Whimsical System

Chapter 1171: Devouring power infused

Old Chu’s suggestion has many merits, but the risk of doing so is relatively high. Chu Feng can’t guarantee that this matter will be foolproof. Chu Feng doesn’t understand Bach’s attack method, what kind of method he will use. Launching an attack on Chu Feng, and how Chu Feng should block it is something that is more difficult to determine.

However, even with so many uncertain factors and so many problems, Chu Feng still decided to take a risk in order to find a way to solve the current impasse!

So, just after he released the last swallowing power, he directly stepped back and stopped the attack.

As for the termination of Chu Feng's attack, Bach was somewhat delighted. Although he didn't know the specific reason, according to his guess, Chu Feng must have no choice but to attack again!

It is even possible that his devouring reserves are already insufficient, and Bach thought that his opportunity had arrived, so he directly mobilized the devouring power and launched a counterattack against Chu Feng.

As Bach launched a counterattack, Chu Feng also secretly increased his vigilance.

Bach will not necessarily "approach" Chu Feng from any direction, so Chu Feng must pay attention to all directions to prevent Bach from suddenly appearing, and now he must pay attention even behind him.

And in this tense process, Bach flashed directly from Chu Feng's side, appearing without accident, on the contrary, Chu Feng felt a little disappointed.

However, Bach's attack was quite satisfactory to Chu Feng, and the powerful swallowing power seemed to "crush" Chu Feng's body.

It’s just that Chu Feng’s swallowing power is stronger than Bach’s swallowing power. Just when Bach thought that Chu Feng could not resist at all, a more powerful white "color" swallowing power came directly from Chu Feng Radiated from within his body, and as a result, two swallowing forces collided and Bach fell.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Feng's remaining swallowing power was directly poured into Bach's body. This was a very coherent process, and it was too late for the brain to think and react.

Bach fell directly to the ground, and the Devouring Force had brutally destroyed his body. Even at this moment, Chu Feng didn't know what Devouring Force had done, even though he was the master of Devouring Force.

"Sorry, you should know the fastness of the power of swallowing, so I have no way to control it. Even now, I can only watch you suffer pain, and there is no way to take it out!"

What Chu Feng said was a lie. How powerful the devouring power is, it only depends on the person who releases the devouring power. As long as the releaser is willing, the swallowing power can be recovered at any time.

At this time, Chu Feng said these words only to increase Bach's pain.

Because even though Bach was suffering at this time, he didn't have any intention to ask for mercy, and he even refused to admit defeat.

Because it has the ability to reverse time, he thought that he would not lose 100%, but he did not expect that it was just because of his own impulse, but directly caused himself to fall into the point where he would be completely overwhelmed.

Now that the power of swallowing is raging in his body, his internal organs are in pain, and the current damage has not had a skirt, which shows that his pain is still increasing.

However, even so, he was still unwilling to concede defeat. He wanted to fight Chu Feng again to get a result.

auzw.com But naturally, Chu Feng would not give him such an opportunity again. Even if he really had this strength, once the opportunity was lost, he would not have it.

"Our competition is over. Even if you feel unwilling to do so, it will not change the result at all, so now you can only choose to admit the reality and fulfill your promise!"

Chu Feng still did not relieve the swallowing power. He thought that he had to make Bach suffer, because only when he was in pain would Bach yield, otherwise Bach would return to the past time to change this. all.

At this time, when Chu Feng finished saying these words, Bach did not respond, and it seemed that he was still unwilling to give in!

In desperation, Chu Feng had no choice but to adopt another method. He starved Bach’s neck with one hand, and a white swallowing force was held in the other palm. Seeing his appearance, he seemed It is to put the swallowing power of that white "color" into Bach's head.

As long as Chu Feng did this, then Bach was destined to die!

Obviously, this is an opportunity, an opportunity for Bach to make the final choice. Chu Feng will do what he says, because Bach’s death will not have any impact on him, except that it will make others think that he is not keeping his promise. Besides, there should be no other changes.

However, Chu Feng was also unwilling to do this, because he was worried that after he killed Bach, those people would not cooperate.

However, due to the current situation, Chu Feng can only do this. If Bach refuses to give in, then Chu Feng can only do this.

However, just when Bach was hesitant to answer, a very calm word suddenly came from the crowd watching in the distance.

"Don't worry that he won't kill you, he has doubts in his heart!"

For Bach, the appearance of this sentence is equivalent to a shot of life-threatening agent. Bach has great confidence in this sentence. At this moment, he has already determined that Chu Feng will not kill him, so he directly changed from the previous hesitation. With steadfastness, he no longer feared Chu Feng or death, everything has become very realistic.

"I know now, you dare not kill me, there must be something you worried about in me, now either you let me go, or I will kill you after I have consumed my devouring power!

Bach is so arrogant, so arrogant that he loses his senses. At this time, anyone with a brain will not say such silly things!

But Bach just said so, and he said it very confidently, as if he had been firm in this matter!

In the face of Bach's words, Gufeng didn't give the slightest consideration, and directly poured the white light into Bach's head.

In an instant, Bach's smile solidified, and the power of swallowing instantly emptied his head. At this time, although Bach's appearance did not appear to have any injuries, his body was already messed up.

In the end, blood oozes from the corner of Bach's mouth, the amount of bleeding is not large, but at this time, he has no breath.

"Unfortunately, your self-righteousness killed him and ruined your future. Now you have only one choice, and that is to leave with me!"

Chu Feng stood up with a smile and shouted at the group of people in the distance.

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