Whimsical System

Chapter 1185: Mutual humility

"What the **** happened? Why is this happening!"

Chu Feng didn't know who to ask this question, so after looking around, he was just talking to himself!

"It seems that their control has been lifted. Although I don't know the reason, the result is at least good!"

Lao Chu said something of his own thoughts casually. Judging from the current situation, Lao Chu's view is relatively correct.

"I haven't played against him yet, why did he suddenly give up? Is there any other reason?"

Finally, Old Chu was willing to answer his question, so he naturally had to ask a few more questions in order to get more information.

"The reason is naturally there, but I don’t know what it is, but I think this matter should be related to you, otherwise he will not leave because of your presence. Maybe you have some Some things that made him fear, so he chose to give up!"

Although a large part of Lao Chu's analysis was speculation, it did have some truth, at least Chu Feng believed Lao Chu's words.

"According to you, I won this time?"

Chu Feng was still a little unsure, after all, he won the confrontation without even seeing the appearance of his opponent!

"should be!"

To be honest, when Lao Chu said this, he himself felt a little unsure, but since he has said this, naturally there is no need to correct anything!

"Okay! Although I haven't heard much sincerity, this incident still makes me happy. At least I am worthy of my trip. This time I have gained a lot!"

As Chu Feng spoke, he began to use his devouring power to restrain these puppets who had lost their ropes!

"Chu Feng, you succeeded!"

The bloated guy who had been hiding from a distance was naturally surprised to see this scene in front of him.

In addition, because he didn't know what happened during this process, he thought that this matter was the credit of Chu Feng alone!

And when Chu Feng realized that the bloated fellow had misunderstood, he didn't have any intention to correct it. It seemed that he enjoyed the process and the results so far!

"This time the task was finally completed successfully. Then they only need to take them back. I believe this matter should not trouble you, right?"

Chu Feng gathered the power of swallowing together, bound everyone in the same place, and then entrusted the power of swallowing to the hands of the bloated guy.

The bloated guy looked at the light floating in the ball in his hand, and he was full of feelings in his heart!

He never thought that he still had the ability to come into contact with the swallowing power, and the other end of the swallowing power was still attached to so many of his former team members!

auzw.com "Don't worry! I believe in the strength of your devouring power, even if they want to break free, I am afraid it will not be so easy!

Not to mention that they are not conscious for the time being, even if they regain consciousness, they will have no way to escape from me easily! "

The bloated guy made a promise, even though his words didn't make much sense, but in the end he showed his attitude to Chu Feng!

Chu Feng nodded lightly, and didn't say much. Anyway, it wasn't for the bloated guy to take them back by himself, so even if something happened in the middle of this, it was not a troublesome thing!

In fact, to put it plainly, it's just him, he doesn't want to be dragged all the time, just walking with the power of devouring!

Returning all the way along the road they came before, the two finally led these unconscious guys back to the building!

At this time, Lord Shisan had already returned to the building. After several days of interrogation and arrest, Lord Shisan had also mastered a lot of information and imprisoned many guys with the ability to spy on others' hearts!

It's just that the work of interrogation has not been carried out. According to Shisanye's own vision, he should first arrest all the people of the same ability in the city before proceeding to the next stage!

But now Chu Feng's return just happened to satisfy his idea!

The Shisanye met with Chu Feng. It was the third hour after Chu Feng returned to the mansion. During this time, Shishiye was busy, but he didn't know what he was up to!

After seeing Chu Feng, the Shisanye directly asked Chu Feng about his arrest.

Because Chu Feng led the bloated guy to go this time, it is inevitable that he would take a certain risk, so the thirteenth master would inevitably pay some attention to this matter!

"It's okay, the matter has basically been resolved, although I killed a few, I brought back the rest, but they have no consciousness now, and it may take a while to gradually recover!"

When it comes to this issue, Chu Feng has nothing to hide, so it is enough to tell everything truthfully, but the cover up will arouse people's suspicion!

"Thanks for your hard work. I also heard people say about this. It's not so easy to deal with. Even if I go, I'm afraid it won't work. I didn't expect that the two of you actually did this thing. It shows that your abilities are really better. I am much stronger!"

The Thirteenth Lord had nothing to say, at most he just praised Chu Feng for a few words, and then nothing came of it!

When Chu Feng faced the praise of the Thirteenth Lord, naturally he could not fully accept it. In addition, even if he accepted part of it, he had to give it back to the Thirteenth Lord again. Only in this way could the Thirteenth Lord be satisfied in this matter. !

"The Thirteenth Lord is serious. In fact, I think you don’t have time, so I listened to you to do this. It happened that that guy also knew something, so I took him with him. Actually speaking, that’s not the case. Some violate the regulations!

But when I thought, I didn't do this for myself, so I wanted to open it. If Lord Shisan wanted to blame me, then I didn't have any complaints. After all, it was my fault first! "

Chu Feng determined his position very appropriately. In front of the Thirteenth Master, he neither acted too humble, nor did he become a higher-ranking Thirteenth Master!

With such a positioning method, Lord Shisan was naturally very satisfied, so even if Chu Feng voluntarily admitted this matter, Lord Shisan did not feel that there was anything wrong with this matter. Anyway, as long as the final result is good, That's enough!

"It doesn't matter, this thing is not easy at first, you can complete it so quickly, it can be regarded as a great achievement, even if the merits and demerits are offset, then the merits are more than the demerits!"

The Thirteenth Master gently patted Chu Feng on the shoulder. In fact, he didn't dare to be much higher than Chu Feng at this time. After all, he also knew that Chu Feng was not the kind of person who was easy to control!

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