Whimsical System

Chapter 1184: Control that suddenly disappeared

"According to what you said, this thing is indeed possible. In your opinion, how should we deal with him?

Now, I don’t know anything about him. I don’t know anything about his abilities or his current position!

And he also has the ability to "fuck" the minds of others, if he borrowed this to do something to me, wouldn't I be invisible, I will be caught in his trap! "

Chu Feng has always cared about this kind of mental control ability. He believes that if his opponent really masters this ability, then no matter how strong his strength is, I am afraid there is no way to resist it. After all, he is "controlling" It is the mind, not an attack from the outside world!

So if he wants to defeat his opponent, he must avoid the possibility of being "controlled" by the opponent, but this thing seems to be not so easy to do!

At this time, the bloated guy didn't particularly understand this ability.

"The ability to control the mind is a relatively rare type. Although I have heard people talk about it before, I have no understanding of his detailed process!

After all, very few people have this ability. Even if one or two people with this ability are lucky enough, he will not easily show it, because this is his hole card, and he must use him to protect himself. Life, if everything is vented, it means that his ability is no longer a secret to the public!

And this kind of situation, for people like them, is tantamount to a disaster, so it is almost difficult for me to reveal information about this to you, because I am not very clear about it myself! "

What the bloated guy said is quite true. Under normal circumstances, he doesn't have to deceive Chu Feng, so Chu Feng trusts what he said!

It's just that Chu Feng's trust in him is not enough to solve the current problem, because the bloated guy didn't tell Chu Feng how to solve this matter, so everyone that Chu Feng faces at present is an unknown result!

"If you don't even know, then I'm afraid no one can help me. Is there really no way I can fight him? I'm always a little unwilling!"

Chu Feng didn't want to ask, the bloated guy tried to find a way. It simply expresses his emotions, so that the bloated guy can understand his true thoughts!

And when Chu Feng said this sentence, the bloated guy naturally understood what Chu Feng wanted to express, so after some thinking, the bloated guy also gave a suggestion, but this suggestion is more like It's a bad idea!

"As far as the current situation is concerned, we can only find the answer in practice, because we don't understand the "characteristic" of his ability at all, so we can only sum up with our own experience, what exactly is this ability? "Sex"!"

This thing sounds easy, but it's not so easy to do. If you want to know that you really want to do this, you need Chu Feng to take the risk.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that this incident may completely lose Chu Feng to his opponent.

After all, although Chu Feng tried to practice, his opponent would never give Chu Feng such an opportunity. Therefore, if Chu Feng wanted to win, he had to do his best, regardless of the price!

Only in this way is it possible for him to detect the opponent's ability, and then find a way to solve the opponent!


"Although your idea sounds more reliable, it is very dangerous, but you are not to blame. After all, this is the only way you can think of at present, but I may have to think about it myself. this way!"

Naturally, Chu Feng was still hesitant, even if there was no good solution to this matter!

"I know that it is not easy to make a decision on this matter, but you should also know that they don't have much time. Nowadays, the longer the time is, the more it will affect us!

So I didn't mean to urge you. I just hope you can make more decisions quickly. If you think it can, then you try it. If it doesn't work, let's find another way! "

Although the bloated guy said on the surface, he would not actively urge Chu Feng, but what he said currently was all revealing his urge to Chu Feng.

As a result, just under the bombardment of his words, Chu Feng finally made a decision. This matter had to be done. Chu Feng understood very well, because he had no other choice!

"Okay! I can only be more careful. There is no other solution to this matter. I hope destiny can be kind to me!"

Chu Feng sighed for a long time, and then radiated the swallowing power out of his body, covering every inch of skin!

From the outside. Chu Feng is more like a strange person with white light shining all over!

It's just that this strange person at this time is doing something that he is reluctant but has to do, and this thing is extremely dangerous "sex"!

At this time, since Chu Feng had no other goals, this time he directly set the goal on the puppet who controlled the bloated guy first!

This puppet claimed to have taken over the position of Bach, now think about it, maybe he really had this kind of mind at the time, but he didn't succeed!

Because the appearance of that mysterious person instantly controlled his mind, and as a result, everything he did next had nothing to do with his thoughts!

If it is based on this line of thinking, then the strange things he did afterwards can be explained!

Chu Feng walked into the puppet step by step. Every inch of land and every footprint was accompanied by Chu Feng’s heavy breathing. He didn’t know what would happen next, he didn’t know what he would do if he was controlled. Because of this fear of the unknown, the emotion of punishment has been unable to stabilize.

It was only then that Chu Feng suddenly realized that he himself was afraid, it was just that his fear had never been expressed, but now it happened to have encountered this kind of opportunity!

The next moment, when Chu Feng touched the puppet's body with extreme precision, everything around him suddenly changed!

The opponent who stood still before, suddenly gained freedom at this moment, as if a puppet had broken the rope!

They are all moving aimlessly. From their expressions, it can be seen that their current state is basically similar to Chu Feng. No surprises, all of them are ignorant and "lost". look!

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