Whimsical System

Chapter 1210: Two hours wait

"This power is..." Mr. He widened his eyes, staring at Chu Feng's palm.

"The power of devouring!" Chu Feng said.

"And it's still under the restraint of the ring!" Mr. He also saw the ring in Chu Feng's hand. With his qualifications, he would naturally know what this ring represents.

"Yes, even under the restraint of the ring, Chu Feng is still able to display this power, presumably this scene is enough to prove Chu Feng's ability!"

The bloated guy spoke at the right time to bring out Chu Feng's ability from the side.

"It's really unimaginable. There is still power in this world that can still work under the restraint!"

Mr. He was deeply shocked, but he was not too gaffe, because immediately he began to doubt the ring, and his keen mind instantly urged him to make a judgment.

Even though he wasn't very sure about this matter at this time, his current demeanor had returned to normal.

"Mr. He, my abilities have also been shown, and you must have some results in your heart?"

Putting away the swallowing power, Chu Feng flipped his palm to return to its original state, and asked Mr. He with a smile.

At this moment, Mr. He still hesitated. First of all, he was definitely unwilling to offend Chu Feng. Regardless of whether the ring was true or false, Chu Feng's current abilities are still worthy of attention.

Therefore, in the decision of this matter, the ability of light has become a crucial point.

"At this moment, I do want to change my mind, but I don't know what the matter is. Maybe I need to do more to understand!

Why don't you give me the information you have, and I will investigate for you first. If there is any result, I will definitely notify you as soon as possible! "

Mr. He still did not give Chu Feng an affirmative answer, but he also did not refuse, but took responsibility for this matter first, and as to the result, he did not make any guarantee!

"Mr. He seems to be a little unruly in doing so. If we can cooperate, then I will naturally entrust all the information I currently have to you!

But if the cooperation between us cannot be achieved, then I think this thing is unnecessary, because I have to find other people to do it. If I have contact with both forces at the same time, I am afraid that no matter who it is It's not a good thing, because I can only help one force control the city!

Therefore, I still ask Mr. He to give us an affirmative answer, otherwise the cooperation between us may not be able to start! "

In the face of this question, Chu Feng did not give in, and not only that, he even had further plans!

If Mr. He is unwilling to accept this condition, then Chu Feng will definitely choose to give up. After all, the bloated guy has said before that although Mr. He belongs to the more powerful party, it is not the only existence!

Moreover, the posture shown by Mr. He this time seems to be a little different from what the bloated guy said!

Therefore, from the very beginning, Chu Feng had already shown some signs of disappointment with Mr. He, but now if Mr. He drags on without making a decision, then Chu Feng will definitely choose to give up!

At this time, when this decision was placed in front of Mr. He so that he could not escape.

Mr. He was also quick-witted and came up with another idea.


"Why not? You two will be here for a while. I will discuss it first, and I will give you an answer after I get an accurate result. I don't know what the two of you mean?"

Mr. He wanted to buy some time, at least he had to think carefully about the pros and cons of this matter, and in the face of Mr. He’s request, Chu Feng was not too embarrassed, at least waiting for Chu Feng for a while.

So in the end, Chu Feng agreed to Mr. He's request and promised to give Mr. He two hours.

And within two hours, Chu Feng and the bloated fellow will stay with Mr. He.

In a sense, the two of them are more like losing their freedom within these two hours.

But on this point, neither Chu Feng nor the bloated guy were too worried, because no matter what happened, no matter what happened, they would not get into trouble!

After all, the bloated guy has the ability to leave this space, so as long as the two of them want to leave, they can leave anytime, anywhere!

Therefore, the two of them just stayed here as they wished. Two hours is not too long, at least it is very short for Mr. He.

Because he has too many things to consider, and he also needs to discuss this matter with other people.

As a result, almost he did not feel the passage of time, two hours had passed!

But fortunately at this time, he had already concluded that when Mr. He came to the study again, Chu Feng and the two could be very clear. From his expressions, he could see how Mr. He was feeling at this time!

"Let the two of you wait for a long time!" Mr. He did not sit down, but stood in front of Chu Feng and said this.

"Can you get the result?" Chu Feng asked impatiently.

"Yes, we have already decided! We can cooperate, and it is a permanent "sexual" cooperation!"

At this moment, Mr. He’s response is very positive, obviously he has come to the final answer!

"Very well, this is exactly the result we hope for!" Chu Feng smiled and said.

"Yes, this is also the result we hope! When will our cooperation start? And what preparation do we need to do?" Mr. He asked.

"There is no need to prepare, but you have to investigate for us first, where is our goal hidden? I believe you have to know more about this aspect of things than we do!

While talking, Chu Feng took out the information file containing the target person and delivered it to Mr. He.

"Is this the specific message of the target?"

After accepting the file, Mr. He didn't look through it, but asked Chu Feng first.

"This is all the information we currently have. The content is not comprehensive enough, but it is enough to narrow the scope of you!

You have a total of three days from now to investigate this matter! After three days, I hope you can give me an accurate result. Then I will act with you to start this arrest plan!

When the targets are all captured, our cooperation is over! At that time, what you need and what I provide will be delivered to you together! "

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