Whimsical System

Chapter 1154: Black swallowing power

"Listen to your words, come up with one set after another, just like the lines you prepared in advance.

But what you said has some truth, maybe I should also adopt your suggestion, but before I adopt your suggestion, I have to consider whether what you said is true or not! "

The Shisanye analyzed the response of the bloated guy, and in the analysis of the Shisanye, the words of the bloated guy had so much credibility!

It's just that if the matter is cut from a normal angle, the thirteenth master thinks that this matter should be solved by themselves, and can't just listen to the advice of the bloated guy!

After all, the bloated guy also has a certain amount of suspicion. Even if he wants to prove his innocence, who can really prove that the bloated guy is innocent!

"Thirteenth Lord, maybe they can try to believe him. When he brought us here before, there was nothing unusual about it!

In addition, if he really did that matter, it means that he had planned this matter from the beginning, and even before we were here, he had already begun to plan this matter!

If all this is true, it can only be said that he has the power of an unknown prophet, otherwise how could he know that he would meet us! "Chu Feng analyzed.

"Hahaha...Chu Feng, you look at me too high, I don't have that strength, I just wanted to stay there before, and didn't want to go anywhere!

It’s just that your sudden appearance disrupted all my plans, so I was forced to leave. If you didn’t enter there, then I would never have the idea of ​​bringing you here. !

So I never planned anything in advance, including I brought you here. It was just a question I asked on a whim, and I never thought you actually have this idea!

Therefore, I also agreed to this matter. Now that I brought you here, I did cause a big trouble for me. To say it, I really regret it. I knew I shouldn’t have brought you here. I hope you can help me with something, but whoever thought of you has become my enemy! "

The bloated guy was full of resentment, as if everything was Chu Feng owed him, even now, Chu Feng was the real victim!

"Well, now, don't discuss who is right and who is wrong. The most important thing right now is how to solve this matter!

You say that you have nothing to do with this matter, but you can't produce evidence, then this matter is somewhat difficult!

Maybe you should use your brains and think about other ways instead of putting all your ideas on this. Just now you said that some people can guess what others are thinking even if they don't need to know it!

Then I ask you now, in this world, how many people have this ability? "

The question of the Thirteenth Lord actually asked the important point. Those special people who can penetrate the minds of others at will indeed have the ability to understand everything. If these people can really be found, they may be able to find some clues among them!

Only when the Thirteenth Lord asked this question, the bloated guy began to pretend to be deaf and dumb again, as if he had realized that he had said the wrong thing, so he wanted desperately to remedy it, but it was too late at this time. !

"You don't have to hide anything, as long as you want to prove your innocence, then you shouldn't do it unless you are confused!"

And the more the bloated guy concealed it, Lord Shisan felt that this matter became more and more problematic, so in the end, Lord Shisan directly began to "force" ask!

auzw.com "It seems that if I don't help you, there is no way you can speak. Why not let you see how powerful the swallowing power is!"

While speaking, Master Thirteen condensed the swallowing power to the position of his arm, and then slightly raised his right hand to fully concentrate the swallowing power in his palm.

The light produced by the swallowing power has a variety of colors, and what appears at this time is black.

Seeing the appearance of this "color", Chu Feng suddenly realized that the thirteenth master was just to frighten the bloated fellow!

Because the damage caused by the black "color" swallowing power is only about one-tenth of the normal swallowing power, so even if this swallowing power is completely invaded into the body of the bloated guy, it will not cause Yong Yong The guy died.

At most, it's just painful and unstoppable!

Therefore, when the Thirteenth Lord did this, Chu style did not stop any action!

Watching the swallowing power gradually "approach" to the bloated guy, the bloated guy also subconsciously clenched his fists. At this time, he seemed to want to forcibly resist the swallowing force to block his mouth!

It's just that the rumors of Devouring Power are really amazing, so even if he has already made a decision in his heart, when Devouring Power really comes before his eyes, he is still a little too nervous!

"Give you one last chance. If you can grasp it, then I can take back your punishment for you!"

Just when the swallowing power was about to enter the body of the bloated guy, the thirteenth master gave the bloated guy another chance, but this time the bloated guy seemed very determined.

Even if the opportunity was in front of him, he still gritted his teeth in silence!

As a result, the power of swallowing entered the body of the bloated guy without any accident!

When the tingling and unbearable sensation instantly penetrated into the brain, the bloated guy could no longer resist.

I saw that his whole body began to tremble, and it seemed that all his actions had no longer obeyed the commands of his brain.

And with the swallowing power, the madness spread in the body of the bloated guy, and the bloated guy gradually became quiet!

It's just that the silence at this time is more like a coma, if no one speaks to wake him up, I don't know how long he will fall asleep!

"Help him take out the swallowing power! Although the swallowing power you are currently using is not enough to kill him, if the swallowing power acts on his body for a long time, it will also affect his body. Trauma that is difficult to recover!

At present, we just want to know the truth, so we won't be able to achieve this level! "

Chu Feng persuaded the Thirteenth Lord to take the swallowing power out of the bloated fellow. Chu Feng did not do this out of kindness.

He just felt that there was no need to do this thing so decisively. In case of a bloated fellow and a backer to rely on, then they would undoubtedly cause a big trouble for themselves!

Therefore, in order to avoid such troubles, Chu Feng feels that it is better to be more cautious in this matter!

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