Whimsical System

Chapter 1192: The journey of the two

The Thirteenth Lord's matter has been properly resolved, and the prescription has left the city at the previously agreed time!

This behavior did not reveal his identity, and Chu Feng declined the kindness of Lord Thirteen to send him an entourage!

It's just that, with some entanglements, he hit the road directly with the bloated guy!

"Chu Feng, in fact, there is nothing wrong with the suggestion of the thirteenth master. If we go with a few more people, we can also take care of each other!

After all, neither of you knows that city very well. If someone can lead the way, then it would be better! "

After the departure, the bloated fellow was a little unwilling, although he didn't say much in front of the thirteenth master, but when only him and Chu Feng were left, he couldn't help nagging!

"I know what you are thinking. With more people, we naturally want to be safer, but that only affects us before we reach that city!

You can imagine, if a group of us all arrived in that city, for us outsiders, wouldn’t they pay attention to us?

If there are people with the ability to spy on others' minds among them, wouldn't our plan for this trip be exposed!

So to be on the safe side, let's not act like this, so as not to cause some trouble that shouldn't be caused! "

It is more comprehensive to fully consider the problem. It is true that the target should not be exposed too much at present, although it is indeed a bit troublesome!

After listening to Chu Feng's explanation, the bloated guy can also express understanding, but in the current situation, he still feels a little inappropriate!

But although he didn't feel like it in his heart, he didn't say it!

The two of them took care of each other along the way. If there is a quarrel with each other, this is indeed not the case!

Therefore, for a period of time afterwards, the two of them were relatively stable, the bloated guy talked as little as possible, even if he had any thoughts, it was always hidden!

And Chu Feng was worried about what happened afterwards, so naturally he wouldn't have any other thoughts!

The current time is not harmonious enough, but this harmonious time will not last long. There is almost nothing to mention about the things on the road, it's just a constant rush, and the deserted land will inevitably make people tempted to leave!

A few days later, the two finally arrived at the city they had always regarded as their target. On the surface, there was indeed no difference in this city.

Except that it is easier to enter the city, the other two of them really didn't see anything!

After entering the city, the interview between the two of them was directly attracted by the prosperity in front of them!

In any case, they did not expect that there would be such a prosperous street in such a place. They had always thought that the chaos in this city would be extremely poor!

But now it seems that those claims are nothing more than rumors. The city is prosperous and organized, and there is no sign of confusion at all!

Even the environment of this city is more comfortable and comfortable than the city where the thirteenth master is located.

"It seems that their news is not accurate! This city is not as messy as they say!"

The bloated guy whispered, obviously, his views at this time were basically the same as Chu Feng!

auzw.com" They are just hearsay, the credibility is not very high! If there is really chaos in this city, then it can only be said that it has not yet appeared , And as to why it didn't appear, I'm afraid there are other hidden reasons!"

Chu Feng didn't completely deny it. The information he had received before was just that the current situation was beyond their comprehension. After all, the surrounding environment was too peaceful.

What they see and what they know are really two very extreme angles, so it's no wonder that it makes them feel suspicious!

"I would rather the news is false, so that it can relax me a little bit!" The bloated guy said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter whether it is said or not. The information provided is just a reminder for us. Now that they have come here, the so-called reminder is naturally unnecessary!

Okay, let's find a place to live as soon as possible. Maybe we have to stay here during this time, and we have to find a stable place to stay! "

Chu Feng has already made the next stage of preparations, and he has to investigate in this city. It must take a lot of time, and having a place to live is one of the necessary conditions!

"Okay, I will take you to find!"

The bloated guy readily agreed to Chu Feng's proposal, and then led Chu Feng through the streets.

Although the bloated guy has never been here, in this world, the layout of each city basically has many similarities. Even if this city is special, there are no facilities in some aspects. What a big difference!

Therefore, when it comes to accommodation, it is naturally difficult for bloated guys!

Under the leadership of the bloated guy, the two have indeed found a more suitable foothold, and the price is not too expensive!

To be safe, the two did not live separately, but chose a room where they could live together.

"Chu Feng lives with me, shouldn't you feel a little strange?"

After returning to the guest room, the bloated guy sat down on the edge of the bed and asked half-jokingly.

Chu Feng glanced at the bloated fellow carelessly, and said in his heart: "Nervous", but did not make an obvious response!

"Hey, why don't you answer me?"

Originally, Chu Feng thought that the bloated guy didn't get a response, so he naturally gave up, but who ever thought he would be reluctant, he had to ask the answer!

As a result, Chu Feng felt a little uncomfortable!

"You are really inexplicable, why did you suddenly ask this question! If I find it strange, then I won't live with you!"

Chu Feng's expression was unhappy, and his emotions were almost unconcealed!

"Hahaha... I didn't say anything, why are you angry! Okay, let's stop here! Even if I say something wrong, okay?"

Seeing that Chu Feng's expression was wrong, the bloated guy hurriedly tried to make up for it, so that this topic would not continue to extend!


Chu Feng coldly snorted with a displeased look, then he pulled a chair and sat down, and did not communicate too much with the bloated guy.

Perhaps it wasn't until this time that the bloated guy realized that he and Chu Feng are not the same people at all!

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