Whimsical System

Chapter 1153: Self-evident innocence

"Nothing, I just feel that the image of you in my mind suddenly seems to grow taller! Before in my impression, I had never felt that you would have such a courage, but today I have a new vision understanding!"

Chu Feng said half jokingly, the meaning of which was not obvious, he just wanted to take this opportunity to encourage the thirteenth master!

In their current conversation, the bloated guy on the other side felt a little lack of presence!

"Hey, don't you two treat me as if I don't exist? We haven't finished talking about this just now, why did we suddenly get involved in other topics?"

The dissatisfaction of the bloated guy made Chu Feng a little funny, but after his inquiry, Chu Fengdao also had a little trust in the bloated guy.

If this thing is really done by a bloated guy, then he will definitely avoid it, instead of actively discussing it like this one!

But since the bloated guy has already pulled this topic back, then Chu Feng and the Thirteenth Master will naturally return to the subject.

Therefore, the thirteenth master immediately responded: "It looks like you are very anxious. Could it be that you have already considered how to explain it?"

It seems that after a turn of his face, the Shisanye returned to the previous state. The content they discussed before has been counted. In the eyes of the Shisanye, the bloated guy is the culprit, and what he is waiting for is the bloated guy confessed!

"I have already said that I did not do this thing, why do you think it is me? Is it because I didn't say it clearly enough!"

The bloated guy couldn't help but feel a little distressed. Because he thought this matter had already come to light, but whoever thought of the Thirteenth Lord was so forgetful!

In just a few tens of seconds, he had already forgotten this matter.

But now, he really didn't know where to start with this matter, after all, there was no clue at all, except that he was the main flash point, there were basically no clues at all.

However, in the eyes of Lord Shisan, as long as they can grasp the line of the bloated guy, it will be enough to involve the whole incident!

It's just that they haven't found the best and effective way yet, so it will take some time!

"It’s not that what you said was not clear enough, but that what you said was not persuasive enough. I also know that this matter may not have been done by you, but at the moment we have the conditions and the evidence we have all point to you alone. , Unless you can prove your innocence, or involve this suspicion on another person, otherwise, we have no reason to doubt other people!"

The words of the Thirteenth Lord are enough to make people lose confidence. Judging from the current situation, the bloated guy has no choice.

But now it is under the "force" of the thirteenth master, and he has nowhere to escape. In desperation, he can only choose to follow the thirteenth master's suggestion and put this suspicion out temporarily. As far as I can think of, this is only a handful of people!

"Well! Now that you have identified me, I can only save myself!

auzw.com When Chu Feng and the others came here, I also told some people about it, but it was mainly because Chu Feng could help me in the future, so I just stayed with them for the time being. There is a data for Chu Feng!

If this thing was done by those people, it would still be excusable, after all, they have the information of Chu Feng!

What they just don't understand is that what they have now is only the information of Chu Feng alone, and as for anyone other than Chu Feng, they basically know nothing!

Therefore, this matter will be somewhat incomprehensible. "

Although the bloated guy is proving his innocence, in fact what he said is more like an analysis. He is verifying all kinds of people who may do this thing, but in the end he is proving his innocence for others, because in In many cases, they have no way to do this, so the bloated guy can't connect this matter with everything that Chu Feng has encountered!

And until the end, the bloated guy only gave some analysis data. As for the final conclusion, there is no definite result at all!

"You have said so much and done so much analysis, but how do I feel that you are trying to eliminate suspicion for others? Do you really want to push this matter to yourself, and then save the rest? person?

If you want to do this, then I would advise you that it is not necessary, because you only need to admit it yourself, then this matter will be over! "

The Thirteenth Lord was a little impatient, and the bloated guy said a lot, but they were basically worthless things.

If all of these things are tied together forcibly, then it can indeed be integrated into a clue, but this clue is too far-fetched, so in the eyes of Lord Shisan, such a clue is useless. !

"How could I defend them? If they really have this motive and meet the conditions, I can't wait to confess them right away in order to save myself!

But now I really have no way to screen out such a suitable candidate, until you want me to wrong one person casually?

I don't think I should do this, and even if I do it, it is of no use, because as long as you investigate, you can verify his true identity and his specific situation!

Then you will think that in order to protect myself, I am identifying others indiscriminately!

Until then, I’m afraid I don’t have to say it, you will subconsciously think that all of this is my own proposition, and I am the culprit, and the reason why I confessed those people is just to disperse Your attention!

If the matter really progresses to this level, I am afraid that there is no need for you to interrogate me again. It is estimated that I can be convicted in private and then executed!

I know that your strength is very strong, and I am not your opponent, but no matter how strong you are, you have no choice but to harm me without proving my guilt!

Therefore, at the moment, I must take this matter seriously, whether it is to save my "life" or to find the answer for you, I must be cautious about this matter!

At the same time, I also hope that you can have the same thoughts as me, and don't be too eager, otherwise, this matter may not be so easy to solve! "

The bloated guy said solemnly, as if he really wanted to take this matter seriously!

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