Whimsical System

Chapter 1211: The troubles of the southern forces

"Well, three days is enough. We will meet here again in three days. If I can't provide you with the results, I will compensate you accordingly!"

Mr. He also made a guarantee to Chu Feng, so that both sides can be considered to be able to rely on it!

Chu Feng nodded in satisfaction, this matter is considered to be at this point, and it is temporarily over!

For the rest of the time, the two of Chu Feng did not stay with Mr. He for a long time. After all, the trust between them and Mr. He had not yet reached that level of trust!

Therefore, since the two of them came here, they have been taking precautions all the time, and now they are leaving, that is also an inevitable result!

The departure of the two of Chu Feng is a good thing for Mr. He. If they stay here forever, they might leak their internal information!

Therefore, when saying goodbye to the two of Chu Feng, Mr. He always had a smile on his face, and at this time, his smile had never appeared before!

Three days later, it was the wall that blocked the alley again, still the entrance made of steel.

The two of Chu Feng revisited their old place, but they didn't have any other feelings.

At this time, Mr. He’s residence still gives people a feeling of rejection from thousands of miles away!

However, in this agreement, no one missed the appointment, and it was Mr. He himself who came out to meet the two of Chu Feng!

It seems that Mr. He does indeed regard the two of Chu Feng as partners for cooperation, otherwise, how could it be possible to do so!

Last time, they met in the study room, but this time they entered the conference hall directly!

And besides Mr. He, there are others in the conference hall!

"Introduce everyone, this is Chu Feng, our new partner! And this one is all Mr. Chu Feng's friend!"

Mr. He gave a brief introduction, because he didn't know the name of the bloated guy, so he just passed it briefly without much words!

After the two of Chu and Feng took their seats, the meeting organized by Mr. He also started!

At the meeting, Mr. He first analyzed the content of the work carried out in these three days, and then the main figures in charge of the work carried out the work, and there was an explanation of the content of the action!

It was not until the end that Mr. He showed the final results of these three days of investigation.

"After three days of unremitting investigation, we finally locked six targets in this city. Of these six targets, five of them came from other cities!

I don't know when they got here, but at this time they already have a certain status in this city!

The remaining local target is still the leader of a small power, and he seems to have been attached to the southern power.

It seems that if you want to solve him, you will have to deal with the southern forces!

As for the degree of difficulty, it must be relatively large, so we must use our brains to think about how to solve this trouble! "

When Mr. He introduced this matter, he was almost only discussing with his subordinates, and the Chu Feng bloated fellow and the two of them were just an observer seat!

However, in Mr. He's introduction, the two of them probably understood the whole story!


The south of the city is one of the three most powerful forces in the city, but even so, it is still an unshakable aspect of the city.

Mr. He is ranked second among the three major forces. Compared with the southern forces, he is naturally stronger.

However, if there is a conflict between the two of them, then it is still uncertain who wins and loses.

What Mr. He has been doing has always been a nominal business transaction, and he did not mainly fight for territory, so in terms of assets, Mr. He is higher.

In fact, it can be seen from Mr. He’s personal style that he is basically a businessman, with no speech and demeanor, the so-called quagmire.

In contrast, Chengnan's strength is completely opposite to Mr. He.

Their economy is relatively weak, and most of their sources of survival come from competition for territory.

So in terms of fighting and fighting, Mr. He may not be their opponent. Of course, financial resources can also bring a lot of external resources!

Therefore, it is precisely because of the existence of this layer that Mr. He's ranking is a little higher than the southern forces.

"It's just a small force. It's not easy to balance them. No matter how overbearing the forces in the south of the city are, then he will have to save us a bit of face, otherwise we will break his economic chain and ensure that they will not last for a month. time!"

There will always be some uneven noises in the conference room, and their bodies are still mixed with some aura of rivalry and jealousy.

Even though the transformation has been completed, their habits still remain.

"It is naturally easy to break their economic chain, but have you ever thought about the consequences of doing so? If we cut off the fundamentals of their survival, then they will not fight us desperately. When the time comes, our two families will fight to the death and the life. Let those who watch the excitement take advantage of the fisherman!

Therefore, I think it is better not to be reckless in this matter! "

If there is a supporter, there will naturally be an opponent. Moreover, the current reasons for opposition are sufficient to overturn the suggestions provided by the supporter.

In the process of refuting the two, Mr. He has been in a state of silence. It seems that he is also thinking about how to solve this matter!

At this moment, Chu Feng suddenly stood up and became the focus of the audience in one fell swoop.

"Can you listen to me?"

As soon as Chu Feng spoke, he immediately caused everyone present to whisper and whisper!

"Quiet!" Mr. He whispered, "Everyone first listen to Mr. Chu Feng's thoughts!"

Mr. He gave the right to speak in Chu Feng's hands. Everyone fell silent for an instant, and Mr. He's orders were majestic enough. At this moment, almost no one had any other thoughts.

"I have just listened carefully to everyone's discussions, and I think this matter is indeed not easy to solve!

Although I don't know how difficult it is to deal with the southern forces! But I can see that everyone does not want to offend them!

So if this is something that makes everyone feel embarrassed, it would be better for me to leave it to the two of us!

As for the rest, we will be asked to take care of the arrangements. I wonder if this distribution is in line with everyone's wishes? "

Chu Feng took it alone, with the goal of the southern forces, and he still didn't understand it!

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