Whimsical System

Chapter 1229: Win the bet

Master Mystery has already come to his side, and his attack can touch Chu Feng at any time. Chu Feng knows that he has no way to dodge anymore, so he simply gave up, using time to delay the fight!

So the next moment Chu Feng stopped, and the two stood face to face, the distance between them was only about one meter!

"You are finally willing to stop!"

And at the moment Chu Feng stabilized his figure, the mysterious lord also roared, and immediately launched an offensive against Chu Feng!

At this moment, the time has come to the end, and the mysterious lord must hurry up to do everything he wants to do, otherwise, when the time is over, the battle will end here!

Chu Feng stood his hands in front of him, swallowing power crazily wrapped his body, at that moment Chu Feng almost released all the swallowing power in his body.

Whether Master Mystery used all his strength, Chu Feng didn't know, but he himself had to use his full strength to block the current attack of Mysterious Lord!

As a result, even though Chu Feng had tried his best, he still did not resist the mysterious lord's death sickle.

The death sickle cuts layer by layer in the midst of the swallowing power, and the seemingly thick and tough swallowing power can't stop the death sickle from advancing.

As a result, seeing the layer after layer of swallowing power being cut apart, Chu Feng's heartbeat gradually became slow.

Even at that moment, Chu Feng hadn't noticed the appearance of his heartbeat, because this thing happened too quickly, and his heart could not have such a fast beating in such a short period of time. frequency!

Of course, the death sickle stopped in the end. The impact of the death sickle's falling was naturally infinite, but the power of swallowing was not soft tofu after all, so under the resistance of the swallowing power, the death sickle still completely penetrated the swallow Power, but only cut Chu Feng's arms!

For this result, Chu Feng was still a little grateful. If he hadn't had that much Devouring power to block it, he would probably have his arms split in half by Death's sickle.

And now although the wound has deep bones, but fortunately Chu Feng's arm has not suffered too much trauma.

Moreover, Chu Feng's recovery ability is relatively strong, so in this battle, although Chu Feng fell into the disadvantage, he was not defeated by the mysterious lord!

At least at this moment, Chu Feng still has the power of a battle, if he wants, maybe he can once again start a confrontation with the mysterious lord!

"I haven't lost this battle after all!"

Chu Feng took a few steps back and widened the distance between him and the mysterious lord. At this moment, his arm had begun to heal, and at this juncture he also said this.

Mysterious lord put on the cloak once again, and the death sickle was gradually dispersed under the cloak!

However, the death sickle didn't seem to disappear completely. Instead, it turned into a coral again and retreated into the body of the mysterious lord. In the process of retreating, only half of it disappeared!

"But you still lost after all! You didn't complete the agreement between us. It seems you didn't have this luck!"

Master Mystery has basically decided that he won this duel. Although Chu Feng was not seriously injured at this time, it is not important to him!


"I don't think I have failed. In the face of an enemy like you, I have tried my best, but I haven't taken my own life. So as long as I'm still alive, I still have a breath. , Then this duel will end with my victory!

If you can put a little effort to kill me just now, maybe I really lost this duel, but it's a pity that you didn't achieve this, so I won the match after all! "

Chu Feng has his own set of explanations, and regardless of whether this matter is in compliance with the rules, in short, he has already determined that he has won this duel. As long as he is still alive, the victory will always belong to him!

When Chu Feng expressed his attitude clearly, Mr. Mysterious also regretted it.

Knowing that wanting to kill Chu Feng may not be an easy task for the mysterious lord, but if the rules are changed, it is not a difficult task!

It's just that his momentary negligence caused Chu Feng to take advantage of the loopholes. As a result, this matter was somewhat difficult to solve!

But now that the matter is at this point, Mr. Mysterious has no intention of wanting to change it. For Mrs. Mystery, this matter is after all just a cutscene!

After all, Chu Feng's cooperation is still under his control. Even if Chu Feng made his mind clear with enthusiasm, and as long as the mysterious lord is unwilling to agree, then this matter will stop there!

So even if Chu Feng wins this duel, then this will not affect the final outcome, at most it will only take a little more work!

"Well, even if this rule is not very clear, you succeeded in winning the bet!

But do you really think that all this can be solved with just one bet? "

Master Mystery has already expressed his attitude. No matter what Chu Feng thinks, Master Mystery's response can no longer be questioned!

"In short, I have taken control of this opportunity, so whether you like it or not, you must listen to me!"

Although he knew that Mr. Mysterious might not cooperate, Chu Feng still insisted on this matter!

"Go ahead!"

Mysterious adult puts his hands on his chest, and puts on a look of ignorance!

"Yeah!" Chu Feng nodded, with a serious expression on his face, "Although I am not very familiar with the southern forces, I have more or less understood. The current situation of the southern forces is not very optimistic. , And all these principles and the way you live are somewhat different from other forces!

In addition, I am also willing to believe that you definitely have the mind to change, but you don't have the ability in this area, so my purpose this time is to help you get this ability! "

"Only you are alone, how can you confidently say such things?" Mysterious master asked.

"I haven't finished talking yet! Even if you want to question in a hurry, you should wait until I finish talking!

Mr. He, you must know it! After all, he has corresponding strength with you, and their status is higher than yours!

But Mr. He doesn't have your courage at all. If you really fight against him, I am almost certain that he is definitely not your opponent! "

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