Whimsical System

Chapter 1212: Unsaved decision

On this matter, Chu Feng's approach was naturally a bit reckless, and regardless of whether the matter was really difficult to solve, just relying on Chu Feng's current thoughts was enough to prove that he was paying attention!

"Mr. Chu Feng's idea is brave enough, but you and me are cooperating, if you cause trouble there, then we still can't get rid of the relationship!

And you don’t know anything about the forces in the south of the city, so you will inevitably lose your sense when you start things. Therefore, I feel that if you leave this thing to you, I’m afraid it will be a little wrong! "

The guy who had just refuted the idea of ​​cutting off the economic chain once again stood up and launched a posture of refuting Chu Feng's suggestion.

"You may have some misunderstanding of my point of view! There is indeed a cooperative relationship between us, but cooperation belongs to cooperation, but this will not cause conflict between you and the southern forces!

After all, we only have a cooperative relationship now, and it is not that we already belong to you, so even if the southern forces are suffering in our hands, there is absolutely no reason to find you!

So, you don’t need to worry about this aspect! Chu Feng explained.

"Mr. Chu Feng, you must have misunderstood! What I just said is not the southern city forces, they will resent us because of you!

But if you are in the hands of the southern forces, we must save you!

You can imagine that if this happens, we, as partners, must do it, otherwise, all the efforts during this period will be in vain!

But as long as we do this, it also means that we are in conflict with the forces in the south of the city, and in this way, the war between our two parties, I am afraid it is really unavoidable!

Therefore, for the sake of safety, Mr. Chu Feng had better not touch this kind of thought! "

After listening to that person's explanation, Chu Feng finally understood why this guy didn't want them to deal with the southern forces in private!

It turned out that they were afraid of trouble, and they were afraid of some danger on Chu Feng's side, and they were forced to act!

"Hahaha... After listening to your analysis, I am more sure of my plan!" Chu Feng smiled.


"Chu Feng, why are you so persistent!" The rebuttor seemed to have something to say, but he was stopped by Mr. He.

And then, Mr. He asked Chu Feng this question on behalf of the rebuttal.

"Because we have enough confidence in ourselves, unlike you who are intimidating!"

The bloated guy stood up and answered this question for Chu Feng, and his response also aroused the anger of most people in the meeting!

"what did you say……"


"Everyone, be quiet, I don't think Mr. Chu Feng meant that!"

auzw.com Mr. He once again controlled the situation in the venue, and then once again delegated the right to speak to Chu Feng!

It's just a pity that Chu Feng's answer is almost the same as that of the bloated guy.

"He didn’t say anything wrong. In fact, in my opinion, you are indeed a little intimidating, but I can also understand your approach. After all, I was sitting in your place and thinking about issues. There is nothing to argue about this matter, and there is nothing to refute. Everyone has different ideas, so the results will naturally be different!"

Although Chu Feng said the same thing, his explanation made the mood of everyone present a little calm.

"Chu Feng, it looks like you have made up your mind to do this, right?"

Mr. He tried his best to make his emotions look more peaceful, but when he asked this question, the so-called peace before was broken at this moment!

"It's basically like this. We have made a decision now, and we will start to act soon. We are just a target person. It should not be difficult to solve him. It is just that the southern forces may be more difficult, so we must I will be careful!"

Although he didn't have a detailed understanding of the forces in the southern part of the city, Chu Feng had already made an accurate decision.

"Well! Now that you have decided, then I won't try to persuade you anymore, but if you tell him about this, you can't blame us!

In addition, I hope I can advance part of the remuneration before you leave. After all, no one can determine the result of this matter!

And between us and the forces in the south of the city, there must be no major conflicts, after all, this will ultimately determine the survival of both of us! So, I hope you can understand! "

Although Mr. He no longer tried to stop Chu Feng, he asked for advance payment in advance.

And from his words, it is not difficult to see that he has basically estimated the result of this incident!

In his opinion, the two of Chu Feng committed the risk alone, and the result will naturally not be much better. Therefore, if the remuneration cannot be paid in advance, then after the accident of the two of Chu Feng, they may really have to work in vain. !

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, Mr. He can only make such a request to avoid his own losses!

"According to you, you have decided to abandon us, right?"

The bloated guy was not angry, so he asked again.

"You have misunderstood, this is not to give up, but to avoid as much as possible, the emergence of war!

We can cooperate, but we don't want to cause war because of cooperation!

So in order to avoid all this from happening, we can only do this. However, when you are in danger, we will still send people to negotiate with the southern forces, and we will still try our best to rescue you!

But we do not guarantee that this result will be certain! Because the relationship between the southern forces and us is not very good, it must be more difficult to resolve this matter!

In addition, even if the final result is not ideal, then we will still **** the remaining five target people to your city to complete our cooperation and get the reward we deserve!

And this is my overall plan. If you think it is possible, then we will continue to cooperate. If you feel dissatisfied, then you can also terminate the plan, but before terminating the plan, you still need to pay a portion of the remuneration.

After all, the cooperation between us has been going on for a long time, and during this time, we have also done a lot of work on cooperation, so the remuneration must be given, no matter what the situation! "Mr. He said solemnly.

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