Whimsical System

Chapter 1187: Want to give up

"I hope that your other methods are no longer needed. This matter has been delayed long enough. It is best to resolve it as soon as possible.

Of course, if there is really any problem, I will also be looking for you, I believe you will be happy to help, after all, this is what we two can accomplish only when we cooperate with each other! "

The Thirteenth Master added a few more words. Basically, they were all irrelevant words. In fact, at this time, he had already wanted to try this method without waiting, and as for staying here to chat with Chu Feng. , That is just for courtesy!

"Looking at you, it means that there are so many wins, but even I don’t have that much confidence in this matter, so I advise you not to think things too simple, of course I will It's not to dispel your will!"

Chu Feng said it more euphemistically, in fact, he didn't mean anything else, it was nothing more than looking for words, just saying some superficial remarks!

"Well...I can understand what you mean, but things can only be known after practice, so I have a little intention to experiment now, I don't know how you think about it?"

At this time, the Thirteenth Master had clearly expressed his attitude, he felt that he should do what he should do, instead of continuing to spend time here!

And when he expressed this, Chu Fengdang understood his thoughts, so Chu Feng immediately gave him a clear response!

"Hurry up, don't waste time here, I know you can't wait long now, why would you call it this way! If I were you, I'm afraid I wouldn't even care to say a word to you on!"

What Chu Feng said was so true that it made Lord Shisan feel a little embarrassed. However, since Chu Feng had understood it, he naturally had no need to cover it up.

Then the thirteenth master said: "You are right. In fact, I have always been holding on, but now it seems that there is no need for cost, because you have already understood. Since you can understand, then I will Go and deploy this thing now!"

"Go, remember to ask someone to bring me something later, I'm hungry!"

Chu Feng beckoned at random and signaled Lord Shisan to leave, and when the Lord Shisan was about to leave, he casually ordered!

"Don't worry, your food, clothing, and daily life will naturally be arranged!"

The figure of the Thirteenth Lord has disappeared, but his voice has been heard from a distance, his words are so firm, as if it was something that had already been determined!

After the Thirteenth Master bid farewell to Chu Feng, he immediately launched a deployment for this matter. From the overall situation, Chu Feng's thinking is relatively correct. As long as it can be implemented properly, there will generally be no problems!

It’s just that in this matter, it takes a lot of manpower and material resources. It is not easy to create this state, but it is not a troublesome thing for the thirteenth master. !

The interrogation work has been going on continuously, even if no one urges, but the steps of the thirteenth masters are progressing very quickly.

By the third day that Chu Feng returned to the mansion, Lord Shisan had basically reached a conclusion.

And it is said that he is close to the truth of the matter, but some things are blocked, so there is no way to continue the investigation!


And the thirteenth master is also feeling distressed for these things!

After Chu Feng learned the news, he immediately went to meet the thirteenth master, wanting to know what happened!

That afternoon, Chu Feng saw Lord Shisan in the lounge. Because of the surprise interrogation during this time, Lord Shisan looked very tired!

"It should be very hard these few days? Seeing you look like this, I can basically guess the outline of this matter!"

Chu Feng asked the Thirteenth Master with an extremely stable attitude.

The Thirteenth Master sighed, but the bloodshot eyes became more obvious.

"There is no way. Although I have tried my best, the problem is not as easy to solve as I thought. The people we have arrested today are not comprehensive. In fact, there are still some people, but we did not know it. !

And now, I just asked the news of this group of people. It is said that these guys are still stationed in other cities. As for the specific location, they haven't said yet, but I believe that during the interrogation period. New discoveries can be made in time!

It’s just that if it’s in another city, it’s probably beyond my sphere of influence!

If it's just to find them, it's okay, but if you want to bring them here, it's not easy!

After all, it is difficult to solve the problem of the city gate alone. Each city has different managers, and the managers have different influences underneath. There is hardly much between us. At the intersection, now suddenly wanting to arrest people from their city, this is probably not an easy task!

What's more, we don't know what their eyesight in the city is. If you rush in the form, you will definitely suffer a lot! "

Listening to the narration of the thirteenth master, Chu Feng gradually felt the difficulty of this matter, and even at a certain moment, Chu Feng wanted to give up!

In fact, if it is based on Chu Feng's own ideas, this matter can be investigated and the results are naturally best, after all, he is also very curious about who deliberately entrapped him behind his back!

But if you make a huge sacrifice for investigating this matter, or even take risks, then investigating this matter seems to be unnecessary!

As for this idea, it actually existed as early as when Chu Feng fought against the members of the old organization where the bloated guy was located!

However, the situation was critical at the time, and he did not have so much time to consider this aspect. Now that he calmed down, he gradually started to get serious!

"Thirteenth Lord, I have also considered this matter, although I also want to know who actually wrote this matter, but if we need to make such a big sacrifice in order to investigate the truth!

This is probably not worth it. After all, the impact of this incident on us is not very bad. If it is to investigate such an incident and cause huge sacrifices, then it is our own loss, and this loss We did it ourselves!

So do you want to think about it, stop investigating this matter for now, and reconsider this matter if you really need it in the future! "

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