Whimsical System

Chapter 1219: Outside the three-person building

The quiet atmosphere is very in line with the atmosphere of the current building. Even at this time, it seems too quiet to be too elegant. In fact, the atmosphere of the building at this time is better than silent!

No one dared to make a sound, for fear that the next target of the swallowing force was himself, and within this silent atmosphere, the people who had previously hunted down the bloated guy also temporarily stopped their actions at this moment!

"Chu Feng, good job!"

I don't know whether the bloated guy did it unintentionally. With such a shout, everyone's eyes immediately gathered towards Chu Feng!

Obviously, people have already discovered the instigator of this incident, and Chu Feng also received the greatest attention at this moment.

"Excuse me, I had to do it just now. Who made him bully my friend? I am actually quite embarrassed now, why are you all staring at me like this?"

At present, Chu Feng deliberately pretended to be at a loss, and explained with embarrassment.

However, in fact, he has already begun to think about other things in his heart. The farce in the current building has already begun, and everyone's eyes are already entrenched. He and the bloated guy are two people!

Right now they only need to make a bigger movement, and that can attract people who really need to watch this farce, but now Chu Feng doesn't seem to have any effective way except for a few people!

So, just after he finished saying this, he immediately released a few more devouring powers!

This time Devouring Power, the chosen target is still the guys with uniform clothes.

As the swallowing force continued to fall, several people fell to the ground immediately.

As a result, the appearance of this scene instantly caused the first floor of the building to become chaotic.

Originally, they thought that as long as they stood still, they would not make any other actions. They would have avoided a difficult situation, but now that Chu Feng's successive shots made them suddenly awakened, it turned out that standing in place would have no other result besides becoming Chu Feng's target.

Therefore, their panic at this time is justified, and for the current result, that is exactly what Chu Feng hopes for!

When the chaos reached a certain level, the periphery of the building was also affected, and even the shops on the upper floors of the building were affected by the changes on the first floor of the building!

In short, the business of this building was completely disturbed by Chu Feng. In an instant, everyone in the building was in danger, lest they would become Chu Feng's next target!

But after this state was formed, Chu Feng had no intention of attacking anymore. It's just that although he didn't intend to attack, he didn't want to let the people in the building go out!

Chu Feng hopes to maintain the current chaos, so that people's calls for help will continue to be heard from the building, which forces the top figures to pay attention to this building!

Twenty minutes after the building was chaotic, the entire street had been sealed off, and there was no one on the street, except for those who were ordered to come!

At the place closest to the building, three burly men appeared here.

Their gazes are as sharp as eagle eyes. At this moment, all the light seems to be gathering on Chu Feng's body. If this gaze can cause harm to people, I am afraid that Chu Feng would have been cut into pieces by this time!

At the source of that gaze, the light radiated from the pupils was even comparable to the stars.

Chu Feng could clearly feel that there were people around him observing him, and this perception of sight did not come from Chu Feng's intuition!

That feeling was as if Chu Feng had already felt that look.


Chu Feng turned around and looked out of the building. In an instant, the eyes of Chu Feng and the three people met!

But their images of each other appeared in each other's eyes.

Chu Feng could easily observe the anger in the eyes of these three people, and in this anger, he could also feel the strong killing intent!

Obviously, the real protagonist was finally waited by Chu Feng. Although the waiting time was long, the final result was very satisfactory to Chu Feng.

"This good show is almost on. If any of you want to survive, leave this building, otherwise I will kill everyone in the building in three minutes!"

Chu Feng said this as if he was joking, and as soon as his voice fell, those who heard Chu Feng's voice rushed toward the outside of the building like crazy.

"Chu Feng, our goal has been achieved!"

And just as those innocent people flee frantically, the bloated guy was also at this time and found the three people outside the building.

"The goal is achieved, but the trouble is coming!"

Chu Feng expressionlessly responded to the bloated guy, and then his gaze turned to those guys with the same clothes!

At this moment, just as everyone rushed out of the building, the few people still stood there motionless!

It was as if they hadn't heard Chu Feng's words at all, but Chu Feng knew they had heard it, and they also knew what the consequences were!

But they will not leave, because as long as they leave this building, their lives will end there!

So instead of escaping from the building, it's better to stay here and get lucky in exchange for a chance!

"Do you want to continue to be enemies with me?" Chu Feng lowered his throat and asked those people.

The result was very disappointing. Those guys just ignored Chu Feng at all!

"Aren't you scared and stupid? If you want to live, leave here as soon as possible. Don't mess around here, otherwise, don't even want to leave here alive later!" The bloated guy warned coldly. , The result also did not produce any effect!

"What's the situation? Shouldn't they be really scared?"

The bloated guy feels a bit inexplicable. Even if he knows that death is terrible, he will never scare people like this!

But now these guys are so abnormal, as if they were spotted with blood, standing still in place!

"Since they can enter the southern part of the city, they will definitely not be afraid of life and death!

It seems that they are now waiting for the order, and they will not do anything before the order is received! "

Chu Feng guessed the reason for this. Although it is not 100% sure because of this, the current explanation is indeed reasonable!

"Order? Whose order? Are you talking about these three guys outside?"

The bloated guy stretched out his hand and pointed out, lowered his voice and asked Chu Feng.

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