Whimsical System

Chapter 1166: Debilitating acting

But they couldn't think of it anyway, for Chu Feng, the Devouring Cloud only accounted for one-tenth of his overall reserve!

With the current strength of Chu Feng, letting him condense seven and eight Devouring Clouds, there is no problem at all.

But at this moment, Chu Feng was unwilling to do this, because he had already guessed what his opponent thought.

Now that the opponent thinks that he has no power to swallow, and he has relaxed his vigilance, he naturally has no need, and he will start to freak out, making the current situation tense!

So he simply, really like losing the power of swallowing, gradually became weakened, and even his weak illusion, even the bloated guy next to him was deceived!

"Chu Feng, are you okay?"

The "color" of the bloated guy's face looks very bad. His current spiritual pillar is Chu Feng. If Chu Feng falls, then he will also collapse!

So when Chu Feng gradually showed a weak expression, he naturally became nervous.

Chu Feng waved his hand gently, but he still looked frail!

"Are you really okay? But I think you look really worried, maybe your devouring power has been exhausted?"

After all, the bloated guy asked this question. Even though he knew this question was very sensitive, he still asked Chu Feng in order to know the answer.

No words were spoken this time, and there was no response, as if time had stopped suddenly.

And the more Chu Feng was like this, the bloated guy became more worried, because this situation was too abnormal. After all, Chu Feng was still awe-inspiring to release the swallowing power last second, but at this time Chu Feng suddenly collapsed On the ground, frail.

If this reason is not due to the power of swallowing, then what can it be?

Therefore, even though Chu Feng did not tell the bloated guy the answer at this time, he still knew the truth!

"Chu Feng, otherwise let's run away, I'll take you away, maybe I can escape, after all, the shock you caused them just now should still exist!

In addition, I don't believe that your devouring power has reached a state of exhaustion. If you still have something left at this time, then it is better to save it for our escape! "

Even without knowing it, the bloated guy didn't overthrow this renunciation of Chu Feng, but Chu Feng fell to the ground, which caused a great blow to the bloated guy.

At the very least, he is now gone, the courage to fight the enemy, and watching the enemy step by step "approaching" him, his heart almost jumped to his throat.

He had never experienced this kind of crisis in his life, and Chu Feng easily eliminated dozens of people.

But now, they rushed to the dozens of dead companions, and they would definitely let Chu Feng and the bloated fellow die without a place to bury them.

Therefore, when the bloated guy thinks of this place, it is a direct cold sweat.

This is not difficult to imagine, and it is also a very certain thing. The bloated guy just wants to escape now. If possible, it is best to take Chu Feng to escape with him. After all, Chu Feng's strength is obvious to all.

auzw.com And if Chu Feng really can't take it with him, the bloated guy can only abandon Chu Feng and leave alone!

Everyone has selfish thoughts, and the bloated guy has this kind of thinking, so he can't be blamed. After all, the current situation really prevents him from reaching that kind of awe-inspiring state!

And when the bloated guy persuaded Chu Feng to leave, their opponent had already shaken off the deterrence of the swallowing power and launched an offensive against them.

In an instant, the colorful colors and colors condensed in the mid-air, and everyone is displaying their abilities, whether it is flames, thunder and lightning or floods, various colors and abilities, enough Dazzling "chaos"!

The bloated guy had never thought that the crisis would come so quickly. He originally thought that everything was not so fast, and he still had a chance to leave.

But now he suddenly realized that wanting to escape is simply an impossible thing.

Unless at this moment, he has the same ability as Chu Feng, otherwise he will never have a chance to survive.

And just when the bloated guy thought he was about to die, Chu Feng, who had collapsed to the ground, suddenly stood up.

The dazzling white light exploded at that moment. Chu Feng collided with two swallowing clouds in one go.

And the explosion effect brought about by this collision is to directly clear the colorful colors, and also throw out a swallowing force, and penetrate along the colorful roots. .

As a result, more than a dozen people collapsed to the ground in an instant, although they did not disappear and burn ashes like those guys before.

But their situation at this time is also extremely painful. The blood is spraying out like a spring, and the blood is steaming, just like the boiling water.

"Chu Feng, you..."

Facing Chu Feng's counterattack, the bloated guy didn't know what to say at this moment. At this moment, he was shocked and happy. Thousands of words stuck in his throat, but he didn't know how to speak!

"I just led them to the bait deliberately. If they don't make a move, how can I know who is the one with the real powerful ability!"

Chu Feng said with a smile, the deception just now directly caused him to eliminate nearly 70% of the ability.

Among them, that includes the three troublesome guys with stealth ability.

Today, except for some mediocre opponents who can only be used as shields, there are only opponents who truly master the power of devouring!

Of course, in addition to these opponents who mastered the power of swallowing, those guys who were good at detecting the opponent's psychology naturally escaped.

After all, they can accurately guess Chu Feng's thoughts, so no matter what kind of deception the punishment is, it won't work for them at all.

It’s just that the time when things happened was so fast that they could only dodge on their own, and couldn’t tell others about the incident. As a result, they could only save their lives, but they couldn’t save them Own companion.

Now that the real opponents finally surfaced, Chu Feng had a hint of interest in his heart facing those opponents who had always hidden their strength but never showed.

I have to say that this is indeed an exciting thing. In this world, Chu Feng has never encountered an opponent in terms of swallowing power.

Even in the palace, Chu Feng won the title of that person, but now, when so many opponents with devouring power appear all of a sudden, it is no wonder that Chu Feng is excited.

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