Whimsical System

Chapter 1196: Unlock the door

"It seems that our main goal tomorrow should be to help you solve the current problem, not to walk around in this city!

Speaking of it, this incident happened suddenly. Why do I suddenly feel under control! It's as if others knew what we were going to do, so they found something for us to do in order to "disrupt" our previous plan! "

The bloated guy has great doubts about this matter, whether it is the current ring bracelet or the innkeeper who has already died!

It seems that all of this has already been determined, there is a person who is planning all this closely, and then waiting for them to fall into the trap!

But now Chu Feng has already learned the Tao, and he doesn't know if there will be any new tricks next, the bloated guy is very worried about this matter, and he has a corresponding guess!

"Chu Feng, do you believe in this matter? It is very likely that someone we met before did it!"

The bloated guy didn't specify who it was, but his words directly caused Chu Feng's infinite reverie!

"You mean, this thing might be the guy who hasn't "showed" his face?"

Under the reminder of the bloated guy, Chu Feng instantly thought of the computing genius who had been hiding his face before!

The innkeeper just came here by being "fucked" by someone. If this thing is done by someone, then the computing genius must be a suspect!

Although the current ring and bracelet cannot find the real owner, just relying on the clue of the innkeeper is enough to make the bloated guy and Chu Feng think of the computing genius!

"Although it's just a guess at the moment, I think this possibility is very "sexual". You can think about how many enemies we currently have, and we can find our traces on the first day we arrive in the city! So there is almost no need to doubt about this matter!"

The bloated guy has never been so sure. Regarding the posture of the bloated guy, Chu Feng can't help thinking that he must have something else to tell him, otherwise the bloated guy would definitely not be just because of this clue. sure!

But now that the bloated guy is unwilling to tell Chu Feng, it means that the bloated guy has a reason that he doesn't tell. So even if Chu Feng interrogates him, he won't be able to ask a result, so Chu Feng simply Give up the inquiry!

"Since you're so sure, let's treat him as the culprit of all this for the time being! But now, even if we are sure that he did it, what can we do? Now he hasn't exposed the slightest. Trace, even I don’t even know what he looks like, I really don’t know how to deal with him!"

Chu Feng's distress is real. At present, his enemy is in the dark, but he and the bloated guy are in the light. In this case, he basically has no room for resistance, unless it is between the two. Face to face against each other!

So facing this situation, Chu Feng planned to listen to the advice of the bloated guy, hoping that he could give himself a little reminder.

"Although we have set the goal at present, as for how to solve this matter, I am afraid we have to discuss it carefully, and now the first important thing is to help you get rid of the constraints of Devouring Force!

Tomorrow, let's take a stroll around the city, and then figure out these two things, if possible, we will solve them! "


The bloated guy didn't have any useful suggestions. After going around, he just wanted to let Chu Feng find a way to solve the current troubles in the city. As for the others, he didn't have the slightest idea like Chu Feng!

"Well, it seems that you don't have any good ideas! It's really unlucky enough to be woken up when you sleep, and then you have such a big trouble!"

Chu Feng lay on the bed again, but he didn't know where to put his hands, the ring and bracelet were heavy. There was no such obvious sign before, but since his devouring power gradually became active, the weight of the two jewels began to increase so rapidly that it was almost impossible to resist!

"It seems that this thing can not only limit my devouring power, but also control the activity of my devouring power. It really is two harmful things. It would be great if I could replace his master with me. !"

Chu Feng subconsciously converged the swallowing power, and the weight of the ring and bracelet was gradually reduced as the swallowing power converged!

When the weight of both hands returned to a normal state, Chu Feng closed his eyes and had such a luxury!

And in that "mis" and "strange", Chu Feng and the bloated fellow also fell asleep one after another.

The unsteady night was actually spent in their sleep. The next day, the death of the innkeeper also caused a little disturbance, but this incident did not have much impact on the two of them.

People from the city management bureau had come here to question the two of them, but most of the time they just walked through the scene, said a few words casually, and then gave some benefits, they also left. This thing seems to be over here!

The innkeeper changed a new person again, and everything was the same, as if the previous murder had never happened!

The City Administration did not give an accurate answer, but the body was pulled away, and then there was no more news!

And it wasn't until this time that Chu Feng and the bloated fellow suddenly realized that the city was really so messed up. Even if the murder occurred, it would not be taken seriously, even with the exception of this hotel. They never spread it out again!

Even if someone had heard of it, it would still look like he didn't pay attention to it, just like listening to a joke that wasn't too funny, it was still indifferent!

After simply eating some things, Chu Feng planned to take a stroll in the city with the bloated guy, and find a solution to the ring and bracelet by the way!

Before leaving, the bloated guy originally wanted to lock the door, but was stopped by Chu Feng.

After leaving the hotel, the bloated guy asked with a puzzled look: "Why don't you lock the door? Are you not afraid of our things being stolen?"

Chu Feng explained: "If you lock the door, how can you know if someone enters our room!"

And if we don't lock it, he will take it lightly, maybe it will leave any clues! "

Chu Feng's words seemed unreasonable at first, but if you slap them carefully, you can feel the wisdom of Chu Feng.

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