Whimsical System

Chapter 1190: Twisted posture

After the two negotiated, they immediately followed up with an analysis of this matter. From the results of the analysis, at present, the two of them must be divided into two ways to investigate this matter together.

And as the scope of the investigation continues to expand, the people and forces involved have gradually become scary!

It's just that this horrible factor has no influence on the punishment, because he has never dealt with other forces in this world. Therefore, naturally there is also a kind of courage for a newborn calf not to be afraid of tigers.

In contrast, the Thirteenth Lord has to be more cautious. Other cases, big or small, are basically not easy to provoke!

If it is in the current city, it will naturally be better to solve it, but after all, they are facing the forces of other cities. For those cases that have not been specifically understood, the Thirteenth Lord basically has no clue!

Chu Feng didn't even know anything. Apart from his passion and wanting to fight with them, he had no other ideas!

Therefore, on this issue, even if the two of them negotiate for a long time, it will not produce any useful results, and in addition to Chu Feng and the Thirteenth Lord, the bloated guy also participated in part!

It's just that his participation didn't help much, and the thirteenth master has not always trusted him very much, so in certain information situations, he has always had reservations about the bloated guy!

As a result, under the discussion of the three people, in the end, it was only for the time being and a preliminary plan was reached!

At present, the work of interrogation and investigation is temporarily in charge of the thirteenth master and the bloated guy. Of course, the main part is still in charge of the thirteenth master, and the bloated guy is just obeying the dispatch!

In addition to this aspect, when traveling to other cities, the work of arrest fell directly on Chu Feng. It happened that this matter was also requested by Chu Feng on his own initiative, so naturally there would be no other objections!

And these two aspects are the final result of the negotiation between the three of them, and they are also planning to travel. According to the result of the interrogation, it is known that the current arrest target is hiding in the city to the south of the city where they live!

That city is far away from the city where they currently live, and the gap between the two is also very obvious!

It can almost be said that that kind of city is a special case because it is too messy!

Except for that city, the other three cities all have relatively fixed survival models and urban governance plans!

But that city is different, although on the surface it is calm, there is nothing wrong with it!

But what it shows is only what people want to see. If you really go deep into the city and observe it, you will find that the city has already been devastated and messed up!

As for the information about this aspect, it was found secretly during the investigation. As for whether the specific content was accurate, the Shisanye himself could not determine at this time, after all, he had just read it!

At present, they have very little information, and their target is only in that city, but there is no accurate location.

If Chu Feng wants to accomplish this, he must conduct a close investigation of the city, and according to the information he currently has, conduct searches in that city through various methods, and he still cannot Attract the attention of other forces in the city!

Obviously this is not an easy task, and the risks are endless, never ending!


But even so, Chu Feng didn't think there was anything difficult to solve in this matter. Even if he didn't get the result in the end, it wouldn't let him be buried there.

After all, he still has a certain degree of confidence in his swallowing power at this time. Moreover, no matter how unlucky it is, he can choose to leave here, because this time he will bring a bloated guy!

In fact, when Chu Feng decided to take the bloated guy with him, there was a kind of guy who was reluctant to do so, because it was a very dangerous thing. A little carelessness would lead to death without a place to bury him. It is precisely because he understands the degree of interest in this that he retreats!

It’s just that his current thoughts will not affect the final outcome at all, because everything is decided by Chu Feng. At this time, as long as Chu Feng wants him to go, he naturally has no way to refuse. , Because all his life is currently given by Chu Feng, if he dares to refuse, then Chu Feng can get rid of him now!

Therefore, in this dilemma, the bloated guy certainly chose the more correct one!

On the eve of Chu Feng's departure, the Thirteenth Lord specially asked him to chat for a while, in fact, the two of them had already said what they should say, and apart from exhortations and persuasion, there seemed to be no other topics!

The "swinging" and "swinging" in the lounge may be due to the arrangement of the thirteenth master in advance, at this time there is no one at all!

When Chu Feng entered the lounge, he directly saw the thirteenth master waiting for him there, and he walked over calmly, then grabbed a chair and sat down!

"Is there any new plan?"

Chu Feng asked casually, because he didn't know what the thirteenth master came to do, so he could only ask according to his own guess!

The Thirteenth Master shook his head and said, "I'm looking for you today. Actually, I just want to chat with you. Basically, it can be mainly private communication. It has nothing to do with the plans we made before!"

"Oh, just tell me if there is anything! You don't have anything to be cautious in front of me anyway, we are friends!"

Chu Feng is still in his previous state, and nothing has changed from beginning to end, but the current thirteen masters seem to be a little slow, as if something is hiding from Chu Feng!

"What's the matter? Just say anything!"

Chu Feng waited for a long time without waiting for a response, so he couldn't help but urged!

"Chu Feng, I actually have a request, I hope you can help me!"

At this time, the thirteen masters seemed a bit twitchy, but some did not fit his "sex" style!

When he said this sentence, Chu Feng had already guessed one or two.

"Just say anything directly. It is estimated that at this time, my guess is not much different from what you want to say!"

Chu Feng said casually, but within a few words, he gave the Thirteenth a lot of confidence!

"I know that you can definitely think of this thing. In fact, it is really difficult for me to speak. After all, it is not reasonable to ask you this kind of request at this time!"

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