Whimsical System

Chapter 1113: Separated by a wall

It's just a pity that at the moment their goal was about to be achieved, Chu Feng's soul fluctuations directly destroyed all their ideas!

In order to avoid outside intrusion, those soul painters have made some special tools that can help them hide their tracks!

Moreover, those special tools have completely passed their own soul fluctuations. There seems to be nothing wrong with all this.

But who would have thought that when Chu Feng's soul fluctuations spread here, the facilities that originally had a great guarantee were completely useless under Chu Feng's soul fluctuations!

It's as if it's just a decoration, except that it looks a little mysterious, it has no other use!

It's just that although the facility no longer has the abilities it should have, the soul painters don't even know all these changes!

Innocent, they still hide in that facility, thinking that they have already had a panacea, and nothing will happen again!

However, Chu Feng had already obtained it, their real hiding place at this time!

"I already know their exact location, and they haven't discovered my existence! If everything goes well, maybe we can find them in the first time!"

Chu Feng gradually recovered from his soul state, and he obviously felt so relieved when he achieved his goal!

"Where are they? Can I go find them now?" Chao Xia was both delighted and eager. Obviously this matter is indeed very important to him!

"I calculated in general terms, their location should still be considered within this city, but they are already hidden underground!

Perhaps they were just to prevent someone from looking for them, so they found a safe place to hide!

It's just a matter of exploring abilities and going beyond their budget, so that's why I took the opportunity to succeed!

Now they don't know our existence. If it is for me to decide, we might as well set out immediately!

The traces of my soul still remain on that route. As long as I can follow the traces to find the past, then I will definitely be able to find the hiding place of those soul painters! "

Chu Feng seemed to have great confidence in this question. Although he had not seen the specific location of that place with his own eyes, he could still clearly detect the traces of the soul at this moment!

Moreover, as long as he can concentrate, the trace will gradually become obvious as his memory concentrates!

"If you can find them now, then it would be the best!" Chao Xia Xinran agreed to Chu Feng's suggestion. Basically, it can be said that he has not hesitated at all!

"Okay! In that case, let's leave right away! Time is running out, you don't need to do too much preparation, we just need to do it, and we can get there as soon as possible!

Although there won't be any major changes in this city, you still have to be careful about everything after all, it's more appropriate! "

Chu Feng exhorted a few words casually, and then led thirteen companions on the road to find a soul painter!

Half an hour later, Chu Feng and his party appeared in a narrow passage.

And the entrance of this passage is an alley full of garbage!

auzw.com is such a stinking, prohibitive passage, but it happens to be the entrance to the hiding place of the soul painters!

At the end of the passage, there is a half-covered wooden door. A curtain is hung on the wooden door. Half of the curtain is missing, and some parts are moldy!

Chu Feng stretched out his hand to raise the curtain, and walked in half-bow. The inside was dark, and there was a disgusting breath in the air!

"Everyone, come in! When we pass this hole, we can basically reach the nest of those guys!"

When Chu Feng completely entered the dark entrance of the cave, everyone heard Chu Feng's voice from the entrance of the cave.

Afterwards, Chao Xia Yigan and others, also under the guidance of Chu Feng, forcibly endured the unpleasant breath, and walked into the entrance of the cave stop-and-go.

There is a bit of "tide" wet inside the cave. Although the city has not rained for a long time, the "tide" wet inside this cave has not been improved at all!

The total length of the cave is about 100 meters. Compared with the streets and lanes of all sizes, there is still a gap in distance!

But even so, Chaoxia Yigan and others still feel that this hole is extremely long!

And after everyone spent that long few minutes, they also gradually came to the end of this cave!

The end is still "tide" and extremely wet, but the unpleasant breath has decayed a little!

Chu Feng found it very easily according to the route instructions left by the traces of his soul, and entered the entrance of the next space!

Although, the entrance is hidden in the wall of the cave, and there are stone slabs for concealment!

But this is still hard to escape, the fate marked by the traces of the soul!

"Pass through this wall, we can see them! But if our movements are relatively large, it may attract their attention!

Although their soul power can't be compared with me for the time being, if they want to use this soul power to deal with you, it won't be difficult!

Therefore, for the sake of prudence, you'd better be able to avoid a certain distance, and after I temporarily teach them to suppress them, you will help me to subdue them! "

At the moment when the wall was about to be opened, Chu Feng suggested with a solemn expression!

"We just came to them for help and don't want to be their enemies. If we can tell what we are here, they shouldn't be too rude, right?"

Chaoxia has a peaceful heart. After all, the current situation has not yet reached such an irreversible level, so don't want Chaoxia, try to make this matter as ordinary as possible, and it is best not to make trouble. Too big!

But Chu Feng didn't think this way. Although he had never communicated with those soul painters, when he collided with them in his soul state, Chu Feng did feel a wave of unkind energy fluctuations!

Although, he could not put the energy fluctuations he had encountered before directly on these soul painters!

But for the sake of safety, Chu Feng still thinks it is better to be cautious!

So after negotiation, although Chao Xia had his own ideas, he finally chose to listen to Chu Feng's suggestions!

After all, he doesn't know much about his soul, so in order to avoid some unnecessary losses, Chao Xia did not act arbitrarily!

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