Whimsical System

Chapter 1169: Duel with ancillary conditions

"Are you giving orders to me? If this is the case, then I would never agree to it!"

Bach's attitude is very obvious. He is unwilling to accept anyone's order, whether it is right or wrong. In short, as long as it is an order, he will never accept it!

Chu Feng hurriedly explained: "It's not an order. Of course it's not an order. How could I give orders? For this matter, this is just my suggestion to you, or you can treat him as it is. request!

This matter has already involved too many forces. If it can’t be ended earlier, he may provoke bigger incidents. So in order to resolve this matter, I have been running for a long time. Knowing that this matter can be investigated a little bit of truth here, I hope that this matter will stop here, and it will calm down!

So I hope you can understand what I mean and don't misunderstand! "

Chu Feng’s explanation is not particularly useful to Bach. Bach would not believe anything that Chu Feng said, because at this time Chu Feng was an enemy to Bach. How could he believe what the enemy said? What? Unless there are huge benefits in it.

"I don't care what your purpose is, no matter what you are for, in short, now you have violated my interests. You have killed my men, and this also means that you have to be an enemy with me. If this is the case, then naturally He won't be merciful, and this kind of cooperation is even more wishful thinking. Now you are my enemy, and I am also your enemy. Let's take it seriously!

On the one hand, I want to prove my strength, on the other hand, you are also a way to survive for him. How about this transaction is fair! "

Bach's duel with Chu Feng always came so suddenly and unexpectedly. Although it seemed normal, it actually contained many reasons.

Bach wants to prove his status. This is obviously a good opportunity. Previously, there were always people with other ideas in his team. Now this matter can just be used to prove Bach's current status. !

As for Chu Feng, this transaction has no meaning. He won't get anything other than saving the "life" of the bloated guy!

But even so, Chu Feng still agreed, because the bloated guy is currently at a critical juncture. If he gives up easily, the bloated guy will be killed by Bach without hesitation.

So even if it's not for anything else, just to save the "life" of the bloated guy, Chu Feng must also agree, after all, he has no other choice.

"Well, since it is your request, then I can promise you, but before I promise you, I have to add an additional condition!"

What Chu Feng said was a tentative question. He didn't know if Bach would agree with this sentence, but in front of so many people, it was expected that Bach would not let himself go down the stairs.

"What conditions?"

Bach's subconscious reaction instantly caused him to enter Chu Feng's trap. In fact, he regretted it after Bach had said this.

Because this matter is completely unnecessary for him, he is adding some additional conditions, but since he has asked this question, there is naturally no way to recover it.

"If I lose, you can kill with me, or you can use me for other purposes, all of which can be used by you! And if I win, I will take away your men!


Then make a judgment based on the results of the investigation. Of course, you can also save them during this period. It doesn't matter, but I will take them from here today! "

Chu Feng added two additional conditions, and his ascent to the sky seemed to have so little benefit for both Chu Feng and Bach!

If Bach can really be punished, then just relying on Chu Feng's strength, he will definitely be able to help Bach dominate the world. I have to say that this is indeed a very attractive condition, and it was initiated by Chu Feng.

So although Bach was a little worried, he finally agreed to Chu Feng's additional conditions.

In addition, in the face of this problem, Bach, like Chu Feng before, had no other choice, because he absolutely could not lose face in front of him!

"I agree with your proposal, let's start!"

Bach gritted his teeth and said this sentence. Although he took advantage of this proposal, he was always worried that he would lose. This was not because of lack of confidence, but because of what Chu Feng had shown earlier. The strength is really amazing!

Even if Bach had swallowing power, he didn't have enough confidence to be like Chu Feng, so in terms of swallowing power, Bach might be slightly weaker than Chu Feng.

But Bach has twisting time, and just this aspect is enough to discourage Chu Feng, twisting time is a very huge concept.

No one can tell what his principle is. If he can really travel through time and space, then Bach will have the advantage in this game!

At this time, the bloated guy was under Bach's control, so he naturally couldn't help Chu Feng to analyze the current battle situation.

Therefore, all of this must be decided by Chu Feng himself. Whether it is a guess of risk or ability, Chu Feng must obtain a specific data within this period of time!

Obviously this is not an easy task, and it is also full of risks, but even so, Chu Feng still persists. He hopes he can do it, and believes he can do it!

The surrounding people spread out and vacated the entire hall. This is definitely an excellent duel venue. Since there is no obstacle, the two can use their abilities at will without any restrictions!

Chu Feng simply moved his legs and feet. Even if the main force of the battle was swallowing power at this time, Chu Feng must also be prepared to evade and act.

In case of a sudden attack by Bach, his body cannot reach its peak state.

"In fact, your additional conditions may not make sense to me at all, because if you really lose, I am afraid you will die here!"

But before the battle, Bach suddenly said such a sentence, and I don't know if he intentionally affected Chu Feng's mood or what, after all, Bach directly radiated the devouring power!

From the appearance of Bach's devouring power, its devouring power should have reached the middle and upper level, and he should have established a connection with the spawning point!

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