Whimsical System

Chapter 1197: The choice of reward

Now they let people know that someone is going to plot against them, and since they are out, then what they left in the house naturally becomes the person's attention!

So what Chu Feng valued at this time was that he wanted to use the things left in the room to investigate who was actually cheating them, so as to determine the bloated guy's guess!

And the bloated guy, because of this thought, suddenly stopped asking about this matter.

"I see, let's go and solve your troubles first!"

The composure of the bloated guy made Chu Feng very satisfied. Facts have proved that no matter when it is to have a reliable partner, it is still more important!

And now the bloated guy is Chu Feng's reliable partner, and his strength should not be underestimated!

After passing through a few streets, the bustling sections are gradually missed. Gradually there are fewer pedestrians on the road, and the shops on the roadside are gradually depressed!

It seems that in this city, not every street is prosperous. In fact, the prosperous appearance is not really prosperous, and the appearance of depression is often not a real depression!

The two of Chu Feng walked into a jewellery shop, which should belong to a private jewellery shop. The shop doesn't look very big, and the space inside is relatively small!

The reason why they chose to enter such a store is actually only because this is the first jewelry store they have come across for so long, so they have no choice but to go in and hit their luck!

There are customers in the shop, which is naturally a good thing for the shop owner. However, when Chu Feng and the two walked into the shop, the shop owner still looked tepid and ignored!

"This shop, it looks like there is nothing special about it!"

After entering the shop, the bloated guy turned around and whispered to Chu Feng.

However, before Chu Feng answered, the shop owner responded first.

"Are you here to make trouble?"

The shop owner’s sudden question made Chu Feng and the other two feel a little strange. Why did they suddenly ask this question? What does it mean to cause trouble? They didn't do anything!

"Sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean. We just went to your store to take a look. Is this your attitude toward customers?"

The bloated guy was a little angry, so he said a few words casually.

Unexpectedly, his remarks directly stabbed the big basket!

"It seems that the two of you are really unkind! If this is the case, then I can only help!

The owner stood up from his seat, carrying an iron chain in his hand, and a round iron ball was tied to the other end of the chain!

"What do you want, aren't we here to fight with you?"

Seeing this, the bloated guy took a few steps subconsciously, and said solemnly.

"Isn't it? I look alike!"

The owner didn't mean to give in at all, he still walked out step by step, wanting to take action against Chu Feng.

When the owner was about to come to Chu Feng, Chu Feng directly stretched out his hand to block between himself and the owner.

auzw.com "Wait!"

Chu Feng said casually, he wanted the owner to pause for a while!

As a result, as soon as Chu Feng stretched out his hand, he directly attracted the owner.

"You are..."

The expression of the shop owner had changed the moment Chu Feng stretched out his hand!

Until he stretched out his finger and pointed at the ring on Chu Feng's palm, Chu Feng Er suddenly realized that the guy in front of him was obviously interested in Chu Feng's ring!

"Why, do you know?" Chu Feng wanted to set the shop owner's words, so he asked him deliberately.

The shop owner stared at the ring for a long time, until a long time later, he slowly replied: "You should come here to find me to take it off!"

The words of the shop owner couldn’t help but make Chu Feng's heart stunned. It seems that the two of them really came to the right place. No matter what the other is just the shop owner’s question, it is enough to prove that he knows This ring!

"How did you know?"

Chu Feng tried his best to calm his emotions, and then asked casually.

"You don't care how I know, I just need you to tell me, if I can take it down, how much can you pay me?"

The owner is more straightforward, and he talks directly about remuneration when he opens his mouth!

"How much do you want?"

The bloated guy stepped forward a few steps and asked the owner.

The owner looked at the bloated guy with a cold face: "Money is not important to me. What I need is not money, but something that is enough to make my heart move!

So the price must be made by you. If you think that can solve this trouble, you can just say it and let me listen to it!

If I think it is suitable, then I will help you naturally, and if it is not suitable, then we can also discuss it! "

From the words of the shop owner, it is inevitable to hear that he seems to be willing to do this, but Chu Feng and the others don’t know what the shop owner needs. If he doesn’t need a front desk, then again. What can make him move?

"Don't tell me from time to time, the two of us have just arrived in this city. We don't know the situation in this city very well, so I may not know how to make a price for the compensation you mentioned!

Why not, you set a price for us, and then let us make a measure for ourselves! "

When Chu Feng spoke, he was more polite. After all, he was asking others, and he couldn't make himself seem too bossy!

"It turned out to be from a foreign country. If this is the case, then I will help you! Normally, if you want me to help, there are basically two ways to repay me. One is to exchange things for things. If you have any treasures that can be exchanged, then I can consider it. On the other hand, it is exchange for things. This means that you need to promise me to do something and use it as a reward. As for the content of the matter, I am free to order you, and you must not refuse!

Of course, if you want to give up, then you can naturally refuse, how about it? Of these two aspects, which one do you think is more suitable for you? "

The shop owner gave Chu Feng two options, and in front of these two options, Chu Feng did not seem too embarrassed.

Because the two of them didn't have any valuable things with them.

Therefore, the option of exchanging goods is naturally not suitable for them. They have no other choice except the remaining choice!

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