Whimsical System

Chapter 1213: Embarrassing question

"Pre-payment of remuneration, although this is a result I did not expect before, but if you are thinking about the problem from your perspective, this request is not excessive. After all, you have indeed worked hard. If you can't get any Of course, it’s not justified!

It's just that if the matter of advance payment is considered from our perspective, there is no doubt that this will be a more dangerous "sexual" decision!

Therefore, even if I agree with this matter, I must get the corresponding guarantee before I can make a decision!

At present, you can discuss how to give me such a guarantee. If you can give me a stable guarantee, then the payment of remuneration will naturally be much easier to solve! "

The payment of remuneration was indeed a little beyond Chu Feng's expectations. Once the remuneration was paid, it would be equivalent to the loss of Chu Feng. As for the true handle of Mr. He and the group!

And if Mr. He started "chaos" and finally abandoned it, that would mean that Chu Feng finally lost so much money by ditching the bamboo basket.

However, if Chu Feng directly refused this matter, it would be a bit unreasonable. After all, Mr. He did a lot of things during this period, and he went to the southern forces on this trip, although he was confident that he could come back alive.

But for Mr. He and the others, the promise made by Chu Feng Kongkou’s white teeth is of course not worthwhile, so both of them must reach a consensus on this matter, one that enables each other to be bound. And the result can be agreed!

"Yes, you have to give us a reason to make us feel at ease. You are worried that you will not get it because of our death!

And we are also worried. What if you run away after we give you all the rewards? What if you don't admit it? After all, we don't have such a big force that wants to do it right with you. This is not an easy task, so we must reach a mutually agreed decision like what Chu Feng said! "

The bloated fellow followed him, and he was totally in favor of the punishment decision, but he didn't know which aspect of the issue Chu Feng was considering. Although he could understand what was the key point before, but Chu Feng's mind He can't figure it out!

The reminder of the bloated guy also drove the movement of everyone's thinking. This is indeed a very brainstorming thing!

Everyone must work hard to consider this matter. For everyone, the seriousness of this matter will basically determine the result of their final cooperation!

In the process of everyone’s thinking, Mr. He was in a state of distress. At the moment, there is actually no good way to neutralize. If they all go one step further and not give up, then this I am afraid there is really no way to get a result!

However, while Mr. He was worried about this matter, he also had certain confidence in Chu Feng!

Although he has not yet reached that kind of thorough understanding of Chu Feng, according to the cooperation in the past few days, Chu Feng can still be called a person who can cooperate!

Therefore, according to his thoughts, when he was distressed by this matter and spent his thoughts, Chu Feng was also doing corresponding things, but they did not reach a definite result with each other. , So no one is in the mood to express their thoughts!

But now, because Mr. He thought of this first, he believed that he should speak first. Even if he did not come up with a good solution, he still had to do something first!

auzw.com So Mr. He said: "This matter is indeed difficult enough. Whether we are willing to admit it or not, this matter is enough to make us bother !

But the matter must have a result, and at present, if both of us have not been comity, then this matter may be more difficult to solve than it is! "

"Mr. He, do you plan to be polite?"

Before Chu Feng spoke, the bloated guy had already asked Mr. He a question.

In fact, the question that the bloated guy asked at this time was exactly what Chu Feng wanted to ask, but because of his current identity, it was inconvenient for Chu Feng to speak, so the bloated guy became somewhat disregarded at this time. .

As a result, the question of the bloated guy did not matter, but it directly affected Mr. He's plan for this whole thing!

"How should I answer this question? Now if I agree, it is naturally not what I think in my heart, but if I disagree, would Chu Feng make the same choice as me?

So in front of this question, I naturally have no way to answer! "

Mr. He didn’t finish his words. It seemed that he wanted to leave some words for Chu Feng to say. At the same time, he didn’t say anything to death. If he directly disagrees, there would be no way to solve the matter. Because if this is the case, there is only one choice that Chu Feng faces!

But this was precisely because Mr. He's seemingly non-answer response made Chu Feng somewhat wonder how to speak.

In fact, he has already figured out a solution, and he believes that this solution is completely applicable, but the premise of this solution is to make Mr. He and the group suffer a bit!

So Chu Feng was asking about the entanglement of this matter, but at the end of the entanglement, Chu Feng decided to talk about it, because no matter how entangled, no matter how difficult the question was to answer, he would have to face it after all.

"Cough cough cough..." Chu Feng subconsciously coughed a few times, seeming to remind everyone present to express their opinions!

"After all, we can't be too reckless about this matter. After all, this is related to the interests of all of us, but after all things must come to a result, if otherwise, there will be no explanation between us!"

"Chu Feng, if you have anything you want to say, just say it directly, why hide in hiding!"

At this time, the bloated guy had clearly seen that Chu Feng had made a decision, so his words also played a vital role!

"Okay! It seems that my friend is more anxious. In that case, I won’t sell it anymore. But for this matter, I have already concluded that if you want to be paid, I can give it to you, but I don’t I can't give you all!

This is the only decision I can make at the moment. If this matter still cannot satisfy you, then I am afraid I really don’t know how to do it! "

Chu Feng said his thoughts straightforwardly, this time his answer was direct enough!

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