Whimsical System

Chapter 1220: Information on paper

"Who knows! It may or may not be, after all, I don't know much about the southern forces. Haven't you seen an introduction about them before!"

Didn’t you see the pictures of these three guys on the introduction? "Chu Feng asked.

The bloated guy shook his head and said: "There are no photos in the introduction, only hand-drawn drawings! And if you just rely on hand-drawn drawings to identify your appearance, it will still have a certain degree of difficulty!"

"It doesn't matter if it is difficult, as long as you can roughly lock the target, forget it, you show me the hand drawing!

Maybe, my eyes are better than yours! "

Chu Feng stretched out his hand to ask the bloated fellow, but what he got was just another piece of paper!

"How come they are all pieces of paper, isn't there anything you can handle?"

With a piece of paper in his hand, Chu Feng couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"No way, those guys won't let me take those things! So I can only make a temporary copy, but there is not much difference in the content on this piece of paper, it's just the hand drawing. It's more vague!"

The bloated guy took the opportunity to complain to Chu Feng, and Mr. He's group is indeed stingy!

Although they are now in a state of cooperation, they are not willing to contribute just some information.

And at this point, Chu Feng really had no way to complain for the bloated guy. At present, although they are cooperating, they are not buying and selling, so Mr. He naturally has the right to protect his assets!

"Forget it, it’s pretty good that people can show us it! Now you have made a copy, and it’s enough! What’s more, even if you get the original, it’s not a photo anyway. The difference is simply There is no big difference!"

Chu Feng comforted the bloated fellow, and after a few words, it was considered a perfunctory affair!

Chu Feng picked up the text on the paper Duyue. At this time, the drawing on the paper was indeed blurry, but it was also vaguely recognizable. The special features of the characters in the drawing were "colors"!

In addition to this set of drawings, there are detailed information records on the side, and these information records are obviously more precise and careful than the drawings!

Among them, there are three characters appearing on this piece of paper, and these three characters are just the stewards of the current target point!

According to Chu Feng's guess, the three guys standing outside the building should be the three people depicted on this piece of paper!

"Rhodia, a person with special abilities who masters mysterious power, has the ability to move his figure instantly, and can avoid external attacks to a large extent!"

Chu Feng randomly selected a guy and read his information, but in this short information record of a few lines, it recorded all the capabilities of this person!

The only fly in the ointment is that in this record, although his ability appears, it is only part of it!

Except for the ability to teleport, what the so-called mysterious power is, Chu Feng does not know at this moment!

In Chu Feng's view, this person's ability teleportation is obviously not the main ability, so even if he knows this, it is just being able to guard against it!

Besides teleporting, that mysterious power is what Chu Feng really needs to pay attention to.


It's just a pity that Chu Feng doesn't even know what this mysterious power is. At this time, Chu Feng has only this information, and besides that, there is only that vague painting!

"Lundell, people with special abilities have the ability to "manipulate" light, which can be used for cutting attacks and blocking!

The physical fitness is extremely strong, the ability to resist hits can resist attacks such as bullets, and the continuous combat effectiveness can reach more than ten hours. The attack speed is extremely fast, but the endurance is insufficient! "

Chu Feng continued to read the second person's information. Compared to Rhodia, Lundell's information was detailed enough, but the more detailed the content, the more terrifying!

What kind of ability is it to "manipulate" light. From these words, Chu Feng could feel the danger!

If Lundell can "manipulate" the light, it means that it can turn any light into a weapon, and can attack anyone at will!

In addition, he can also turn light into a defensive tool, which means that when he fights against someone, no one can attack him.

Although the introduction of the information describes his lack of endurance, the so-called lack of endurance means that he can fight for more than ten hours!

What kind of concept is this ten hours? Chu Feng has no way to think about it.

At least if he is allowed to fight for ten hours, then he has absolutely no way to persevere!

After all, his body has determined all of this. Although Chu Feng's body has been strengthened, it is only a human body after all.

And among the many creatures, the human body basically belongs to the weaker category, so compared with the creatures in this space, it basically has no advantage!

"Augus, the flesh cultivator is said to have stolen the power of giants and obtained rare blood from the giants!

Even a capable person has no way to compete with him in terms of strength. His attack methods are mainly highlighted in endurance and attack speed. Up to now, there has never been a single person, but he can surpass him physically! "

The introduction to the third person is not as gorgeous as the first two. At least this third person is not a capable person, but this person is more terrifying than the capable person!

Because he has super strength and absolute speed and endurance, and this also means that his resistance and attack power occupy a relatively top level!

If he fights against Chu Feng, then Chu Feng must be careful and must not let him get close to him!

Otherwise, one of his fists could directly cause Chu Feng to lose consciousness!

Chu Feng repeatedly read the information on the paper several times, and then made a detailed comparison between the figure on the portrait and the three guys outside the building.

Although the process of identifying identity was slow and complicated, the final punishment was confirmed!

The three guys standing outside the building at this time are exactly the characters depicted in this message.

"Chu Feng, did you see it? Are these three guys?"

The bloated guy asked eagerly on the side, he had already read the content on the paper, so he knew the power of these three people!

Therefore, he would try to determine the true identity of the three people outside the building over and over again!

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