Whimsical System

Chapter 1142: A condition

"I understand. I will help you with this matter. Since it is what you want, then I will do it the way you want, but you have to understand that you will always treat me in front of this matter. I owe something, not because I want to take advantage of others, nor is there any other idea I have, but I want you to remember that nothing can be obtained without effort, even if it is a gift from others. , The same is true!

So you have to do something for me. There is no border restriction on this matter. Of course, this will not harm your personal interests, but it only affects you alone!

As for the content of the matter, when I remember it in the future, I will tell you in detail that there is no time limit for this matter, and it will not end because of a certain event!

If you are willing to agree to this condition, then I will willingly give you half of my ability, so that you will always be swallowed!

How about it, in the face of this condition, can you still be as decisive as before? "

Lao Chu didn't mean to make trouble for Chu Feng, but what Lao Chu said at this time was indeed thought-provoking.

Chu Feng needs a certain amount of time to think about this issue. He doesn't know what conditions Lao Chu will propose, and all these will have a lot of effect in the future.

But under the current circumstances, the swallowing power that is about to be gained is even more tempting for Chu Feng, so after some ideological struggle, Chu Feng finally agreed, no matter what Lao Chu said, what is it? He didn't think too much about what he was thinking about.

At the moment swallowing power has occupied all his thoughts, no matter what he is thinking about, he can't let go of the swallowing power acquisition, it may be greedy mind, driving his mind crazy, so that he has no way to calm down. Come down.

"I promise you that no matter what time or what it is, as long as it does not harm my interests, I can do it for you, but there is only one thing!

After all, the design in this area is too extensive, and it may do something that I regret. So I must only limit the number of this thing, and you also said that there is only one thing to do, so for me The request is not excessive! "

While Chu Feng agreed to Old Chu, he suppressed the uncontrollable nature of this matter to the lowest possible level.

One thing can contain many aspects, but the number is limited, and as long as Chu Feng can reduce the risk of this matter as much as possible, then this requirement and this condition will not have such a lethal power!

"No problem, this was originally one of the conditions. Besides, I don't need too much for this kind of thing. After all, as long as one thing appears, it is enough to change my destiny!

According to Chu Feng's guess, Lao Chu must have thought of the content of the matter at this time, but he was not willing to tell Chu Feng.

It is because of the current unknown that it should be easier for Chu Feng to accept it, so it is a good idea not to tell Chu Feng!

It's just that Chu Feng was a little bit brooding about this matter, especially when he guessed that this matter might be unacceptable to him, he felt even more deceived.

It's just that since the matter is over, no matter what he is thinking, it is also useless.

Besides, Old Chu had already begun to divide his abilities, even if Chu Feng called to stop at this time, it was already too late!

auzw.com I don’t know why, Lao Chu seems to have a lot of unknown abilities. For example, at this time, Chu Feng has never touched the method of dividing abilities!

It was only then that Chu Feng suddenly realized that he had never known Lao Chu very much. Lao Chu had always hidden strength in front of him. Although this strength was not very noticeable, in this case, In this situation, what Old Chu did was enough to touch Chu Feng deeply.

"Take my abilities and improve yourself! My abilities will recover on your own, but it will take a certain amount of time, and during this time, I can still integrate with you, maybe even he is not Knowing that if after you get my ability, I merge with your personality, your strength will increase exponentially!

However, because you have my ability, the time for us to merge will be greatly shortened, but I am much more accurate than you in terms of this time!

So if there is a need, someone can help you, so you can maintain the same relationship as before. Although I know that you have changed your opinion of me at this time, I have not changed anything to you at all! "

After Lao Chu said the last sentence, he exchanged the entire home court into Chu Feng's hands, and at this time Chu Feng had already mastered Lao Chu's abilities.

And in this whole human process, what Chu Feng needs to do is to stay there motionless, quietly waiting for the arrival of all this, the occurrence of this matter, the appearance of this ending!


The swallowing power is transformed from the red light, that kind of majestic sense of power is really exciting!

Even at this time, Chu Feng's expression was not so optimistic, but the image he brought to people at this time was still so strong.

"Sure enough, the swallowing power brought by the depths of the personality is even stronger, and this is the swallowing power of the dark side!

It is no exaggeration to say that the swallowing power you have now, even if he uses flesh and blood to support it, there is no way to resist it!

After all, you two are not the same rank at all. In contrast, I don't know how many people want your swallowing power, but the world is unpredictable, and who can have such good luck! "

Facing Chu Feng's swallowing power, the mysterious guy's praise never stopped. At this moment, even Chu Feng saw the flickering light in his eyes.

Although it is not a greedy look, but the look of desire and demand still makes people feel a little scared!

"Now that I have his power, what should I do next? Should I get to the point of spawning too?"

Just when the mysterious guy was giving instructions to Lord Thirteen, Chu Feng also heard something meaningful.

Therefore, the current inquiry he made is quite in line with the normal channel, the theory used to increase swallowing power!

But at this time, the mysterious guy suddenly shook his head. It seems that this matter is not as simple as Chu Feng imagined!

Judging from the current situation, Chu Feng's method of improvement does not just stop at the point of generation!

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