Whimsical System

Chapter 1168: Twist time

"Do you want to be my opponent? I am afraid that the strength is not enough. No one can leave anyone out of my hands!

My time warping ability will be enough to make anyone unable to catch up. I can go back to the time in the past. This is not a joke! "

Bach has enough confidence in his abilities. In fact, when he says he can go back to the past, I seem to be talking about a very ordinary little thing.

But it was such a trivial matter that suddenly made Chu Feng feel a little uneasy.

If Bach can really go back to the past time, then this might be somewhat different from speed.

After all, no matter how fast a person is, there is no way to travel through time and space.

Because time and space and speed are originally two concepts, if the bloated guy tells himself that he can go back to the past time through time and space, there seems to be some credibility, but what Bach said now really makes Chu Feng new to doubt " Confused".

But even if he was "confused", he didn't dare to let Bach do "fuck" easily, because if Bach really brought the bloated guy back to the past time, this matter would become a little complicated. .

Even, he might change the time in the past, so as to affect everything that is happening now!

However, if this is really the case, then Chu Feng has another guess.

If Bach can really reverse time and return to the past years, is the place he returned really the world now?

This is an uncertain factor, because there are many speculations about traveling through time and space.

Although Chu Feng does not have this ability, he can still imagine and guess based on the current knowledge he knows!

And now he agrees with a view that is the parallel world. If it is really time to return to the parallel world, then this will not have any impact on the current world, but if Bach really returns to the parallel world Past, and kill there, words of bloated guy!

Then Chu Feng probably couldn't find another kind of guy, even if he wanted to save him, there was no way at all.

So when Chu Feng thought of this, he decided to stabilize Bach first, and don't let him be too impulsive!

"You let him go first. I don't want him to die in front of me, nor do you want you to kill him. This is a very simple thing, but your impulse makes these things happen. It is getting more and more complicated. If you kill him, not only will there be no way to solve the current problem, but it may cause even greater disaster!

I believe you are definitely not willing to let all your subordinates die. After all, you have worked so hard until now. You must have spent a lot of work. If all these things cease to exist in a blink of an eye, then this must be for you. A loss!

So maybe we can have a good chat, at least we can understand what the situation is like!

How about it, you should still be able to accept my suggestion, after all, I didn't let you lose anything! "

Chu Feng took the initiative to save the bloated guy. This moved the bloated guy, but at this time, his neck was being pinched, and the blood flow had made his head a little unclear, so even if he had something It is not easy to express emotions!

"Do you think I will agree to your terms? Or I should ask if you already have a little fear of me, so you want to beg me not to do it?"


Bach could see through Chu Feng's mind, and he also said this sentence directly, but Chu Feng naturally would not admit it, even if all of this is true.

But he will still pretend to be ignorant, and will not say any nonsense too much.

"I didn't beg you, I just don't think it's worth it. He is not that important to me, but I don't want him to die, just like your subordinates. Do you want them to die? Just in this situation, when you can save them, will you give up?"

Chu Feng's questioning did have a certain meaning, at least he was able to make Bach think about this question for himself.

"Okay! Although our relationship has reached an unreconcilable level, I am still willing to promise you this condition. After all, you and I can control each other's handle. You have killed so many of my men. And I can only control him at this time, so this matter is very unfair to me, but as long as I can firmly control him, it can stop you from moving! "

After Bach said these words, he walked away from Chu Feng's side, and the bloated fellow was also taken away with Bach's departure!

The bloated fellow followed Bach's side, his face "come" slightly improved, no longer as pale as before.

It seems that Bach is not exerting force, perhaps he is also worried that he will really choke the bloated guy, and let him lose the only handle that can restrain Chu Feng.

"Talk about your thoughts, what do you want to do?"

Bach didn't say a word of nonsense, he went straight to the subject when he opened his mouth.

"I hope you can go back with me. I am not trying to arrest you, I just want to investigate one thing clearly!"

At this moment, Chu Feng felt that this matter didn't seem to be that important anymore, because it was obviously inferior to the previous struggle.

It's just that this is the purpose of his trip, so this thing must be done anyway.

Therefore, he just told the truth directly!

"Investigate what matters and make it clear?"

Before Chu Feng explained everything, Bach was not in a hurry to make a decision!

Because at this moment, he doesn't even know whether his subordinates have done what Chu Feng said.

Therefore, we must make sure, and then make an appropriate decision based on the outcome of the matter!

"Before, my friends were taken into the mansion and imprisoned! Their purpose is not clear to me. It's just that we encountered this kind of thing when we just came here. I'm very curious about who it is that has such a leisurely mind. !

After this period of investigation, there are many spearheads directed at you. Because this matter seems to have a lot to do with those of you who can spy on the minds of others, so I want to come to you to ask about this matter, and take you back to investigate it by the way.

In this way, you can get rid of your suspicions and help me narrow the scope of the investigation! "

Chu Feng first summarized what happened during this period of time, and then used these things to draw out his purpose!

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