Whimsical System

Chapter 1148: Out of the cave

"Does our silence also cause you trouble? I really don't know what we did wrong that would make you so excited!"

Chu Feng responded casually, not paying too much attention to it, but at this time the mysterious guy was still very excited!

"Maybe you should leave here, but it's not that I want to drive you away, but that you are simply not suitable for survival here!"

The mysterious guy simply wanted to rush Chu Feng away. Some words shouldn't be said directly, but the mysterious guy still said it!

"Chu Feng, people drove us away, are you still here?"

At this moment, Lord Shisan also seized the opportunity to persuade Chu Feng to leave.

But Chu Feng didn't mean to leave. Even after the dual proposal of the mysterious guy and the thirteenth master, he still didn't move!

"Are we going to leave when we leave? Doesn't it seem too shameful, I think it's better to stay for a while, at least to let the embarrassing atmosphere, after a while!"

The reason Chu Feng gave was indescribable enough. It was precisely because the mysterious guy drove them away that Chu Feng was reluctant to leave.

Because this will make Chu Feng feel that his face has lost in recent years, but if the mysterious guy doesn't drive them away, then Chu Feng will also not leave.

After all, Chu Feng had no intention to leave from the beginning, but if he made an analysis based on these two conditions.

That can also, very clearly understand Chu Feng's thoughts.

In short, whether it is driven by the mysterious guy or the mysterious guy is silent, Chu Feng will not have the idea of ​​leaving.

As for why Chu Feng did this, he didn't know, Chu Feng didn't say, and neither of them had any way to guess.

"Chu Feng, even if you don't want to leave, there is no problem! But you have to tell us, what do you want to do?

Could it be that you just want to stay here and not move? That would be too absurd! "

The Thirteenth Lord is not much different from the mysterious guy. The mysterious guy wants to drive Chu Feng and the two away, while the Thirteenth Lord advocates leaving and is not willing to stay here anymore!

In this way, the Thirteenth Lord and the mysterious guy have the same ideas, but they also have the same enemy Chu Feng!

"Thirteenth Lord, why are you so anxious? Don't you see that I am trying to fight for you! Now that your swallowing power has not yet established a connection with the point of generation, if we leave now, how about you? It's not about losing this opportunity!

You should know that I will not come with you a second time. Is it possible that you want to come by yourself next time? "

Under the question of the thirteenth master, Chu Feng finally gave a reason, which was actually the reason Chu Feng had just said.

And because it was difficult to convince the public, so it was ignored by the thirteenth master, but who had thought of Chu Feng, the purpose of staying is precisely because of this!

In this way, this matter is not for the thirteenth master. After all, Chu Feng did this for him, but he still tried every means to want Dai Chufeng to leave!

Thinking about it, it is indeed chilling.

"Chu Feng, I don't have to establish a connection this time! In addition, even without him, I can also establish a connection. You are now stronger than him!

If I want to establish a connection, I just ask you to help me! "

auzw.com The tone of the thirteenth master gradually became soothed, and he spoke kindly, without any impatience.

"Can I help you too?"

The suggestions made by the thirteenth masters were not considered by Chu Feng.

In fact, Chu Feng was indeed able to do this, but because his connection was established by a mysterious guy, he imperceptibly involved the mysterious guy with the establishment of the connection!

So much so that until this time, he still has not separated the mysterious guy from this layer!

And when he learned that he could also help Lord Thirteen, his previous thoughts of staying here disappeared instantly!

It turns out that everything is so simple, but the thirteenth master and the mysterious guy have not found the real reason...

Of course, this is also to blame Chu Feng, he didn't say clearly, if he explained this reason earlier, then the thirteenth master and the mysterious guy would not waste time in vain!

"Let's go, this is indeed not a long-stay place!"

This time, Chu Feng took the lead in advocating to leave. When the two were leaving, they left all the remaining dry food to the mysterious guy!

After all, the mysterious guy helped Chu Feng with such a big favor, so leaving a little bit of dry food as a thank you, it is naturally very appropriate!

Moreover, after leaving here, the two of them planned to leave the palace directly, so even if they kept dry food, it was just a vain burden!

Therefore, it is better to just stay, which can also reduce the burden on the road.

Once again, leaving the entrance of the cave and entering the river, the cool air in the river instantly invaded the bodies of the two. The Thirteenth Lord is still the same as before. Although he also mastered a lot of theoretical knowledge, he has never put it into practice after all!

So if he wants to leave here, he still needs Chu Feng's assistance.

Compared with before, Chu Feng's ability has improved a lot, at least in protecting the thirteenth master, he has been able to do nothing.

The majestic swallowing power radiated from Chu Feng's body, and soon a protective circle was formed around the thirteenth master.

In this protection circle, the Thirteenth Lord can not only be completely isolated from the river, but also can breathe and move freely in this protection circle.

However, his movement is restricted to a certain extent.

Moreover, this protective circle was originally composed of swallowing power, although it was protecting the life of the thirteenth master at the moment.

But if the Thirteenth Lord does not pay attention to it, it will also cause damage to the Thirteenth Lord!

Therefore, basically from the moment Chu Feng gave the thirteenth master's protection circle, the thirteenth master had already fixed an action and stopped in the protection circle!

It wasn't until the two of them left the water one by one that Lord Shisan dared to make the next move.

"Huh~ I finally came out, this trip has exhausted me!"

The protection circle dissipated, and the thirteenth master hovered on the water, taking a deep breath, as if he had just experienced life and death.

"Do you think you want to pose like this? I didn't make you suffer!"

Chu Feng was not angry, and turned to the thirteenth master. Although he had no other thoughts at this time, the current disdain he showed was true enough!

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