Whimsical System

Chapter 1178: Disadvantages of snooping

"What's wrong, did you think of something?" The bloated guy originally didn't want to ask. After all, this matter basically has nothing to do with him, but if he doesn't ask, he will be curious. So in the end he made this inquiry.

However, although the question was a question, he didn't, and he wanted an answer!

"I may have found a way to solve them, but this matter may require experimentation before we can know it!"

There was still a smile on Chu Feng's mouth. It seemed that this matter did indeed have a turning point, but the bloated guy didn't know whose hands the turning point was.

"Then the method you mentioned is..."

The bloated fellow did not continue to ask, in fact, he was waiting for Chu Feng to take the initiative to tell him, after all, in this case, Chu Feng's initiative was more appropriate than his inquiry!

"If they are in a very focused state when trying to figure out my heart, then they can't be distracted and do other things!

And if my mind is complicated enough, then they will not be able to get the answer in a short time. In this way, if I could seize this opportunity, wouldn't I be able to deal with them! "

Chu Feng readily expressed his idea, as if there is nothing to conceal about this matter, even when facing opponents, he is the same!

The bloated guy was a little baffled. Even though Chu Feng had told him his idea, he still didn't understand what Chu Feng wanted to do!

What does it mean to make your mind more complicated and make it difficult to get the correct result? Could it be that things like this can be "fucked" at will, and even if Chu Feng can do this, how can he be distracted to do other things?

That's not surprising, the bloated guy was curious, because this matter was originally more abstract, because in the thought of punishment, he involved another personality!

In fact, Chu Feng's idea is not difficult to realize, it is nothing more than to let Old Chu control his body temporarily.

In fact, according to Chu Feng's observations, those guys who can figure out their minds are only facing Chu Feng himself, and as for the other personality, old Chu, they don't even care at all!

Therefore, it was precisely because Chu Feng discovered this phenomenon that he came up with the idea of ​​letting Lao Chu act for him!

But he himself hides and thinks about some complicated things to delay the opponent's time.

In this way, it will buy time for the mouse. As long as Lao Chu's speed is fast enough at that time, even if it is guarded by the swallowing force, it will still be unable to stop Lao Chu's attack!

Of course, this plan does sound a bit illusory. After all, the bloated guy has never come into contact with things like personality too much, so when Chu Feng said this topic, the bloated guy didn't understand, it was normal!

But this matter, even if the bloated guy doesn't understand it, it doesn't matter, after all, the whole thing has nothing to do with the bloated guy at all!

"Although I don't quite understand it, I always feel that you are very sure about this matter, and I will be confident about those things that are sure!

auzw.com So I support you, you can rest assured to do it, even if you end up with failure, it doesn’t matter, we can find other solutions! "

Although the bloated guy didn't understand all of this, he still gave Chu Feng confidence and support.

And for this kind of brainless support and confidence, Chu Feng prefers, because some people don’t need to understand the principles of all these things, as long as he is willing to believe in himself, that’s enough, because his belief, Will be better than his understanding!

But the bloated guy is such a person, so Chu Feng is happy to accept the support and belief of the bloated guy, and he will soon try!

"Hearing you say these words, I instantly felt that everything can be expected!

Well, you continue to find a safe place to hide, I want to try my plan! "

The decision made by convulsions will basically be put into action soon, and the time for this decision to take action at this time is much faster than before!

"Old Chu, you should know what to do. Just think of everything to get rid of him. If they dare to deal with you with swallowing power, then we should quickly switch back to swallowing power. I can’t let you use it, after all. It hurts too much for you!"

Chu Feng made a simple deployment and emphasized the issue of swallowing power. In fact, Lao Chu was not unable to use swallowing power, but Chu Feng was unwilling to let him use it.

On the one hand, because swallowing power has a great influence on Old Chu's state, since he was originally a derivative of the dark soul, if he was allowed to use swallowing power, it would be like using his own original ability.

Although doing so can maximize the swallowing power, it is also likely to make Lao Chu "lost" and lose his original "sex", so this kind of attempt is one thing for both Chu Feng and Lao Chu. Kind of hard to imagine!

In addition, Lao Chu is not proficient in the use of swallowing power. Although he can use swallowing power, he does not know how to handle it, and it may hurt himself. If he is backlashed by swallowing power, he will eventually become If the personality is damaged, then this is even more worthless!

Therefore, combining these two aspects has become Chu Feng's reason for not allowing Old Chu to use his swallowing power!

"Don't worry, at the same time, I won't touch it. I don't want to become a temporary one to hurt myself!"

Old Chu was more submissive. In fact, he also knew how much this kind of consequence would affect him, so it was natural for him to think about it in this way.

Moreover, even if he did not understand the impact of this incident, just relying on Chu Feng's instructions would be enough to make Lao Chu obey Chu Feng's instructions!

Regardless of whether Lao Chu showed it at this time, Chu Feng had this confidence!

"Okay! Then I'll leave the body to you with confidence, and follow the plan!"

After all the discussions were done, Chu Feng directly gave his body to Old Chu, while he himself shrank in a corner, thinking about things that had nothing to do with the present!

And just as Old Chu "fucked" his body and gradually approached those guys, some of the people in that group had closed their eyes, and it seemed that they were in a state of thinking and exploring at this time!

And soon, Old Chu locked all these people. And then, he launched an action against these people!

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