Whimsical System

Chapter 1214: The dust settles

"Paying a part of the remuneration is already the limit we can bear. In contrast, what is the sense of security between us and the renaming? We only have two people working with you. We are taking the risk. Now we promise to give you a certain amount. Remuneration, that is the decision we made after serious consideration!

At the same time, it is also a choice that you have to make, so it is best for you to accept this choice. After all, this is what you can strive for and maximize the benefits! "

The bloated guy was helping out, and for him, this matter was originally not easy to accept.

Part of the remuneration is paid in advance. This is a special case that has occurred in many cooperations. The bloated guy is not willing to let Chu Feng suffer this loss, but in this situation, Chu Feng has no other choice. .

Mr. He made extremely solemn consideration for the answers of Chu Feng and the bloated guy, and he also got other people's suggestions!

In the end, his response was quite in line with Chu Feng's ideas.

"If it is a comprehensive consideration of this matter, we can accept this, and that is to say the only way that can be taken at present, I am afraid that there is no other way to adopt it!"

Mr. He always speaks with such a bleak feeling, even if the current situation has not become so bad, he can indeed express a meaning as if he has fallen into desperation!

But no matter what Mr. He said, in short, this matter finally had a good result. The two sides reached a consensus and the way to solve the problem was within the range that Chu Feng could bear!

As for the issue of remuneration, it still takes a certain amount of time to determine. According to Chu Feng's estimation, even if a part of the cost is paid, it may not be less than 70%. After all, the current thing has been basically completed!

And the only thing that hasn’t been resolved is that there is only the problem of the southern part of the city. So even if they solve the problem of the southern part of the city themselves, this is not included in the cost. Therefore, the remaining 30% of the detention is only This is the limit that Chu Feng can fight for at present!

Chu Feng negotiated with Mr. He and others for several hours, and finally decided to pay 80% of the remuneration, and the remaining 20% ​​as seizure, in order to gain a little peace of mind for Chu Feng!

If it is a personal consideration, the 20% remuneration is not enough for Chu Feng after all!

After all, the amount is too small. If Mr. He gives up at this time, then for them, there will be no loss.

But because of various problems, Chu Feng did not have much advantage, so he could only keep this matter in this situation.

Although this matter is not an advantage for Chu Feng, at least Chu Feng did not lose all of it, and this cooperation has not ended because of this. At least some people need Mr. He to be responsible. If that is the case, then The remaining two layers can also support the worry in Chu Feng's heart!

It's just that in comparison, the bloated guy is more likely to get into the corner than Chu Feng, and that's just the problem, the bloated guy has too many dissatisfaction.

It's just that he doesn't occupy the right to speak, so even if he is dissatisfied, he can only endure it by himself, and there is no way to express his own words!

When the two returned to their residence, the bloated fellow still had a sorrow about the matter. Even though he had reached a conclusion at this time, he still had other ideas about this conclusion!


"Chu Feng, I always feel that in this matter, we have made too many mistakes. We have not done some necessary things at all, and we have even experienced a complete deficit. For this result, I really I can’t understand why it is like this..."

The bloated guy meant to question so much, he wanted to get a definite answer, but the process he did in this way was tantamount to questioning Chu Feng.

After solving the problem on Mr. He's side, Chu Feng was already tired enough, but now the bloated guy is giving him problems again, which makes Chu Feng uncomfortable!

So when answering the question of the bloated guy, Chu Feng's impatience was extremely obvious!

"It's not just that you think this matter is inexplicable, I still think this matter is a bit unreasonable!

But so what? We haven’t made a decision in the end, this matter has also come to an end, and we don’t have the ability to change the outcome of the matter at all, so no matter how much you complain, no matter how unhappy, it’s just a futile effort. If you really have the ability to change, you won't sit here and embarrass me! "

Chu Feng's fierce counterattack, another kind of guy was speechless, he didn't know what to say, this thing was indeed like what Chu Feng said.

Even if he wants to change, there is nothing he can do. There is really no good way other than complaining here!

So in the end, I responded, and it became more or less talkative. The bloated guy was silent, and Chu Feng didn't expect him to be able to answer his own questions!

As a result, the current atmosphere between the two of them was instantly lowered. No one wanted to say a word, and the topic between the two no longer existed!

Even after dawn tomorrow, the two will set out to deal with Chengnan City, but on the eve of this action, there was a grudge between the two!

The silent night passed by inadvertently. Tomorrow the two always felt that the night was difficult, but at this moment the two of them lost that feeling, it was like late night, their life was cut by half!

In the early morning of the next day, both Chu Feng and the bloated fellow woke up very early, and it felt like they were awake all night.

But in fact, the two of them did have a rest, but the rest was not very good!

"Are you ready? I wanted to ask this question last night, but your state last night, I'm afraid you won't answer me even if I asked, so I can only ask now!"

After all, the bloated guy opened his mouth first, and in the matter between the two, one person must be subdued first, whether it is because of his fault or not!

But now the bloated guy took on this role, and Chu Feng became the dominant player at that moment.

"There is nothing to prepare, it's just an adventure. Even if you encounter a crisis situation, you can keep your name. There is nothing to worry about!"

Chu Feng's response was better than last night. After a night of calming down, his mood was already back to normal!

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