Whimsical System

Chapter 1191: establish connection

"Are you sure you are ready, right?" At this time, although Lord Shisan hadn't said what he wanted Chu Feng to do for him, Chu Feng had already turned away from the guest and took the home court advantage!

"Yes! I have been practicing hard during this period of time, just to make my body's resistance ability stronger. Now, I think it should be the most suitable time, so I hope you can try it for me. !"

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, this matter has gradually become clear. Lord Shisan wants to let Chu Feng help him establish a connection!

He hadn’t said before, it’s because Chu Feng had never thought about leaving, but now Chu Feng’s actions this time, it can almost be said to be life or death, so the thirteenth master worried that Chu Feng would not return. , So I wanted to let Chu Feng help him to establish a connection in advance!

And it is precisely because of the existence of this kind of thought that the thirteenth master felt that this sentence was not easy to say, after all, this can be regarded as a blow to Chu Feng!

But even so, the thirteenth master finally said this request, and Chu Feng also chose to understand it!

"Now that you are ready, let me try it! There will be some pain during the candidate process, but you have to endure it. As long as you pass this level, your strength will change by leaps and bounds!"

Chu Feng habitually exhorted the thirteenth master, and then started his next stage of action!

In fact, it is not very complicated to establish a connection. It is nothing more than a certain amount of pain and patience for those who bear the connection!

Therefore, although Chu Feng said this sentence very easily, in fact this matter is not so easy!

Because at least the thirteen must have the strength to endure pain, and there should be no emotional changes, otherwise the swallowing power will be difficult to control, and it may even cause him direct harm!

And although Chu Feng didn't say about this, the Thirteenth Master was quite clear, after all, he had already made preparations for a long time before this!

So when this moment really came, he could almost say that he had already completed all the deployments, just waiting for Chu Feng's assistance!

After a while, Lord Shisan sat still in his seat, his eyes closed tightly, as if he was recharging his energy!

Chu Feng held a group of swallowing power in his hands, and injected it into the body of the thirteenth master through the shoulders of the thirteenth master!

In order to reduce the destruction of the swallowing power, Chu Feng did not use the beads this time to change the color of the swallowing power, but even so, the thirteenth master still felt the unprecedented pain!

And in this painful process, in fact, the swallowing power in these bodies gradually began to change under the guidance of Chu Feng's swallowing power!

Establishing a connection is first of all the creation of the relationship between the point of production and the force of devouring. The work on this aspect must be done by the force of devouring itself, and even Chu Feng can't help!

Therefore, what the Thirteenth Lord has to do is continue to endure the pain, and then slowly wait for the power of devouring to complete this series of tasks!

As for how long this process will take, no one can say clearly. After all, everyone is different. Even if Chu Feng has experienced it, he still cannot be sure.

Time passed by, and the forehead of Lord Shisan was already covered with beads of sweat. That was a testimony of the pain that Lord Shisan was suffering at this moment!

Chu Feng stood by and watched quietly, but he was thinking about other things in his head. He was about to leave. He had to have some specific plans. Even though the formulation of this plan was not easy, he must also. this way!

auzw.com But when Chu Feng was thinking about it on his own, the Shisanye side had already changed.

When the sweat condensed into drops and dripped down, the thirteenth master also opened his eyes!

The connection of the generating points has been completed, and everything is much smoother than imagined. Although Lord Shisan has not imagined the pain in this, the current results still make him feel more lucky!

"how do you feel?"

Chu Feng asked casually, he didn't think it was weird about success. On the contrary, it would be really weird if it failed!

"It feels like the whole person is completely renewed. Even though the body hasn't undergone any changes, but the swallowing power is so powerful, I can clearly feel the connection of the generating points all over my body. My flesh and blood seem to be storing power for me, and these All I can feel so far!"

The Thirteenth Lord said with a lot of emotion, and didn't know if his feelings were real or not. In short, this feeling was very beautiful, as if this power came from nothing!

"If you can have this kind of experience, it also means that your connection has been successful. As long as you can practice hard during this period, you will always maintain the connection with the generating point!

Then it won’t take long for you to use the energy generated by the generating point at will! "

Chu Feng briefly explained, and also made some instructions, whether this matter is for Chu Feng or the Thirteenth Master, it is actually an end!

At present, Chu Feng has done what he should do, and the promise he made previously has been fulfilled, so even if he leaves now, there is nothing wrong with it!

It's just that he agreed again to help the thirteenth master solve the current troubles, so he naturally won't leave.

In this matter, the Thirteenth Lord was naturally the beneficiary, and now Chu Feng's departure would no longer have any impact on him!

Even if Chu Feng really had an accident in that city, for the Thirteenth Lord, it was just a loss of a better friend!

As for other aspects, the Thirteenth Lord will basically not suffer any impact!

In this way, it can be understood that the settlement of this matter is equivalent to lifting the bond between the two of them!

From then on, they will let people do anything without affecting each other, even if they are separated from each other!

It's just that in addition to this matter, the two of them seem to be holding something called friendship.

Neither of them has ever said anything about it, nor cared about it, but this friendship has always been working!

Whether it was Chu Feng's exhortation to the Thirteenth Master before, or the Thirteenth Master's consideration for Chu Feng!

Even the things that Chu Feng is about to do now are all based on friendship!

Originally, the two of them did not belong to the same world, but now it is exactly these two people who suddenly became friends.

Perhaps this should be a strange thing, but now it seems that there is a certain truth behind this strangeness!

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