Whimsical System

Chapter 1172: Successor

At this time, no one responded to Chu Feng, as if this matter was not known to others, even though Chu Feng had told them, they still remained unmoved.

"Why, can you solve the problem by pretending to be deaf?"

Chu Feng shouted again, this time his smile has disappeared.

At this time, no one responded, which was a blow to Chu Feng, even if it was not important!

"Well! Since you are unwilling to respond, then I can only take coercive measures!

Originally, this matter was easy to solve, but if you don’t cooperate, I might have to adopt a special method!

Now I definitely can't take all of you, so I want to eradicate some of you, and then keep some!

And those who have the true strength and have our main investigation naturally have to stay, as for the rest, whether you want to live or die, it is up to you to decide! "

Chu Feng still said it to himself, regardless of whether they listened or not. They naturally wanted to say what they should say, and whether they would listen or not was another matter.

Finally, when Chu Feng finished speaking, they responded, and the response they gave seemed very excited.

It seems that when life becomes a threat, they will be panicked. Moreover, at this time, Chu Feng is definitely going to kill some people, so if he can fight for survival earlier, he can survive a little bit longer. Hope!

And when many people were vying to survive, one person suddenly stood up.

Instantly took over the position of Bach and took control of the "life" of the bloated guy.

I have to say that he is a very assertive person, his assertiveness is worrying, but also makes Chu Feng very angry.

He wanted to use the bloated guy to continue to threaten convulsions like Bach, even though he knew that doing so might leave him dead, but he still made this decision without any hesitation.

"Did you not see Bach's end clearly? Do you still want to follow in his footsteps?"

Chu Feng asked with a cold face, in an extremely angry state.

"Of course I know his fate, and he can have this fate, I created it!

Maybe you don't know, it was because of my reminder that he made this decision!

In fact, his words are not because of you, but because of me. If I want him to live, he will definitely be able to live, but if I want to take his "life", then he naturally has no choice. ! "

The man said triumphantly. Hearing what he meant, it seemed that he had always "fucked" everything.

However, the inevitable part was also that he himself gave himself gold. Although Bach believed his words so credulously, so he went to extinction, but Bach's demise did not have such obvious effect for this person!

auzw.com Apart from taking advantage of this opportunity to usurp Bach’s position, it seems that he won’t get anything at all.

In addition, he has to pay the price for Bach's death, at least those members of Bach are dissatisfied with him!

Moreover, at this moment, he will also become the target of the public. Everyone's eyes will be fixed on him, and they will wait for him to have a problem, and then drive him into the abyss of immortality!

The bloated guy is under his control, and this person is just a master at soul prying!

Judging from the abilities he showed, he seemed to know Chu Feng's thoughts well, but what he knew was only Chu Feng's current thoughts, and as long as Chu Feng's mind changed, he couldn't fix it accurately.

Therefore, although his ability has many possibilities, in most cases it is only on the surface.

Of course, he can draw very accurate conclusions about past events, but from the current point of view, it does not have much effect!

Even if he knew Chu Feng's past experience, it could only be a little bit more surprising, as for the others, it was really useless!

"You seem to be very proud. This incident may be a good thing for you, but it is just your own guess. In fact, when this incident really becomes a reality, your misery has just begun. !

You can think carefully about whether this situation is good or bad for you. You have replaced Bach, and Bach is destined to die. I think now you are just replacing Bach's death!

However, you still have a chance, and your organization is not easy to create. Although it has been disbanded, it now has a little sense of belonging again!

If you want, we might as well cooperate, you help me, investigate and I will provide you with protection and let you survive!

This is definitely a stable profit and no loss business. You can think about it. I will let you replace Bach and find a good way out for you. All I do is let you hand over some people to help us investigate! "

Chu Feng, on the contrary, gave him another chance. In fact, under this situation, Chu Feng was the wisest to do so.

Because no matter how far the matter progresses, if they refuse to give up, they will inevitably become an enemy of Chu Feng. Even if Chu Feng can solve them by then, it will not be an easy task!

So in order to avoid this situation, Chu Feng thought of such a method to ease their resistance.

Chu Feng waited for the answer from that person. Since Chu Feng knew that the other party was good at psychological spying, he simply revealed all his true thoughts and said everything that should be said. In this way, even he If you want to investigate, you can only investigate the same result without any lies!

So this is undoubtedly to the greatest extent, increasing the trust of the other party.

Sure enough, immediately after Chu Feng said this, the man began to investigate Chu Feng, and when the results he got were exactly the same as what Chu Feng said, his expression was obviously relaxed. attitude.

"How about, are you willing to believe what I said, I don't have to lie to you!"

Perceiving the change in the other person’s expression, Chu Feng also breathed a sigh of relief, but what Chu Feng never expected was that when he thought this matter was about to result, the person suddenly changed his mind. Up!

Or it could be said that he had never agreed with Chu Feng's suggestion, but Chu Feng himself felt that he would not be able to refuse, but in fact, long after Chu Feng had finished saying this, he already had the idea of ​​rejection!

"No, I don't want to cooperate with you!" The man smiled coldly, like a devil!

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