Whimsical System

Chapter 1141: Negotiations with Lao Chu

"Although there is still no guarantee for this matter, since you have said so, then I can take a risk. In addition, I also thought about it just now. If the dark side really wakes up, I am afraid that you are not willing He has the swallowing power, then he should be able to find it smoothly!

After all, the swallowing power originates from him. If he takes over the body, then when he releases the red light, the red light will naturally become the swallowing power, so even if I stop it, there is no Way to do it!

Therefore, it would be better to let you directly control the swallowing power, so that you have the ability to fight him. After all, he is your real enemy, and his enemy is also you! "

The words of the mysterious guy are extremely profound, but Chu Feng can hear him clearly. After all, he wants Chu Feng to stop the dark side, and don't let the dark side break through his shackles and occupy the body again!

And what the mysterious guy did at this time was just to enhance Chu Feng's ability, and if Chu Feng also had the ability to swallow, there would be no gap between Chu Feng and the dark side!

So if you look at this matter from a larger perspective, the mysterious guy did the right thing, at least it was his own choice, at least this matter was a great help to Chu Feng.

"Then what should I do specifically? Or should I ask, how can you help me?" Chu Feng asked.

"If you want to transfer the basic elements of one personality to another, the process is undoubtedly complicated, and it cannot be copied. However, it is not too difficult to do so, complicated , It's just a process!

And as long as you can broaden this process into reality, then the complexity will no longer be complicated! "

"What you said is too esoteric, I don't understand!" Chu Feng is very honest. What he doesn't understand is resolute. No matter how many hints he gives, he still doesn't understand it!

"Maybe what I said is more general, so it is normal if you don't understand, but if I bring this matter into the theory, you will naturally understand!

Now that you want to transfer the personality with swallowing power to your original personality, then fusion is definitely not enough, at least you have to transfer his ability completely.

Of course, this kind of migration can also be divided into half of the migration. For example, you can ask him to divide his abilities into half and give it to you, and then you can integrate them. In this way, he can not only protect himself but also Be able to attach this ability to you! "

After giving an example, Chu Feng probably understood the meaning, but when he understood it, he was worried.

"It sounds like this is indeed very feasible, but I don't know. If this is done, will it have any effect on the personality that has half the ability?" Chu Feng asked.

"This..." The mysterious guy seemed hesitant, and Chu Feng could almost guess from his expression that these things would definitely affect Old Chu. Otherwise, the mysterious guy didn't need to hesitate!

"Just speak directly, is the impact severe?"

Chu Feng was unwilling to let the mysterious guy continue to procrastinate, so he also revealed a state that he didn't really care about.

"There are natural effects. After all, ability division itself is a kind of damage, but this kind of damage is not impossible to recover, it just takes a certain amount of time!


I also know that each personality has his own ideas, so you may have to fight for this matter, and his consent can be!

However, I think this matter should not be too difficult. After all, since he is willing to have personality fusion with you, then the relationship between you and him must be very good!

So in such cases, he should be willing to pay for you! "

The mysterious guy only guessed a little, but missed the most important part.

Lao Chu is really willing to pay for Chu Feng. There is no doubt about this, but Lao Chu also has his own ideas. Although his contribution seems unconditional, he is actually doing it. Take a little bit of your own estimation.

If you do this, it will be of great benefit to him, and he will naturally not feel embarrassed or whatever.

But for him at the moment, it has an extremely dangerous element, not to mention that it is difficult for Chu Feng to speak out to persuade him, even if Chu Feng really wants to do this, would Lao Chu listen to Chu? Windy, then this is still an unknown!

"I can't help you directly in this matter. I can only tell you this way at the moment, and let your personality make the choice. If you can persuade him, it's naturally best, but if he is really If you are unwilling to follow your suggestions, then I am also helpless!"

The mysterious guy didn't tell Chu Feng, in fact, he still had a way to forcibly seize the ability.

Perhaps when the time was right, he would recommend Chu Feng to do so, but he was unwilling to take this approach before this matter reached that bad situation. After all, this is not a good thing. Let Chu Feng and himself In addition to harming Chu Feng, I am afraid that there will be no other good results!

"Let me ask him, I am not sure if he will agree to this matter!"

Chu Feng sighed for a long time. At this time, he was indeed in a bad mood. Although he hoped that Lao Chu could agree to his request, based on his understanding of Lao Chu, he could not be 100% Certainly, Lao Chu would willingly sacrifice for him.

So all he can do now is to try.

Everything around was quiet, and Chu Feng was trying to communicate with Old Chu, but just before, when Chu Feng was talking with the mysterious guy, Old Chu had always existed.

It's just that he didn't make any remarks, even though he was the protagonist in the conversation.

"Old Chu, I know this is very unfair to you, but I really need this ability, so I want to beg you to sacrifice!"

Chu Feng spoke extremely sincerely, and his voice trembled a little when he said certain words!

"You have made a decision, right?" Lao Chu's response was extremely calm, as if there was no emotional fluctuation.

"Old Chu, you should know that, in the face of certain problems, although I am more nervous in my heart, as long as I say things, they are basically the results I hope most, so at this time I can give you The answer can only be affirmative!" Chu Feng said.

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