Whimsical System

Chapter 1189: So momentary truth

The Thirteenth Master had already stated his attitude. Regardless of the angle of consideration of this matter, Thirteenth Master's idea was correct. Chu Feng wanted to leave. This is a true fact.

It is a good thing for Chu Feng that the Thirteenth Master does not block Chu Feng, but now Chu Feng is going to block the Thirteenth Master. It seems that it is not appropriate for Chu Feng to do so with emotion and reason, even though Chu Feng It is to help Shisanye stop the loss!

And when the Shisanye explained this sentence, Chu Feng also understood why the Shisanye was in this state!

So at the moment Chu Feng thinks that he should show his attitude, no matter whether his thoughts can be understood by the thirteenth master, he should explain it!

"Thirteenth Lord, it may be what I just said, some of which did not express clearly, so I was misunderstood by you! I didn't want to leave here, but to say these things, I just don't want you to suffer in vain. Of course, if you say that you think it is worth it, then I naturally have nothing to say, because if you are willing, then why should I stop you!"

Chu Feng's words were simple and straightforward, with no flashy rhetoric. It is also like he is waiting for the answer from the Thirteenth Master. If he feels that this matter is worthwhile, then he will do it. No one will stop him. If it is not worth it, stop as soon as possible and stop insisting on it!

The Thirteenth Master did not disappoint Chu Feng, his answer was decisive and firm, without any delay!

"From the moment I did this thing, I knew that even if the final result is not satisfactory, then I must stick to it. So I can give you a positive answer now. I will continue to investigate the end of the result. The dignity of this city must not be trampled on. Even if I fight for my life, I will get an answer!"

"Okay! Since you have said so, what am I going to stop you from doing! I support you, I support you in doing so, and I will do my best to help you achieve your goals, isn't it other cities!

Anyway, I don't have any traces to follow here, so let me do these things, catch them back and bring them to justice! "

Chu Feng vowed to say that this matter had nothing to do with him. Even if he gave up, there would be no problem, but now he has taken this matter to him, not for other things, just Because of Chu Feng's momentum, he confirmed this matter without fear!

"Style, although I really hope that you can help me, but things like this are indeed difficult, and if you do it, you may not be able to do it. So I advise you to think about it and not be too reckless. , After all, this matter also has a lot of dangerous ingredients!

I don't want you to endure some pain that you shouldn't bear because of this, so I hope you can understand! "

Under normal circumstances, when Chu Feng proposed this idea, Lord Shisan should have supported it, but now Lord Shisan has not done so, and not only that, he has the idea to stop Chu Feng!

When the Shisanye spoke this sentence, Chu Feng couldn't help feeling a little strange, rejecting Chu Feng. This was not the line of the Shisanye, but why is the Shisanye so abnormal now?

This is indeed a questionable thing, and it is also very questionable!

auzw.com "Lord Thirteen, I made this decision not just for you, I just want to make this thing happen as soon as possible, although I have tried to persuade you to give up before But that is also to help you not to lose you anymore. Now that you have expressed your thoughts, then naturally I don’t need to be the tortoise with the head down. Moreover, this matter is also for me. There is a direct "sex" connection, so this matter is for me to do, and that is what it should be!"

Chu Feng had a calm face and explained his thoughts. He didn't want the thirteenth master to stop him. No matter what the reason, this was not the result he had hoped for!

Besides, even if it is really miserable, he still wants to stop him. I am afraid it will not help, because Chu Feng will never change his mind based on other people's suggestions.

This was the case before, and it will be the same in the future.

"Chu Feng, it is best for me to arrange this matter. If you really want to help me, then help me to try those who haven't got the results of the trial. Maybe they still hide some secrets, I didn't tell them. !"

The Thirteenth Lord still did not give up. His views never changed when he persuaded Chu Feng. It was just Chu Feng's repeated insistence, but he showed signs of relaxation. At least when he said this, his tone of voice No longer firm!

Chu Feng shook his head decisively. He couldn't listen to a word of the suggestion of Lord Thirteen.

"Stop talking about it, I have already decided on this matter, do you still want to change my failure?"

Chu Feng stopped making too many explanations, and didn't need to use many words to express his thoughts. At this time, he directly said such a sentence, and then used it to express his inner affirmation!

And as soon as Chu Feng said these words, the Shisanye had no idea. Although Shisanye was not afraid of Chu Feng, under such circumstances, Shisanye couldn't forcefully change Chu Feng's decision.

Moreover, this matter also has great benefits for the Thirteenth Lord. Although the Thirteenth Lord said on the surface that he did not want to let Chu Feng blend in, he still hoped to get Chu Feng's help in his heart.

Especially for this matter, he himself didn't have any clues at all. If Chu Feng was willing to come forward, it would be great!

"I know, no matter when, I can't force you to change your mind! In fact, this is also my fault. If you are willing, why should I stop you? This is not a superfluous act! Besides, I also hope to get you s help!"

In front of Chu Feng, Lord Shisan did not hide the slightest, and what he thought in his heart was directly said. The Lord Shisan at this moment is more real than ever before!

Of course, this truth will not last long. In addition, if it weren't for Chu Feng's existence, I'm afraid he would never find his true position!

"I am very happy and grateful to hear you say this. It is at least a correct choice to cooperate with you. I will help you find out the results of this matter. Of course, this is also helping me. After all, I am also very troubled by this matter!"

Chu Feng smiled. When he said this, he was already considering how to solve the troubles that would arise afterwards!

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