is the only one who can achieve this level. At this moment, he was a little surprised in his heart, because he noticed that Chu Feng's soul fluctuates, but it is much stronger than the soul painters he had encountered before!

And this means that the ability to punish is higher than those of soul painters. If Chu Feng is really willing to try the profession of soul painter, perhaps Chu Feng's ability is stronger than those people!

On the other hand, on Chu Feng's side, he kept his soul in a stable state, and when this stable state was maintained, his soul fluctuated like waves, gradually spreading out!

Soul fluctuations will not have any medium. It does not need to be transmitted through any medium. At the same time, it will not be blocked by any objects. No matter whether it is tangible or intangible, it cannot have the slightest influence on it!

So although the soul fluctuations seem to be very gentle, its transmission speed is extremely fast, and it can cover the entire city in just a few seconds, and such an exaggerated state is no surprise, laying the foundation for the soul fluctuations The highest position!

After Soul Fluctuation completely covered the city, Chu Feng's mind received a lot of information transmitted back from different places. That was the useful information collected by Soul Fluctuation!

It’s just that this large amount of information was destroyed in an instant before it reached Chu Feng’s mind, and it was not some external factors that destroyed this information, but the fluctuations of the soul itself. !

In fact, it's no wonder that the soul fluctuates itself, but the amount of information is too large.

If the soul fluctuates and it is not pushed back, it will directly cause Chu Feng's head to reach a state that is close to collapse, and it may even cause Chu Feng to collapse directly!

So soul fluctuations, in order to prevent this tragedy, it had no choice but to destroy all of it as it claimed, but while destroying it, it also secretly retained a little bit of information for Chu Feng to analyze!

And just this almost negligible information can directly enable Chu Feng to get what he wants!

Looking at the entire city, in the information collected by Soul Fluctuation, there are basically everyone's specific circumstances, no matter their body or soul, every aspect has an extremely detailed summary!

And if all this information is tossed aside and ignored, then the information collected by Soul Fluctuation will only be left without life elements!

But what people never expected is that these inanimate things are precisely where the soul painters hide!

They seem to want to live in complete seclusion in this city, so they have specially built some special rooms for them to isolate soul searching!

This means that as long as they can hide in this secret room, then they will be able to evade everyone’s search very cleverly. Whether it is soul fluctuations in the true sense or other field investigations and searches, they will not be able to find them. Their specific location!

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