Whimsical System

Chapter 1132: Almost killed

However, what Chu Feng never expected was that when Chu Feng just "closed" to the river to interrupt the distance, the rope tied around his waist suddenly tightened.

Obviously, this is Lord Shisan sending a signal to him, but this time is too short. According to Chu Feng's estimation, Lord Shisan should resist for a while, no matter how unbearable it is!

However, the Thirteenth Lord is so unbelievable, the rope around his waist is getting tighter and tighter. The tightness makes Chu Feng feel uncomfortable.

In desperation, he had no choice but to turn around and swim back, following the rope to find the Thirteenth Lord, and then help him relieve his current pain!

But just when Chu Feng was about to find the end of the rope, a scene that surprised Chu Feng even more appeared.

At the end of the rope, there is no Thirteen Lords.

I don't know when, the rope has been broken, and at the end of the rope, a piece of rotten wood is hanging.

As the wood was driven by the current, it began to float continuously, so it had the previous tightening force.

Chu Feng waved his arms underwater and split the rotting wood in half, and the rope was also freed, and Chu Feng was also slightly more comfortable.

However, even though Chu Feng's troubles are now resolved, the disappearance of the thirteenth master has become a bigger trouble again.

Helpless, even though Chu Feng was very reluctant to go back, for the sake of the thirteenth master's safety, he had to go back the same way.

And, as he returned, he had to keep an eye on the changes around him.

Because the river is relatively turbulent, if Lord Shisan stays alone in the water, it will be difficult for him to "manipulate" his body.

Therefore, if only returning according to the original path, the chance of Chu Feng finding the Thirteenth Lord is very low.

Therefore, when Chu Feng returned on the original road, he had to look around, and he had to go a little longer to check the surrounding conditions.

However, even though this is a great help for finding the Thirteenth Lord, it does have a very powerful amount of exercise for Chu Feng!

Moreover, if Chu Feng did not move fast enough, then when he arrived at the place where the thirteenth master was, the thirteenth master would once again change his position due to the flow of the river!

Therefore, although the thirteen masters suffered the most in this matter, it is Chu Feng who really needs to work hard to rescue them!

Therefore, whether this matter was for the Thirteenth Master or Chu Feng, it was a great test.

As for the final result, Chu Feng didn't dare to imagine it at all.

Right now, he could only look around in this river, praying for the thirteenth master to temporarily have the ability to protect himself.

Now, Chu Feng does not long for the thirteenth master to return to the original position by himself, because he knows that it is almost impossible!

Therefore, he just prayed that the thirteenth master could save his "life", even if there was no way to return to the original position, he would at least be able to return to the shore, take a few breaths, and don't let himself drown!

The process of searching for the Thirteen Lords was both difficult and dangerous. Chu Feng had to withstand the strong water pressure and search in shallow and deep water respectively!

The search process has a certain degree of difficulty, and this difficulty cannot be solved by just relying on perseverance.

Chu Feng must have the ability to overcome difficulties. Otherwise, the price he has paid may be his own life.

The sound of the rushing river kept echoing in Chu Feng's ears, and that noisy sound reminded him of his previous life in the real world.


That kind of chaos is the environment, the bustling streets, and the lives that you can never get!

Chu Feng tried to recall these things, and he gradually calmed down. Now, after experiencing so much, Chu Feng's emotions have gradually become controllable.

It's just behind this controllable, which also hides some false existence.

The river is like a huge creature. After it disappointed Chu Feng endlessly, it also gave him the compensation for the true meaning of life!

Chu Feng didn't know how many places he had been to, or how much pain he had endured. In short, no matter how unbearable all this was, Chu Feng had already endured it!

The soreness of the limbs is not painful, even if the pain is real!

In short, after all this was over, Chu Feng successfully found the Thirteenth Lord who had fainted!

The Shisanye was reluctantly dragged ashore, and after some rescue, the Shisanye also woke up!

Due to the protection of the swallowing power, the river water did not choke into the lungs of the thirteenth master, but the long-term lack of oxygen made him temporarily "fainted"!

But now after Chu Feng's rescue, coupled with the supply of air from the shore, the Thirteenth Lord naturally woke up.

And when he woke up, the first word he said, it was help!

"Chu...Chu Feng, the rope is broken!"

The thirteenth master suddenly sat up from the ground, and he looked very haggard in shock!

"Are you OK?"

Chu Feng spent most of his physical strength, his face looked a little pale, but the thirteenth master was able to wake up, that was his greatest inspiration!

So even in this situation, he still "showed" a smile!

"Chu Feng, you saved me, right?"

The Thirteenth Lord asked with gratitude. Although he had already got the answer in his heart, he still blurted out this question, as if he had never thought about it!

Chu Feng smiled shallowly, with a strong reaction. It was already difficult for Chu Feng to express it anymore, so the smile at this moment was already considered an answer to the question of the Thirteenth Lord!

"Chu Feng, I am the one who caused you trouble! I know I shouldn't cause you trouble, but this rope is really beyond my expectations, and I don't know why, it suddenly broke!

And there was no sign before it was broken, and it turned out to be straightforward. I was caught off guard! "

The Thirteenth Master desperately explained what happened just now, and at this moment, he was a little unbearable in his heart for Chu Feng's drag!

However, now that the matter had happened, Lord Shisan knew that there was no way to redeem the matter, so he could only explain the matter in order to unite the common grievances in his heart.

Chu Feng sighed for a long time. He was exhausted physically and mentally, naturally, he was in a bad mood!

However, Chu Feng didn't mean to lose his temper to the Shisan Ye. After all, this matter was not deliberately done by the Shisan Ye!

Besides, Lord Shisan nearly lost his "life" just now. If you talk about the victims of this incident, Lord Shisan is more serious than Chu Feng!

Therefore, it is precisely because of this point that Chu Feng finally patted the thirteenth master gently on the shoulder, without saying too much!

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