Whimsical System

Chapter 1135: A piece of dry food

"What are you holding? Is it food?"

The mysterious guy's eyes showed longing, and it seemed that his eyes could emit light at this time.

"What's wrong, what about food?"

The Thirteenth Lord didn't mean to give it to him, but he took the dry food in his hand, and then swayed it left and right in front of the mysterious guy, which was a bit seductive!

"I can't remember the taste of food anymore, can you let me taste it too?"

The mysterious guy didn't hide it at all. If he had any thoughts in his heart, he just said it directly.

"Do you want it? That's fine, but you have to wake him up for me first, otherwise, I'm afraid I can't give it to you!"

In the enquiry of the mysterious guy, Lord Shisan found an opportunity to take advantage of it, and he immediately used food as an exchange item to threaten the mysterious guy!

However, whoever thought of the mysterious guy actually agreed to the deal.

So, the moment he took the dry food, he stretched out one foot directly and stepped on Chu Feng's face.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Upon seeing this, Lord Shisan was immediately anxious. He never thought that the mysterious guy would use this method to wake Chu Feng.

However, it is worth mentioning that although the mysterious guy's technique is relatively rude, the final result is still in line with the wishes of the thirteenth master!

"Whose stinky feet stepped directly on my face!"

Chu Feng sat up from the ground with a grudge on his face. At present, there was still a footprint on his face, the red one seemed to be a stamp!

"Chu Feng, you finally woke up! Are you okay?"

Seeing Chu Feng awakened, Lord Shisan immediately leaned forward and asked.

Chu Feng grabbed a few hands on his face, and patted the dust from his face to the ground.

At this time, except for some swelling and pain on the face, other places have been healed as before.

"I'm fine, who stepped on me just now?"

Chu Feng was still worried about what happened just now. He was obviously about to wake up just now, but he was abruptly advanced by this sudden kick a few seconds!

And in these few seconds, Chu Feng felt the pain that he had never felt before!

"Although I shouldn't file a complaint, he did this! I just wanted him to help you wake up, but whoever thought he would do it directly!

But if you blame me, then I have no complaints, after all, this matter is indeed my order! "

As the Thirteenth Master said, he lowered his head, and his voice gradually weakened as he lowered his head!

"Nothing, you can't blame you for this thing, but this guy is too reckless!"

Knowing that the origin of this incident was Lord Thirteen, Chu Feng couldn't get angry anyway.


"He asked me to do it, and there is nothing wrong with what I did! You see, you are not awake now, you should still be thankful to me!"

The mysterious guy ate the dry food while speaking frankly!

Chu Feng looked at him, his anger almost rushed to his brows. Before, the two of them had a relationship. Originally, Chu Feng had a good impression of him, but now this good impression seems to disappear. Gone!

"It seems that you still think you are doing something right. You are right. I do think about it now, but do you know? Just a few seconds before you stepped on me, I was about to wake up..."

"If you want to wake up, don’t you still have to wake up! So I don’t think there is anything wrong with what I did. If you really think I’m doing something wrong, then I have nothing to say. Anyway, I gave everything and want to pay it back. It is basically impossible to go back..."

The mysterious guy interrupted Chu Feng's words directly, and then ate the dry food quickly while speaking vaguely.

Facing this situation, Chu Feng was a little confused. Even though he didn't care about the dry food, when the mysterious guy was holding dry food and was able to chew, he would inevitably be a little strange!

"You gave him this dry food?"

Chu Feng asked the Thirteenth in a low voice, and deliberately avoided the mysterious guy!

The Thirteenth nodded gently and said, "He said that he hasn't tasted food for a long time, so he wants to experience it!

In return for the experience, he wakes you up! "

"Just for the dry food, he easily agreed to your request?"

Listening to the answer of the Thirteenth Master, Chu Feng felt a little strange. The mysterious guy at the moment was the master who really mastered swallowing power in this palace.

But now, it is such a master who is obedient to the requirements of the thirteenth master directly for this small piece of dry food.

This is true, it is a bit surprising.

"Yes, it seems that he is very interested in this dry food, otherwise, he would not be like this!"

As the Thirteenth Master said, he pointed his finger at the mysterious guy who was gorging on the side. The current mysterious guy's eating appearance is indeed a bit inelegant, but as for the previous tastes, it seems a bit false!

"Haha... It's really interesting. It seems that we don't need to use any thoughts at all this time! As long as you have enough dry food in your backpack, then this matter can be easily solved!"

Chu Feng seemed to have found the fundamental way to solve the matter. Although he didn't say it directly at this time, it could be seen from his expression. At this time, he was already feeling complacent about his own method!

"Chu Feng, are you planning to use dry food to continue trading with him? Do you think this is possible? How do I feel that he would not be so willing to tell us about it!"

The Thirteenth Master had obviously guessed Chu Feng's thoughts. Therefore, he just had the current question.

"If you don't try, how do you know, in case this thing works! Look at him now, it is estimated that even if we give him all our dry food, he may not be able to enjoy it!

Now, he has tasted the sweetness, and if you supply him again, maybe even if you want to take him out of here, he will fully agree! "

Chu Feng had enough confidence in this method. Although this matter had not yet been implemented, he had already made up for the final result.

"Okay! Now that you have said that, let's give it a try!

However, I am afraid that I have to do this thing. As the so-called acquaintance is easy to talk to, I just made a deal with him, so I can be regarded as an acquaintance.

No matter what, at least he will not doubt me! "Thirteen Lords took the initiative to ask.

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