Whimsical System

Chapter 1152: Thirteenth's decision

"I don't know what kind of mentality you said this sentence. In short, this matter was all because of you. If it wasn't because you deceived and arrested John and the others, then how could I have caused so much trouble? It's coming!

If you want to deny this, then you have to explain to me first, why are you deceiving John them! "

The bloated guy's defense made Chu Feng a little irritable. If the bloated guy had admitted to this matter from the beginning and told the reason, it would not be enough to make Chu Feng angry.

But who knows that there is a kind of guy who just didn’t do this, and he felt that everything he did was reasonable and there was nothing wrong with it, so this also led to Chu Feng’s reaction to the bloated guy’s words. fierce!

"I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t understand what you mean by cheating on John. I haven’t seen them. Since we parted, I’ve been busy with my own business. Do you think I’m really Do you have time to take care of them? Stop joking, I am very busy!"

The bloated guy "shows" an ignorant watch. It seems that he hasn't done this before. At least from the way he showed it, he didn't mean to panic!

It's just that if it wasn't the bloated guy who did it, who did it? Convulsions, I really don't know who else can do this thing. After all, he doesn't have any opponents or enemies in this space, and the only one who knows them is the bloated guy!

So the bloated guy must be inseparable from this matter, otherwise it would be a bit contrary to common sense!

"You said you haven't deceived them. Then who did this thing? You should know that we just came here. No one knows our existence except you!

Just after you left, some people did this series of things mainly against us. Do you think this matter will have nothing to do with you? I don’t believe it anyway! "

Chu Feng didn't rush to refute the bloated guy's words, he just displayed the current happenings in front of the bloated guy one by one, and let him do this analysis by himself!

The bloated fellow suddenly fell silent. At this moment, his silence came very suddenly, and no matter how he looked at it, it seemed to have something to do with what Chu Feng said!

I just don't know, what the bloated guy is thinking about.

"Don't think that you can solve the problem without speaking. I tell you that silence will only bring you endless pain. If you are smart enough, you should speak!"

The bloated guy was silent and couldn't help making Lord Shisan feel dull.

So he immediately issued such a warning, and its devouring power was just about to move. If some kind of guy refuses to speak for a while, then he might have to use this devouring power to act on a kind of The guy is on it!

“I’m not unwilling to say anything, I’m just thinking, this is definitely not what I did, and I can assure you! As for who is targeting you, I’m afraid this matter really has something to do with me. It’s just that I don’t know when I provoke them to the extent that it involves you!"

The bloated guy spoke again, but a great mystery was involved!

At present, just a word from the bloated guy is enough to make people feel the complexity of this mystery.

If even the bloated guy doesn't know who he is accidentally provoking!


Then how could Chu Feng know the truth of this incident! Moreover, he didn't know the world very well, so this incident directly fell on the thirteenth master. After all, the various things that are happening now are not just Chu Feng alone.

As the owner of the mansion, Lord Shisan must be responsible for what happened in the mansion on the one hand, and on the other hand, he must also fulfill the promise made by Xiang Chufeng before!

So when the bloated guy raised this key point, he also directly asked this question!

"We have time to study this matter, you don't have to worry, you can slowly sort out your thinking! Now you tell me first, when you just come back, who knows your existence!

And, you told anyone about Chu Feng and the others. As long as you can figure this out, you can find clues! "

The thirteenth master's thinking was clearer, and Chu Feng also felt that it was more correct to do so, but the next sentence from the bloated guy directly destroyed the thirteenth master's thinking.

"In this world, some people don't need to ask, they can also learn some things, especially those with ulterior motives, they will use this ability to sell information!

If you include the characters in this area, I am afraid that with your current strength, there is no way to make a thorough investigation!

Therefore, if it is out of the right way of thinking, perhaps I will persuade you to give up, after all, you have not lost anything now, and Chu Feng and the others have not suffered any harm!

If you think all this is because of me, then I can give you a certain amount of compensation. Although I am a little unwilling, but you can also completely, as this has never happened, after all, I do have a certain responsibility. exist! "

Don't know why, the bloated guy suddenly became responsible for this matter, as if he had made an extremely important decision at a certain moment.

Give up part of the benefits, and then come to redeem or hide some things!

Moreover, there are speculations about these aspects, the Thirteenth Lord and Chu Feng both had corresponding feelings at the same time!

"This matter is quite special. I am afraid that you alone have no way to fully bear all this!

So I have to investigate this matter just to find the truth, but also to fulfill the promise I made to Chu Feng before! "

However, before Chu Feng could respond, the Thirteenth Lord answered in advance, and from his expression and language, it can be seen that he didn't tell Chu Feng on purpose!

All these words are exactly what the Shisanye thinks in his heart. It’s just something that Chu Feng can’t figure out. Why did the Shisanye make such a big decision for himself, if it’s just for Chu Feng to help him connect. At this point, this does not seem to be enough to reach such a serious degree!

Therefore, just after the thirteenth master said these words, Chu Feng's gaze fell on him subconsciously, and he didn't mean to move for a long time!

"Chu Feng, what do you always stare at me for?"

Later, because the thirteenth master was a little "hairy" in his heart when Chu Feng saw it, he casually made such an inquiry.

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