Whimsical System

Chapter 1188: Confusion in understanding

"Why am I a little confused? Chu Feng, I remember you are not like this! Why are you suddenly a little timid now? Is it because the impact involved in this matter is too great?

If just because of this, it can make you afraid, then I am afraid I will have to change my view of you as a whole! "

After listening to Chu Feng's persuasion, Lord Shisan suddenly became very radical. If Lord Shisan had a certain respect for Chu Feng before, now that respect has disappeared without a trace!

There is no other reason, just because Chu Feng said this!

"You can think what you want. I say this not just for myself, but more for you. You can think about the sacrifices you made during this investigation and how many people made My own destiny and "sex" life are involved!

If you still want to continue to sacrifice, then the final result, I am afraid that the sacrifice in this process is no longer worth it! "

Chu Feng's rationality allowed him to control his emotions at all times. Although the Thirteenth Master had become very radical at this time, he still reminded himself not to be impulsive.

No matter what things become, no matter what level it progresses, no matter what the final result, he must remain calm, because the thirteenth master is no longer calm, if he is not calm anymore, then this matter will There is nothing to talk about!

So when discussing this matter, Chu Feng has always been in a very calm state, but in the eyes of the thirteenth master, his calmness is timid!

"If there is struggle, there will be sacrifices. No one will stop investigating an event because of sacrifice! Besides, this event has progressed to this level, do you want me to give up? Just because in the process With some setbacks, with some sacrifices, you want me to give up. Isn't this a denial of me?"

The Thirteenth Lord has been questioning Chu Feng, he is not willing to believe that Chu Feng will give up the whole thing because of this little setback. Even if Chu Feng has already said this sentence, he still does not want to believe him, hope Chu Feng was able to change his mind and make a plan that was stronger than him!

"Huh~" Chu Feng breathed out a little helplessly, and his head swayed to look around. In fact, there was nothing around him, but he wanted to ease his current emotions!

"I can understand very clearly, your mood at the moment, I know you are not willing to give up, and I am not willing to give up, but the current matter is still meaningful, this is the focus of our discussion!

If you think this matter is still meaningful, then you can go on, I won't stop you, I just want you to think for yourself! "

Chu Feng took the initiative to take a step back and did not persuade the thirteenth master to agree with his decision. Instead, he wanted the thirteenth master to judge the matter himself and let him make his own decision, whether it was right or wrong, according to his own Just do the idea!

But when Chu Feng said these words, Lord Shisan suddenly calmed down.

At this time, under this situation, something suddenly came to his mind, that is, Tufeng, he must leave here in a short time, and Chu Feng will leave no matter how far things progress.

Of course, Chu Feng also said that it would be the best to see the results here!

But now, the reason why Chu Feng can give up is probably because he feels that this matter is too complicated. If he continues to investigate, it will probably take more time!


So he decided to give up this matter directly, not to investigate it any more, and then leave here as soon as possible and never come back again!

The current thoughts, in fact, did not come from Chu Feng at all. They were just the guesses of the Shisanye himself, but in this speculation, the Shisanye had basically made certain!

So it was because of this certain existence that he suddenly became calm.

It can be seen that there are certain reasons for any state of the Thirteenth Master. He didn't understand Chu Feng before, so he was very radical, but now he understands Chu Feng and suddenly becomes quiet again!

It's just that the gap between before and after is so huge that it is impossible to understand, at least that's the case with Chu Feng!

"Perhaps I can say that I already know why you want to do this. In fact, I can understand you. You really have a choice in this matter. After all, you are not deeply in the game!

Perhaps I took this matter too seriously. You don’t even know which aspect is true if you make me unable to extricate myself. But now you ask me to give up, I may not be able to do it, even if I am very I want to do this, but I have made such a big sacrifice. If I give up, then my previous sacrifices will be wasted!

I don't want those people to die in vain, I want to give them a result, just for the dead, I also want to give them a result!

Don't worry, Chu Feng, no matter how much the matter is investigated, no matter how complicated, I can continue to investigate and finally find the result!

As for you, you can naturally do what you should do, and when it comes time to leave, you can just leave!

Of course, if you want to stay here for a longer period of time, then I will naturally welcome it. After all, we can be regarded as friends now, and I also hope that you can help me to establish a point of generation! "

The Thirteenth Master smiled with his mouth pursed. At this moment, his smile looked a bit far-fetched. It may be that something happened, which made him feel so happy!

"Do you have any other ideas? If that's the case, then just tell me!

There is no need for you at all. With such a calm state in front of me, speaking, the gap between you and the other is too big, it is unacceptable!

So I hope you can lose your temper at me, at least so that I can know what it is and how you want to solve it!

And if you have always been in this state without any changes, then I can't quite understand it! "

Chu Feng was as calm as ever, but while he was calm, his doubts also changed his mood!

"Don't you want to leave! From the moment these things are investigated, you tell me again that one day you will leave. Just now I thought of this thing suddenly, so I gradually became calm and I began to understand You, it’s not your fault, it’s just one thing you have to do!

So I won't stop you, but I also hope you don't stop me! "

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