Whimsical System

Chapter 1165: Devouring Cloud

"Is this the image with the strongest swallowing power? I'm sure they are definitely not as strong as you, presumably they will be in the same mood as mine now, a little panicked while shocked!"

The bloated guy kept telling his thoughts. The current situation really shocked his heart. Chu Feng's ability had completely exceeded his imagination.

At this time, I even thought that the power of devouring was the most powerful, and it turned into a white "color", but in fact all of this was due to the beads.

Without the blessing of beads, the light of Devouring Power definitely cannot be pure white "color", but the power of Devouring is indeed the lighter the "color", the greater the power, and like the black used by the previous thirteenth Lust swallowing power is the weakest one.

If not, when swallowing power enters the body of the bloated guy. I'm afraid, the bloated guy has long since died because of the devouring power!

"You can slowly be shocked here. I don’t need your help in the next time. I will settle them. You just need to introduce their abilities to me. As long as you can grasp the opportunity, tell everyone’s abilities. Me, then none of them will be my opponent!"

The self-confidence revealed in Chu Feng's words is naturally unparalleled. With the blessing of swallowing power, the bloated guy is also full of confidence in Chu Feng!

He nodded solemnly, and then stared at the guys who were about to rush forward but hesitated.

The three with invisibility abilities are standing at the corner of the crowd. They hope to be protected by others, although they have strong invisibility abilities.

But other than that, they are no different from ordinary people.

So if their whereabouts are "exposed", then it is naturally very easy for Chu Feng to solve them, but with the protection of so many people, the main peak wants to "sex" solve three of them at once, naturally. It's not easy.

After Chu Feng’s swallowing power radiated out, it condensed into a cloud in the air. Chu Feng did not move his position. He just "fuck" the swallowing power to break through everyone's obstacles, and then solve the problem. Three guys who might threaten him.

When the power of swallowing was in the air and turned into an arc to pass through the crowd, many people wanted to reach out to block and resist, but the final result was just to turn those blocking people into ashes one by one!

It's just that, although the power of swallowing created a great shock, with the continuous emergence of obstacles, the continuous "sex" of the power of swallowing is also declining!

As a result, in the end, the power of swallowing had not passed through half of the crowd, and had disappeared without a trace.

And in the process of disappearing this way, it directly took away the lives of six people!

"Chu Feng, the swallowing power has disappeared!"

When the swallowing power disappeared, the bloated fellow seemed even more nervous than Chu Feng.

That kind of feeling is as if the foundation on which he depends for survival has been destroyed, and the eagerness in his heart can hardly be described in words!

"Don't be nervous, do you see the swallowing clouds above our heads? I can continue to let the swallowing power break out, but I want to see how many "life" they can block!"

Chu Feng stretched his finger to the top of his head, the cloud condensed by the swallowing force, while comforting the bloated guy, the corner of his mouth was drawn with a smile.

auzw.com At this moment, Chu Feng is full of confidence, even if the devouring power is constantly being consumed, it is not an important thing to Chu Feng!

The devouring power like the one just now, as far as Chu Feng's devouring power reserve at this moment is concerned, it is nothing more than nine cows!

And just such a small amount of inconspicuous swallowing power directly took away six enemies!

For Chu Feng, the current effect is basically a sure thing to win!

No matter how many people there are, there is no way to compete with Chu Feng's devouring power, unless they ignore their "life" until they consume Chu Feng's devouring power completely, otherwise their fate will be the same. So, it's over!

"It's really too strong, now I'm a little scared, why did I be your enemy in the first place? Fortunately, I made peace with you again, otherwise I am now one of them!"

When the bloated guy said praise Chu Feng, it can be said to be more and more handy. Perhaps some of it really came from his heart, but Chu Feng really did not want to believe it at all, even if such praise is very comfortable. .

But Chu Feng knew that when a person was in a comfortable environment, the danger would be closer to him.

Therefore, even if the bloated guy is telling the truth, he would rather not listen to it!

Anyway, all of this has nothing to do with him, even if the protagonist is him, it is also useless!

The power of swallowing was glowing with white light, flashing out one after another, the enemies in the distance were staring at the white light nervously, and there was a look of horror in their eyes!

But even so, the group of people who came out earlier are still scrambling to stop the white light and sacrifice!

Looking at the situation in front of him, Chu Feng couldn't help but sigh. He had never thought that some people would sacrifice their lives voluntarily for the benefit of the collective.

At this moment, he was not only asking himself, if it were him, could he do this, but in the end he shook his head, he couldn't do it.

At least for now, he has no way to sacrifice himself for the sake of the collective. Maybe he is a selfish person, but sometimes it is not a bad thing to be selfish. At least he can save his "life"!

The swallowing cloud became smaller and smaller, and eventually disappeared, and when the last white light disappeared among the crowd, the number of enemies that Chu Feng faced had been reduced by more than half.

That's right, it was just a swallowing cloud, which directly took the lives of dozens of people!

Fortunately, the current situation is not **** enough. The power of Devouring Force is powerful enough to be touched and turned into ashes directly.

So at this time, apart from some black "color" powder on the ground, there was nothing else.

It's just that the current situation is getting worse and worse with the disappearance of the swallowing cloud. The three people who can be invisible are also directly showing their whereabouts!

Even though Chu Feng's actions were so shocking, they didn't seem to be afraid anymore at this moment.

Because the devouring resources have disappeared, in their opinion, Chu Feng's devouring power has basically been exhausted, so Chu Feng has naturally become a guy without danger!

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