Whimsical System

Chapter 1131: Underwater difficulties

It was just that Chu Feng was hesitating, if he took the thirteenth master, would there be any trouble.

The meaning of this trouble also includes these two aspects. On the one hand, will it be dangerous? If the guy hiding under the water is not a good kind, then this dangerous "sex" is still very high!

And the ability that the Lord Shisan possesses is nothing but swallowing power. When Lord Shisan encounters an opponent with swallowing power that is stronger than him.

Then he appeared in front of his opponent like an ordinary person, and the final result is also predictable.

In addition to this danger, Chu Feng was also worried that the Thirteenth Lord would cause some other troubles, such as wanting to hire the guy underwater, or competing with him for the inheritance of swallowing power!

Chu Feng admitted that he did have too much brainpower on this point. Perhaps because of the influence of the unconstrained writing in the real world, Chu Feng always felt that the guy under the water seemed to be a big treasure.

Even though Hongguang Woman didn't mention this matter too much, Chu Feng always felt that there seemed to be some subtleties in this matter.

If the guy under the water really wants to find an heir, then he must make a choice between Chu Feng and Thirteenth Lord.

But now Chu Feng has already obtained the beads, which the thirteenth master specially gave to him. If you encounter any benefits later, then in return, Chu Feng should be courteous to the thirteenth master.

So it was precisely because of this that Chu Feng felt that he should think about it from multiple aspects.

In fact, when Chu Feng realized that he had such greedy thoughts, he also felt that it was not right for him to do so. Although doing so would be of great benefit to him, it was somewhat unreasonable in reason. reasonable.

After all, Lord Shisan treated him kindly, and if he was deceived by Lord Shisan because of self-interest, he would not let him dive into the water with him.

Then this is more or less unkind, so it is precisely because of this psychological contradiction that Chu Feng has been hesitating, wondering what he should do.

At this time, Lord Shisan was also waiting for Chu Feng’s answer with a look of expectation. Generally speaking, Chu Feng decided on this matter. Although Lord Shisan was the protagonist who entered the palace this time, it was something troublesome. When it really appeared, it was Chu Feng who made the final decision!

And the most suitable thing for the thirteenth master is to take all aspects into consideration to make all the preparations to do what he should do.

Chu Feng was silent for a long time. His thinking time was indeed a bit too long, but the Thirteenth Master never urged him, because he also knew that this matter was not easy to do, so he didn't want to embarrass Chu Feng.

However, in the end, Chu Feng also made a decision. Although he didn't care what kind of person he would become, in some cases, some decisions, although he wanted in his heart, he couldn't make it anyway.

"Lord Thirteen come with me! We can also be a company together. Even if there is any danger, I will protect you, as long as I am alive!"

Don't care about Chu Feng, whether this sentence came from the heart, in short, since he dared to say this sentence, it also means that he will do this level after all!

As the thirteenth master who trusted Chu Feng the most, he also unconditionally chose to believe in Chu Feng's words, and the joy in his heart could no longer be concealed.

"When shall we leave?"

The Thirteenth Lord did not say too much, but asked a major question!

Chu Feng supported his chin with one hand, and briefly analyzed the current situation.


At present, the supplies they carry are still relatively sufficient. Even if they dive underwater and survive in that cave, they can survive for a long time!

And since the question of survival has been solved, there is a matter of when to leave so that it is no longer a problem!

Therefore, as soon as the Shisanye raised this question, Chu Feng made a decision immediately.

"This matter sooner rather than later. Since we already know what the other party is doing, I suggest that we start now. It just so happens that I also know the road. We can reach the river in at most an hour!"

Chu Feng's decision was immediately approved by the thirteenth master, and then the two of them said goodbye to the red woman and embarked on the road to the river.

The one-hour journey is not a difficult task for the two of them. Moreover, if Chu Feng is familiar with the road, he can get rid of all the troubles on the road!

More than forty minutes later, the two arrived at the bank of the river ahead of time. Looking around, the river was still as turbulent as before.

The white waves are like boiling water, with layers of bubbles.

Standing on the bank of the river, Chu Feng watched the situation on the river.

After a round of inspections, Chu Fengxiang Thirteenth said: "There is nothing unusual around us, we can leave now!"

The Thirteenth Lord did not reply, just nodded gently, and then blessed the package with a layer of rope.

Chu Feng casually glanced at Lord Shisan, and praised Lord Shisan for his caution.

After that, Chu Feng entered the water first, while the Thirteenth Master clung to the rope behind Chu Feng and jumped into the river!

After entering the river, the turbulent water instantly rushed the two of them one after the other, but fortunately they were connected by ropes, but the thirteenth master barely kept up with Chu Feng's pace.

Because they were underwater, the two had no way to communicate, so the Shisanye could only drag along the rope, suffocating a breath and following behind Chu Feng.

At the same time, he has to keep an eye on the package behind him at any time, lest the river is too turbulent, breaking the rope on the package.

Chu Feng took the lead in diving, and it was difficult for him to accurately determine the direction in the river, so he could only sink himself to the bottom first, and then slowly "feel" where the hole was!

The last time I passed here, although I went to the wrong place, it did make Chu Feng leave a clear memory.

Therefore, when he revisited the old place this time, the rushing river also evoked many memories of Chu Feng.

The two went one after the other and dived about half the distance, and the water pressure in the water began to gradually affect both of them.

First of all, the pressure on the lungs of the two began to rise gradually, and the appearance of this pressure is still very obvious!

If you don't notice it, you may take a few sips of water because you can't resist the pressure!

And when he entered the water earlier, in order to avoid this situation, Chu Feng repeatedly urged that Lord Thirteen must hold on. If he really reached the critical point, he would immediately tighten the rope to take this Remind Chu Feng to let Chu Feng pay attention!

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