Whimsical System

Chapter 1208: Mr. He

The next day, the two woke up very early, focusing on the matters discussed today.

Before leaving, the bloated guy made another order to Chu Feng, and the content of his order was nothing more than to let Chu Feng not be too public and avoid causing other people's dissatisfaction!

Regarding this point, Chu Feng could be regarded as completely listening, but at that time, whether Chu Feng would follow the instructions of the bloated guy, it has not yet been determined!

After leaving the hotel, the bloated guy took Chu Feng directly and turned into a bustling street.

Compared to the street that Chu Feng goes to during the day, this street has the meaning of being a main road!

The number of shops on both sides of the street is extremely large, and the width of the street is shocking.

It can be seen from this that, after all, this city still has rich neighborhoods, it's just that Chu Fengping hasn't had much contact with him.

According to the introduction of the bloated guy, there are at least five commanders in this street, and all the leaders are gathered here, and it is for this reason that this street is very peaceful and prosperous!

At this time, the bloated fellow and Chu Feng's target forces were also just above this street.

After bypassing the downtown area, the two turned into an alley together. In fact, it was said to be an alley, but the area of ​​this alley was much wider than ordinary streets.

The alley extends to the end of the line of sight and is around the alley, so there are still shops, but there are not many sporadic ones!

The bloated guy has been leading the way, but Chu Feng's walked and looked all the way, his eyes never stopped.

Until the two came to the end of the alley, a dark wall blocked their way.

And in the center of the wall, there is an entrance made of steel.

The height of the entrance is almost the same as that of the wall, and the two can barely see the top of the entrance when they look up.

"That's it! There are still fifteen minutes from the agreed time, we may need to wait here for a while!"

The bloated guy had already made a waiting gesture at this time, and while he was waiting, he also casually explained to Chu Feng.

"I thought you had already made an appointment! It turns out that you just bought a waiting time!"

What Chu Feng said didn't mean to complain. He just felt that the arrangement was not easy, at least not in line with his wishes!

And the bloated guy didn't pay much attention to Chu Feng's words. No matter what Chu Feng said or thoughts, this couldn't be changed. They needed to wait for the results here.

So simply, he just pretended to be deaf and dumb, without saying a word or making a sound!

Fifteen minutes was fleeting, but it was a pity that everything was not as accurate as agreed, and even if the time came, there was no change in the entrance.

"It seems that they have missed their appointment... I hope they don't miss the appointment for too long!"

Chu Feng said casually, but he still never got a response from the bloated guy.

When the time came to twenty minutes, there was finally movement at the entrance this time, at least there were footsteps.

Then the entrance opened from the inside out, but only a small slit opened.

Then from that small gap came out a guy with a full face.

Judging from his face, he really looked so fierce and wicked.


"What did you do?"

The first sentence that the person said was a question to Chu Feng and the bloated fellow.

"We came here to meet Mr. He specially. I don't know if we can tell us about it. We made an appointment yesterday!"

The bloated guy said a very common name, of course, this common only applies to Chu Feng's body.

The title of Mr. He is quite common to Chu Feng, because the word "Mr." and the last name of "He" are quite common in the real world.

It's just that I don't know why this kind of title will appear here, but looking at the appearance of the bloated guy, he doesn't seem to have much idea about this title.

Maybe it's like what Dr. Z said, the title is just a code name, and there is nothing to be surprised about, as long as it exists, it is enough!

After knowing the purpose of the two people's coming, the person did not stop him, and also invited them to come inside the courtyard wall.

Through the entrance, the two are placed in the courtyard wall, and the current scene can be said to make the two of them shine.

Everything around is so magnificent, mountains, springs, rivers, terraces and pavilions, almost everything you need.

It seems that inside the courtyard wall is the real world, and outside the courtyard wall is nothing but a dark passage.

"Come with me, Mr. He is meeting guests, I will take you to the study and wait!"

That person's attitude towards Chu Feng had eased a lot, at least he was no longer as indifferent as before!

After a while, Chu Feng and the others were taken to the study, and each found a place to sit down.

Then the rest of the time, there is only waiting, but fortunately, waiting at this time, there are still some fruit and fruit snacks to eat.

About an hour later, a middle-aged man walked in from outside the study.

Judging from the appearance of this person, you don't know what his identity is. However, based on the intuition of both Chu and Feng, they both agree that this person is Mr. He!

"The two have been here for a long time, right? A guest was delayed for a while, making them wait a long time!"

Sure enough, Chu Feng's guess was quite accurate, and the person who appeared before them at this time was the same Mr. He they wanted to meet on their trip.

Chu Feng and the other two stood up one after another, but they were able to express their politeness with this gesture.

"The two of you don't need to be restrained, please sit down, please sit down..."

Mr. He looks really courteous, at least his behavior at this time is quite satisfying!

The two of Chu Feng sat back on their seats again, and Mr. He also found a seat and sat down.

"The two of you should have made an appointment with me yesterday, right? It was a bit rude today. There were a lot of guests, and I was almost confused!"

After he was seated, Mr. He was still talking about this matter, and it seemed that he wanted to explain it specifically to avoid misunderstanding.

Regarding the missed appointment, neither Chu Feng nor the bloated guy felt too concerned.

It's just a gap of a few minutes. Originally, they are asking for help, so wait a few more minutes and less wait a few minutes, then naturally there is no difference!

Therefore, Chu Feng immediately said: "Mr. He is welcome, you have a lot of things, and you should be busy! We can all understand, you don't have to worry at all!"

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