Whimsical System

Chapter 1147: Silent atmosphere

"Chu Feng, it would be great if you can wake up!"

After Chu Feng awakened, the Thirteenth Master didn't know what to say. In short, there seemed to be nothing other than joy in his heart!

"Worry you! I was a bit reckless just now, but I don't know why I made such a decision. Maybe this is the purpose of my work!"

Chu Feng simply passed by, and did not discuss what happened just now. In fact, when he made that decision, it was not his entire idea!

It seems that one second before the decision was made, someone urged him in his ear, so that he could not judge this matter correctly at all!

And when he felt that various organs were desperately sucking blood, he suddenly realized how dangerous this matter was!

Although the danger has been completely freed from the danger at this time, and the Devouring Force has also been fully adapted to each generation point, Chu Feng is still afraid of this.

"Chu Feng, how do you feel now, is the coordination between the points still smooth?"

After Chu Feng had finished talking with the Thirteenth Lord, the mysterious guy also stepped forward and asked casually.

In the eyes of the mysterious guy, Chu Feng's current situation was not enough to worry too much.

Since there is no abnormal situation at all, it means that the various generating points have already been adjusted to each other!

As for how Chu Feng did it, the mysterious guy naturally didn't know, but he didn't seem to bother to ask for the answer!

After all, even if he knew it, it would be of no use. He was fundamentally different from Chu Feng!

Therefore, even if he understands this, it can only be used to tell other people in need later, and this is of no use to him at all!

On the other hand, when the mysterious guy asked Chu Feng this question, Chu Feng's answer was very simple.

With just two words, you can directly answer the mysterious guy's question.


Chu Feng had the meaning of cherishing the words like gold. Although these two words were enough to express the current situation, the mysterious guy still felt that Chu Feng was not very cooperative.

"You feel that you can do it! Although you are very adventurous, it is good, but there is no overwhelming, irreversible situation!

Now your swallowing power has indeed reached a level even stronger than mine! There is no doubt that in this palace, you have become a stronger power than me, but I don’t think this is permanent "sex". After all, you will leave one day, and when you leave here, I will pick up the throne again and become a master of devouring power again!

Unless you are willing to stay with me, if this is the case, then I can't compete with you! "

The words of the mysterious guy felt a little weird, and the answer he learned from his words seemed to drive Chu Feng away!

But the words he followed closely seemed to be deliberately stimulating Chu Feng to let him stay...

And the contradictory statements before and after are really not understood!

"I don't quite understand the meaning of your sentence. Do you want me to stay or do you want me to leave?"

And Chu Feng has a good habit of asking if he doesn't know it. When he felt that this matter was a bit weird, he directly asked the mysterious guy!


When the mysterious guy asked him, he was also confused, and in the end he just laughed a few times without explaining too much!

Chu Feng looked at the mysterious guy, and the thoughts "showing" in his eyes were really elusive!

"Chu Feng..."

The Thirteenth Lord called Chu Feng out of fashion, and then immediately attracted Chu Feng's attention.

"what happened?"

Chu Feng asked casually, but he seemed a little absent-minded.

"It's nothing, I just think that now our business has been done, shouldn't we also find a chance to leave?"

Chu Feng got a big bargain here. Compared with the thirteenth masters, this trip to the palace is indeed worth it!

"You haven't connected the swallowing power to the spawning point yet! Is it too early to leave now? Besides, my current swallowing power has not stabilized, or let's wait for a while! You should Aren't you very anxious?"

Obviously Chu Feng didn't mean to leave, so when he said this, the thirteenth master stopped and did not mention the topic of leaving!

It's just that if they don't plan to leave right now, what should they do next?

The Thirteenth Master didn't know exactly how Chu Feng considered it. Anyway, he felt that there was nothing else to do in this cave, except for a waste of time!

"Chu Feng, do you have any other plans?"

After some thoughts, Lord Shisan glanced at the mysterious guy first, and then asked Chu Feng.

Chu Feng was "confused" when asked by the Thirteenth Master, and he asked with his hands spread out, "Why are you asking that? I don't have any other plans. I just think it takes a while to rest!"

"Oh! That may be because I think too much, nothing!"

The Thirteenth Master answered very calmly, and then he said nothing!

The current atmosphere inevitably became a little embarrassing. The Thirteenth Lord didn't have too many words, and Chu Feng didn't mean to speak, only the mysterious guy was left alone, gnawing dry food boringly.

For the mysterious guy, the current environment is slightly better than when he was alone, but it is not much better!

What he hopes is that there will be many people discussing issues together, even if it is a random chat, it should be interesting!

And it's not. Everyone is silent like now, as if they are carrying secrets, afraid that others will know it!

There was a long silence, the mysterious guy had already eaten half of the dry food, and with tired lips and teeth, he was no longer willing to continue!

So, in this extremely quiet environment, he opened his mouth to break the current peace!

"Don’t you two have anything to say? It’s not that I don’t welcome you to stay here. It’s just that the "sex" of the two of you really makes me confused. As an outsider, you are not with me. The conversation is normal.

But since you are companions, why don't you communicate with each other? Is it because I am here? I think it should not be so exaggerated, right? "

The mysterious guy asked a lot of questions in a series. In fact, after he asked these questions, he himself didn't know what he wanted to express. Anyway, he was unhappy and wanted to vent!

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