Whimsical System

Chapter 1173: Close combat

"I thought I was very patient and could endure anyone's attitude towards me, even if I rejected my idea, I would not be dissatisfied, but now I understand that this is just my self-blindness. Your refusal is because I am so angry that I have even reached the point where I must kill you. It seems that there is no way to mediate our relationship!"

The anger shown by Chu Feng was enough to shock anyone. Everyone present had seen the strength of punishment. No one would have the slightest doubt about what Chu Feng said, including the self-righteous guy.

He could snoop into Chu Feng's soul, he could detect Chu Feng's thoughts at this moment, no matter from which aspect, Chu Feng's words could be confirmed.

Even Chu Feng didn't care about the life and death of the bloated guy, all he wanted was to kill all of them!

At this moment, the self-righteous guy really felt the fear, it was a fear of death, a reality that convinced him that it could not be changed.

Chu Feng's eyes frightened him, and Chu Feng's words broke his nerves.

He waited for all this quietly, without the slightest effort, he wanted to escape, but knowing that escape is not a wise choice, but what is a wise choice? He didn't know!

So he stood still on the spot, like a criminal waiting to be judged, waiting for the butcher to execute him!

After Chu Feng said these words, he still didn't feel venting his anger, so he immediately made the next stage of action.

The swallowing power radiated out and went straight to the person, as if it could penetrate the head of the person at any time.

And just at that moment, several swallowing forces surged out of the crowd, and finally gathered together to resist Chu Feng's swallowing force.

Chu Feng never expected this scene to happen before his eyes, and it would still happen after Bach died.

You must know that when he fought with Bach, no one came forward to stop all of this. Even if Chu Feng killed Bach, no one expressed opposition, but now Chu Feng’s move was blocked by others. Down.

Obviously, this person is more popular than Bach, and at the same time he is more able to make Chu Feng feel the crisis!

"You want to kill me, but it's not that easy. Although I don't have the power to swallow, there are many people behind me who are willing to save my life!"

After escaping from the dead, the arrogant guy became calm. At first, although he sensed the idea that someone would save him, he was not very sure all the time.

But now, when all of this really appeared in reality, he became more firm in his inner thoughts, because both Chu Feng and the message to save himself were so real, and they also appeared in reality. in!

So he naturally has no reason to doubt all this, and he should also trust those who save him.

Faced with the wanton provocation of the arrogant guy, the drive was naturally furious, but when he was angry, Chu Feng was able to force his "sex" to keep himself sensible.

It is obviously not a good method to attack with devouring power at this time.

Although the opponent's strength is not at the same level as Chu Feng, but there are too many opponents, if they are comprehensively resisted, they can also withstand Chu Feng's attack, and even can jointly cause damage to Chu Feng.

So the most appropriate way right now is for Chu Feng to smash them all, and then knock them out of the formation that can really resist the power of swallowing.


In this way, Chu Feng's devouring power would be invincible.

"Since they are already enemies, then there is no need to talk nonsense. He is your hostage. You can kill him. I don't care now. I don't believe I can't leave here without him!"

Chu Feng's remarks really came from the heart. Previously, Bach had always used bloated guys to threaten Chu Feng, but now another arrogant guy popped up to replace Bach.

At this time, regardless of whether Chu Feng was willing to admit this, the bloated fellow had already become Chu Feng's burden.

If Chu Feng kept focusing on the bloated guy, in the end, neither of them could survive!

Therefore, Chu Feng had to be cruel to abandon the bloated guys, only in this way could he be an enemy of those guys and be able to truly defeat them.

And when Chu Feng planned to give up the bloated guy, the bloated guy was also lost for them, so the result is the same whether it is killing or releasing.

I just don't know what decision those guys will make in the end, and just before the fate of the bloated guy has made a decision, Chu Feng has already taken the lead.

The long-range devouring power attack had been abandoned by Chu Feng, and the melee raid was replaced.

Although Chu Feng didn't have the ability to reverse time, his speed and strength were rarely matched by him.

At present, Chu Feng could completely break his neck in front of anyone while breathing.

It's just that Chu Feng was not sure where the Devourer came from, so he could only guess roughly, and then attack!

In the end, the result of such an approach is not very obvious.

Although many people died in his hands, the real goal is very few!

However, as time went on, a large number of people fell down. They didn't resist at all, and lost their lives in a flash.

The bloated guy is still alive, no one has tried to kill him, everyone is watching Chu Feng's next move, because they don't know if they will fall to the ground next!

Of course, they also sometimes escape for their lives alone, but in this case, Chu Feng's devouring power will play a big role!

Chu Feng's swallowing power must be combined with a lot of swallowing powers to be able to resist it, and if no one can do this in time, then the person attacked by Chu Feng will definitely disappear without a shadow. Without a trace.

And at the same time that Chu Feng attacked, he was still able to do both, "pushing" close to everyone, breaking their necks.

In this way, this matter has also been caused, and you can't move, and you can't escape.

It's just that although Chu Feng could "close" anyone in front of him, he would never walk into that arrogant guy.

This was not because Chu Feng did not want to kill him, but once Chu Feng "showed" his face beside him, the swallowing power that had resisted him before would fall directly on Chu Feng's body, causing Chu Feng to eat it all. suffering!

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