Whimsical System

Chapter 1114: Old man asking for pay

It did not take much time for Chao Xia Yigan and others to evacuate. As soon as Chu Feng was ready on this side, they disappeared without a trace.

If not, Chu Feng could use the soul fluctuations at any time to feel their existence, even a little doubtful, of course Chao Xia had already left!

After confirming that there were no people around, Chu Feng immediately launched a series of actions on that wall!

It is not difficult to tear down a wall, it is just that there are a lot of stones in the wall.

Due to the existence of these stones, this wall becomes extremely strong, so if you want to break it, it will naturally take some effort!

However, the question of time is not a difficult task for Chu Feng, and the attack power of Gu Feng has already reached a relatively alarming level!

Even if there are a lot of stones in this wall, that one still can't resist Chu Feng's amazing power!

As a result, under Chu Feng's deliberate punch attack, that wall directly broke a big hole!

And then, the eyes from inside and outside the cave converged directly at this moment!

At this time, through the entrance of the cave, Chu Feng could clearly see the busy people in the cave!

Counting them down, there are nine people who are busy, and among these nine, three are female!

At this moment, their eyes are full of surprise and anger!

It is difficult for them to imagine why Chu Feng suddenly appeared here, after all, this place has long been hidden by layers!

In addition, they were very annoyed by Chu Feng's rude behavior. At least Chu Feng's actions were unruly!

"Perhaps, I should say hello to you first, but sometimes I think it may not be necessary to be so precise!

After all, I already knew you were here, so inquiries or the like can be omitted in due course! "

Chu Feng said half jokingly, even though he knew it, it was not funny!

"Who are you, how did you find this place?"

Among the soul painters, there are also those who occupy a dominant position.

At this time, the elderly man who asked Chu Feng a question seemed to be the leader of this organization!

"I came here specifically for your help. Although my approach is a bit abrupt, I don't have any malice!

In addition, if you think I destroyed your walls, then when I leave, I can help you fix them! "

Chu Feng said respectfully, compared to the practice of pushing to the wall, Chu Feng's posture at this time has so many etiquettes to speak of!

"We don't need you to help us repair the wall, and you shouldn't try to leave here. Although we don't know your identity, since you are here, then don't think you can leave!"

auzw.com Beside the elderly man, there is a woman holding a red ribbon. From his clever eyes, we can see that this woman is definitely not an idler !

"Why are you so angry! I didn't come to you to fight, let alone who told you that I was only one person!

To be honest, I also have partners, but now I was worried that I would hurt them when I pushed down the wall, so I didn't let them follow!

But now it seems that if I am the only one, I am afraid you really think of me as a soft persimmon!

That being the case, you should take this opportunity to meet friends who know me! "

As Chu Feng spoke, he stretched out his hand and beckoned to the back.

Immediately afterwards, ordinary people in Chaoxia walked out of the darkness in an orderly manner under Chu Feng's paging!

And when Zhaoxia Yigan and others gradually appeared in front of the soul painters, their expressions could not help but change a little!

After all, Asaka Ichigan, but there are thirteen people. If it is in normal times, thirteen does not seem to be a big lineup, but if it is in a narrow space, it feels like this. I'm afraid it will change!

"Do you need to get to know them? I can introduce them to you, although I am not particularly familiar with them!"

Chu Feng pretended to ask Chaoxia, then turned his gaze to the soul painters, as if he wanted to ask them the same question!

At this time, Chao Xia waved his hand very wisely, and immediately after that, he also took the initiative to reach a communication with the elderly man!

"Old man, we don't have any bad intentions! We did come here to ask you. As for the offense, please forgive me!"

Chao Xia’s attitude is extremely kind. Obviously he does not want to break into conflict with the soul painter, and the reason for this may also be the sentence that Chu Feng said earlier: their soul power is more than enough to deal with you. . Therefore, it is best not to have a direct conflict with them!

"I also want to try to believe you, but everything you are doing now is hard to understand!

Unless you can explain for yourself why these things happened, otherwise, there will be conflicts between us sooner or later! "

Chaoxia’s words have gradually calmed the current atmosphere of exchanges, but the elderly are not a fuel-efficient lamp. Although he also has the idea that peace is the most important thing, but before the two sides make peace, He wanted an explanation!

"I don't quite understand what you mean by this? Although I have done some impolite behavior before, I think what I just said should be enough to get your forgiveness, right?"

Chu Feng felt a little dissatisfied. In his opinion, he hadn't shown any hostile behavior at all, so he should never bear all this, unknown blame!

Even if he took action to overthrow the walls of the soul painters, when he explained, he promised that he could help the soul painters rebuild the walls!

And if this doesn't satisfy them, then Chu Feng really doesn't know what to do!

"Now it's not about forgiving or unforgiving things, but we haven't seen your sincerity. If you really want to come to us, then should you offer your reward?"

From the perspective of fairness and justice, this question asked by the elderly is completely reasonable!

Chu Feng and the others wanted to ask the soul painters to help, so they must pay a certain amount of remuneration, so there is nothing wrong with the elderly who can have this kind of request!

And when Chu Feng and others understood the meaning of the elderly, their psychological defenses also relaxed a bit!

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