Whimsical System

Chapter 1134: Tanuki in the cave

Chu Feng held the shoulders of the thirteenth master with one hand, and then continuously released the swallowing power around his body to the vicinity of the thirteenth master's body!

In the end, the swallowing power of the two combined with each other and gradually merged into a spherical swallowing network.

And under the protection of this swallowing power net, the thirteenth master could breathe freely under this water.

And the pressure in the water has no effect on him.

Compared with the Thirteenth Master, Chu Feng's situation is a bit more miserable.

Without the protection of swallowing power, in just a few minutes, Chu Feng's body began to crack, and the current encounter was something that Chu Feng had never experienced!

Even when he came here last time, under the protection of the red light, Chu Feng removed most of the water pressure!

But now that due to the full release of the swallowing power, Chu Feng has no way to do this, so what he can do is not only to resist all this with his own body!

The intense pain urges Chu Feng's brain nerves all the time, it is telling Chu Feng, don't be patient!

Swallowing power can protect him, and all this pain will always have a chance to end, as long as he is willing to do that!

It's just that Chu Feng didn't make this choice until the end. Even though he knew it could be solved by doing this, for the safety of the thirteenth master, he finally persisted to the end!

The two of them stayed at the bottom of the river gradually at an oblique angle.

The distant cave "acupoint" is separated from the two, so the position at this time is only a few tens of meters?

However, even at such a short distance, Chu Feng couldn't move it, because his body had already been destroyed to the extreme.

Under the scouring of the river, the blood has gradually turned into a light red "color", and even for a while, blood no longer oozes out of the flesh and blood.

The wound turned outward, and the wound had begun to whiten under the washing of the river.

In such a state, if he were to be an ordinary person, he would have already died!

If it wasn't because of Chu Feng, who had superb self-healing ability supporting his life, it is estimated that it would be difficult for him to escape this disaster!

The Thirteenth Lord is still under the protection of swallowing power, he has enough strength to help Chu Feng to the cave "acupoint"!

However, although the Thirteenth Lord has the ability to act, this matter is also not that simple!

Master Shisan step by step, gritted his teeth and dragged Chu Feng towards the cave's "acupoint", and finally Master Shisan did it.

Chu Feng had enough confidence in the Thirteenth Master, and the Thirteenth Master did not disappoint Chu Feng either.

The two of them lay at the entrance of the cave, panting heavily. After Chu Feng's wound got out of the river, he quickly healed!

And as the wound healed gradually, Chu Feng's body also began to continuously drain excess water.

Ten minutes later, the Thirteenth Master was able to barely stand up, and even though Chu Feng had fallen into a coma at this moment, his wounds were completely healed.

"Chu Feng...Chu Feng, are you okay?"

It was difficult for the Thirteenth Master to determine Chu Feng's condition at this time, so he could only subconsciously wake up Chu Feng to determine Chu Feng's condition.

auzw.com However, no matter how the Thirteen Lord called, Chu Feng showed no signs of awakening.

For this reason, the Thirteenth Lord didn't know what to do for a while, so he could only stand by his side, quietly waiting for Chu Feng's change!

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared beside Lord Shisan. The figure seemed to appear in an instant, and there was no trace at all!

"I saw him, he was here the last time! I didn't expect him to appear again. This is indeed an amazing thing!"

The mysterious figure suddenly said such a sentence, which directly scared Lord Shisan!

He suddenly got up again and took a few steps back, his eyes were mixed with fear, staring at the mysterious guy in front of him!

"When did you show up?"

The Thirteenth Lord was not in a hurry to ask who the person was. What he is most concerned about right now is how this person appeared behind him!

"I should ask you this question? When did you appear here? Who made you come!"

The mysterious guy has a tough attitude, and his tone of speech is slightly different from the previous one.

The Thirteenth Master frowned. At this moment, he probably realized the identity of the mysterious guy. He just faced the mysterious guy's question, but he didn't know how to answer it for a while!

"We come here naturally with our own reasons. Now it is not convenient for me to tell you. After my friend wakes up, you can ask him!"

Even after thinking about it for a long time, the Thirteenth Lord still did not come to an answer. In desperation, he had no choice but to push the problem to Chu Feng. At this time, Chu Feng had not yet awakened, so he forgave the mysterious guy, I can't do anything to him!

Sure enough, after he said these words, the mysterious guy didn't embarrass him any more, but waited for Chu Feng's awakening with him!

After a moment of silence, the Thirteenth Master suddenly asked on a whim: "Have you been here for a long time?"

The mysterious guy glanced at Lord Shisan, as if he wanted to see through Lord Shisan's mind, but in the end he didn't find anything.

"For a long time, I can't remember it myself, why are you asking this?"

Answer the question and add a rhetorical question at the right time. This is the characteristic of the mysterious guy's words!

"It's nothing, I just want to ask casually! By the way, do you have any way to make my friend wake up quickly?" Thirteenth asked again.

"I'm not good at saving people, and I don't like saving people! Even if I can save him, I don't want to do it!"

The mysterious guy refused the suggestion of Lord Shisan without even thinking about it, then he stood up again and disappeared into the depths of the cave after a pause!

Looking at the mysterious guy's back, Lord Shisan really didn't know what to say. He thought he didn't say anything wrong, but looking at the mysterious guy's appearance, it seemed that he was really offended!

"What a weird guy, with his temper, would it be difficult to ask him questions?"

The thirteen masters "exposed" a helpless sigh, and didn't say anything. At this time, Chu Feng was still in a coma, and all he could do was wait!

The waiting process was destined to be extremely boring, so when he was bored, he opened it easily and took out some dry food from the package to fill his stomach.

However, just as he was about to put the dry food into his mouth, the mysterious guy who had left in anger before suddenly appeared in front of the thirteenth master like a civet cat.

"what are you doing!"

Once again shocked by the mysterious guy, the mood of the thirteenth master gradually became intensified!

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