Whimsical System

Chapter 1207: Busy all day

"Okay! I can barely count you as unlucky than me. Ordinarily, this is not a good thing. Why are we two fighting!" Chu Feng said casually, but he didn't have any special thoughts, just following the bloat. The guy just talks, but it feels not very good!

"I think you are deliberately **** me off..."

"No, I'm catering to you, how could I be angry with you!"

The bloated guy put away all the coins next to his body, but didn't say much.

It's just that when he walked to the door, he turned his head and said to Chu Feng: "Do you still want to stay here? Let's set off!"

"Oh! I thought you were angry!" Chu Feng responded hastily, and then followed!

"When did you remember that I gambled with you? We are friends, right? I'm never mad about friends!"

When he said this, the bloated guy meant to show off a bit, but his show off did not have any effect on Chu Feng!

At this time, Chu Feng almost turned a deaf ear to what the bloated guy said, even if he heard it occasionally, he still pretended to be innocent!

"Chu Feng... are you listening to me?"

Seeing that Chu Feng didn't respond at all, the bloated fellow couldn't help but ask again.


Chu Feng looked at the bloated guy with a blank expression, his expression felt like a lifetime.

"Okay! So you didn't even hear what I was talking about, it's a waste of emotions!"

The bloated guy spit out rather helplessly, then lowered his head and continued to walk outside.

Chu Feng shrugged behind him, "showing" a helpless look, and then followed him.

"Let's separate the two of us from here. I'll be responsible for inquiring about the news, so you can continue to wander around in this city!

When it gets dark, let's meet here again, and it is estimated that my side will be almost there! "

The bloated guy made a simple deployment, he didn't tell Chu Feng his plan, and he didn't plan to implement it with Chu Feng.

Although he didn't know what calculation he was making, Chu Feng still agreed to his suggestion!

As far as Chu Feng is concerned, whether he goes or not, it doesn't seem to have much impact. Since the bloated guy is responsible for this matter, it means that he has a certain ability to accomplish this matter.

But at this time, Chu Feng only needs to give him enough trust, and there is no need to worry about everything else.

"Okay, just do as you said!"

Chu Feng responded happily, and then left first.

Looking at Chu Feng’s back from a distance, the bloated guy did not stay here any longer. According to the plan he made last night, he will have a lot to do today, so he must race against time to cherish time. !

As the evening approached, Chu Feng had been exhausted from wandering the streets of the city, and the surrounding facilities had basically been understood clearly. All the shops and streets were in Chu Feng's memory.


Although the city looks huge, most of the streets are in a state of depression, and I don't know why. In short, the gap between prosperity and depression is that big.

There is also a big difference between shops and shops. Some shops seem to exist because of their existence. As for how they survive, it is a difficult puzzle to be solved.

Because they basically have no business dealings all day long, if they just make a decoration and appear there, then this is a bit too dramatic.

Going back to the door of the hotel again, it was an agreement made here when we parted with the bloated guy in the morning.

Now Chu Feng arrived as promised, but the bloated guy hasn't appeared yet.

Seeing that the sky is getting darker, the pedestrians on the road are becoming scarcer.

When that night was about to fall, the bloated guy dragged his tired body and walked out of the dark shadows in the distance.

At this time, the bloated guy looked tired, and he didn't know what he did all day, who he saw, and where he went!

"You look tired!"

Chu Feng looked at the bloated guy up and down. At this time, the bloated guy was almost exhausted from the inside out.

The bloated guy took a long sigh of relief, and the tired look between his eyebrows and eyes was slightly relieved.

"I have been busy all day today, and I don't know how many people I have seen and how many places I have gone! Now it is not easy for me to walk back on my own! It seems that I am a little tired, so naturally it is not surprising!

"Is that done? Did your plan go smoothly?"

What Chu Feng cares most about is naturally the promise of the bloated guy's photos. Tiredness can naturally rest, and if the promise is not fulfilled, there is no way to make up for the regret!

"Fortunately, despite the twists and turns of the process, the final result is still good. After a whole day of unremitting efforts, I finally found a reliable force in this city, but now I have no accurate Contact them, I'm afraid you will go with me tomorrow!"

The bloated guy brought back good news. It was nothing more than this good news. It seemed to be in a state of undetermined status, and the final result would have to wait until tomorrow before it could be announced!

"Do you need me to go with you?"

Hearing the words of the bloated guy, Chu Feng couldn't help feeling a little hesitant. After all, he still felt that this matter was a bit unreliable.

In case this is someone else's trap, wouldn't this be a huge trouble.

"Don't worry, I'm ready for this! Although I haven't had any contact with them, they already know that we exist, and they are happy to contact us!

And when I go tomorrow, I will formally discuss with them about cooperation. Is it possible that you want me to do this kind of thing?

I don't know much about this aspect, if this matter is screwed up again, or it is not good for us, wouldn't it be worth the loss! "

The bloated guy had enough reasons for him to invite Chu Feng to go, and when Chu Feng heard this reason, he really had no way to refuse. In addition, he didn't want to refuse, just hesitant and Just worry!

But now, the bloated guy has said things to this point, so no matter how worried or hesitating he is, this matter must have a result!

So in the end, Chu Feng agreed to the bloated guy's plan and promised him to go with him tomorrow.

Regarding the conversation about this matter, the two people only had a few sentences to communicate, but at this time they had indeed decided on a very important matter!

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