Whimsical System

Chapter 1198: Mortal sign

"We choose to exchange things for things, after all, we don't have anything valuable, so we can only choose this way!"

Chu Feng answered very happily, as if he had answered directly without thinking!

As for the answer given by Chu Feng, the shop owner seemed very excited!

"Are you sure you want to make this choice? For the sake of the way you regret it, I have to ask again!"

The owner's words will inevitably arouse people's suspicion. Why do they go back? Is there something in this matter that is difficult to figure out?

However, before Chu Feng could consider this matter, the bloated guy gave an answer first.

"There is no need to reconsider, we have already decided!"

And after the bloated guy said this, he showed off to Chu Feng with a smug look.

Judging from his appearance, it seemed like he had done something good, but he didn't know that Chu Feng was blaming him at this time.

"Very good! I haven't met someone as cheerful as you for a long time. In that case, let's talk about the conditions!"

In contrast, the owner of the shop was very pleased, and as a result, he had to discuss things about the conditions.

But just as the owner of the shop was about to make a request, Chu Feng raised his other hand.

"The boss really doesn't hide it, what I have on display here is not a troublesome thing, but two!"

When Chu Feng showed the handle ring in front of the shop owner, the shop owner's face turned pale instantly.

"This...this...why would you wear this?"

The owner's behavior is really weird. Under normal circumstances, I am afraid that no one will make such a gesture. However, the owner seems to have changed suddenly at this time!

Even he felt a bit wanting to shrink, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became frozen at this moment!

"Boss, are you okay? Is there something wrong with this bracelet?" Chu Feng asked with a puzzled expression.

"No...no! But I can't help you with this. You know, there are some people I can't afford, so I'm afraid I can't help you!"

The owner of the shop, who was still rebellious before, was suddenly like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, trembling when he spoke, for fear of offending something!

As for the posture of the shop owner, the bloated guy is really uncomfortable.

"Can you be more normal, why bother to put on this look? Could it be that we can still eat you, didn't you just be good?"

The provocation of the bloated guy is tantamount to a stimulus to the shop owner, and as a result, under the provocation of the bloated guy, the shop owner suddenly boldly responded to him!


"You two guys who don't know the heights of the earth and the earth are so arrogant after provoking people who shouldn't be offended, do you know what these two things represent!

If there is only one ring, it's normal, but now you have got both things together. This is a sign of death, do you know? "

The owner's words undoubtedly slapped Chu Feng and Chu Feng severely.

Although, they still have the idea of ​​wanting to get rid of these two things, the shop owner's words. But it attracted their attention!

What is a sign of death? Is it because someone sincerely wants Chu Feng to die? Could it be that Chu Feng couldn't get rid of this fate anymore? And all this is just because of the packages they two got last night?

This thing sounds too absurd, what kind of person can decide the life and death of other people casually.

Not to mention that Chu Feng was not willing to be teased by this fate at this time, he was just a bloated fellow, and he also had infinite anger in his heart!

"I don't believe it. I have to die if I wear these two things. Now, don't be in this world. Even in other time and space in the time and space where other powerful people gather, I don't think I am. Your destiny will be controlled by others!

So now you just give me a nice word, can you help me relieve it? "

Chu Feng became indifferent and cruel at this moment, and he no longer had his previous politeness when speaking!

The shop owner became trembling and timid, and a world-shaking change took place between the two!

"I can't help you change all of this, I can't help you change it, if I do, then besides you are going to die, I will also be buried with you!

You know, even people like me can’t easily give up their lives, and it’s for someone who doesn’t know me, so I can’t do this. If you want others to help you, Then you can naturally find someone who is not afraid of death to do it, just don't embarrass me! "

The answer given by the shop owner is very clear. He will not help Chu Feng solve the current troubles, even if he has this ability!

"Okay! If you don't help me, this is naturally your freedom, but we agreed on it before. If you go back now, is that an illegal agreement?

Now, I also have my own rules. For those who violate the agreement between me and him, I will also kill him. You can think about it, either die in my hands now, or help me and save yours " life! "

When Chu Feng said these words, he was also ready. Since the power of Devouring could not be used, Chu Feng's abilities were limited, and there was no way to instantly give his opponent a fatal blow!

Therefore, this matter may have to be done by the bloated guy to mention Chu Feng, and since the owner of the shop knew that these two things would have much impact on the goal, so when I said this, he said that there was no Any feeling of oppression!

"As for your ability, I naturally have no doubts, but now you are definitely not my opponent, so there is no need for you to come and say this to me, to show off your ability to me, after all. Everything is false and untrue!

So even if you have the acting skills to hide from the sky, you still can't hide it from my eyes!

If you really want to do it, then I can accompany you. Even if you two go together, I don't care. Since I can hold this shop, it means I have enough strength! "

The shop owner suddenly became firm, and then he "touched" the iron chain. At this time, he was ready to fight with Chu Feng, and he even wanted to move first!

And when things progressed, Chu Feng lost interest in an instant, because even if the two of them teamed up to defeat the owner, it would still not help the final result. After all, they were not here to fight, but to fight. To solve the trouble!

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