Whimsical System

Chapter 1177: Way of solving

"Although I know you are comforting me, hearing your comfort can indeed make me feel better!

Well, the next one also has swallowing power, his ability is weaker than the others, it can almost be said that this entire swallowing power, the weakest in the group!

However, although his devour rate is relatively weak, he has the ability to speculate on people's minds, so with this blessing, his overall strength has risen a lot!

Later, when you start, he should also be one of your first targets! "

The bloated guy once again found a guy with detection psychology, and this guy also has the ability to swallow, although his ability is not strong, but it is a big trouble!

"Well... this is indeed a dangerous person. It seems that I need to pay more attention to him later!" Chu Fengying nodded his head, and then returned the right to speak to the bloated guy.

"Just pay attention to this. The rest is basically not as special as him, either with swallowing power or the ability to detect psychology!

After my observation, I discovered that they may be to ensure some kind of cooperation. They have certain rules for their current position. Under the basic situation, they are two swallowing power capable persons, protecting a mind explorer, and Each of them will not be more than three steps apart, maybe this is also to ensure the maximum effective distance of the swallowing rate! "

After constant observation, the bloated guy found a lot of patterns. It's just that these rules have not been determined yet, so he can only talk briefly and make some suggestions!

"Is there an effective range for swallowing power? This is something I didn't pay attention to before!"

Chu Feng said half jokingly, but what he said was indeed the truth. He really didn't know that the swallowing power had an effective range, after all, he had never touched the effective range of swallowing power before!

However, the red light exists at a certain distance, and the range is relatively short. Normally, but without the blessing of the beads, the red light basically cannot attack the enemy at a long distance!

And when Chu Feng made this question, the bloated guy really didn’t know how to answer Chu Feng’s question. After all, the bloated guy didn’t know enough about swallowing power. At best, he had only seen and experienced it. That's the taste!

And a large part of it was given by Chu Feng, but now when Chu Feng turned around and asked him questions, he didn't know how to answer!

Therefore, without knowing it, he naturally can't make up things indiscriminately, so he shook his head directly on this question.

"I don't know much about this aspect. After all, I am not the owner of swallowing power, so I can't give you an accurate answer to the question of this distance!

In addition, that was just my guess, because I know that there must be a distance in the engulfing rate. This is an exact fact, but I don't know what determines the distance! "

"Oh... it doesn't matter, I don't know anyway. In addition, my swallowing power may never reach the limit of distance, so there are questions about this aspect. I think it should be because of strength. Different strength will be determined. Different distances!"

Chu Feng could only guess for the time being, and he didn't expect to get the answer from the bloated guy. After all, this is not a question that can be answered casually!

So Chu Feng is naturally not in a hurry. Their position has not changed anyway. Since the bloated guy made this guess, let's use this guess to try. If their position changes but they can still help each other, then this The guess is necessarily wrong!

Afterwards, the bloated guy introduced the remaining people one after another. After all of this was clearly understood by Chu Feng, he was ready.

Chu Feng also made preparations for the final battle. Although Chu Feng did not intend to kill them all, if the situation is critical and unavoidable to make a choice, then this kind of result is also a last resort!


"Leave the rest to me, you can hide first, this matter has nothing to do with you!"

After Chu Feng was ready, he directly said something to the bloated guy.

For Chu Feng, there is no difficulty in this matter, everything can be solved, and it will not be too difficult!

The bloated guy is not polite with Chu Feng. He knows that Chu Feng can handle all of this, so he naturally won't worry, and the most important thing for him now is to protect himself and not let himself become a burden to Chu Feng!

Therefore, as soon as Chu Feng said these words, he went into hiding.

"The action is quite fast!"

Chu Feng spit out half jokingly, and then directly handed over with the group of people opposite.

At this time, his first goal was to go straight to the guy with the swallowing power and the ability to detect the mind.

Due to the bloated guy's reminder, this person has become Chu Feng's main enemy, but before attacking this person, Chu Feng did not show any intention to do anything.

However, although he deliberately hid his mind, it is difficult to fool those who have the ability to spy on the soul!

As a result, Chu Feng hadn't "closed" to the target, and a swallowing force came straight to Chu Feng.

The swallowing power that hovered in the air with a whirlwind and sprinted, although it would not pose too much threat to Chu Feng, but this kind of interference was enough to make Chu Feng a headache!

"Well, I know the result in the later stage. It seems that I shouldn't try this!"

Chu Feng retreated with a disappointed look, and a question flashed in his mind when he was disappointed.

"You said they were thinking about other people's minds when they were thinking about it?"

Chu Feng retreated to the bloated guy, and asked the bloated guy such a strange question!

The bloated fellow was a little dazed by Chu Feng's question, he didn't quite understand what Chu Feng wanted to express.

"What can they think? It's nothing more than trying everything to get into your heart! As for the others, there should be nothing!"

The bloated guy is not very sure, after all, the answer at this time is just his guess.

However, it was just such an answer, but Ling Chu Feng saw a glimmer of hope.

Immediately afterwards, the corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, as if everything had become very simple.

At this time, the bloated guy on the side looked inexplicable, not knowing what happened!

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