Whimsical System

Chapter 1230: Demanding

"So what can you do? Isn't all you able to come here thanks to him?" The mysterious lord suddenly said such a sentence, and from his sentence, you can also know that there is something about Chu Feng. , He must have investigated, otherwise he would not know this!

"You’re right. It seems that you know me before, but it’s not important, no matter who helps me do this! Anyway, this is my goal, so even if there is no one to help me, I Still able to do this...

And what I want to express right now is the relationship between you and Mr. He! If you really investigate clearly, you must also know that there is a cooperative relationship between me and Mr. He!

Of course, this kind of cooperation is not so reliable. For example, the fact that I came here is a flaw in this cooperation! "

Master Mystery slowly put his hands down, and Chu Feng's remarks at this moment finally attracted his attention!

Even if he doesn't want to believe what Chu Feng said, he is still interested in this matter!

"Do you want to destroy this cooperative relationship?" It took a long time for Master Mystery to ask this question, and Chu Feng had been waiting for him!

At this time, Chu Feng did not give the mysterious lord an affirmative answer, and in short, he did not refuse.

"The quality of cooperation has nothing to do with us. Whether my cooperation with him can come to an end, in fact, it has nothing to do with you at all!

Besides, I have already settled the rewards for the cooperation, so even if there is any trouble later, this will not affect the cooperation itself!

At this time, I hope to cooperate more with you. After all, my real goal is on your side, not on Mr. He's side! "

"Perhaps you didn't express it clearly. In short, I don't quite understand what you always say! What is real cooperation? Could it be that you came to me from the beginning? If this is the case, isn't Mr. He an intermediary? , Even him, the middleman, may still pay for this matter!"

Although Master Mystery said that he didn't know clearly, he already understood what happened in his heart, and he also clearly sensed Chu Feng's intention.

In fact, what Chu Feng expressed from the beginning was his desire to betray Mr. He!

And now the only way to allow the southern forces to control the city in an instant is to get rid of the forces like Mr. He!

Therefore, if this matter really achieves its goal, then the cooperation between Chu Feng and Mr. He will naturally be destroyed.

In short, this is what Chu Feng wanted to express, but in the process of Chu Feng's expression, he has been hiding his thoughts.

"Actually, you should be able to understand, because I have fully demonstrated my intentions, so you are only testing me at this time! It doesn't matter, I accept your temptation, and I am willing to explain it to you again!

In fact, the cooperation between me and Mr. He was not real from the beginning. Although I also paid him a reward, the reward was used to buy his life!

As for the things he did for me, it was just their own wishful thinking!

At this moment, as long as our cooperation here can be achieved, then Mr. He will embark on a path of no return that he cannot return!

Therefore, at this time, you only need to nod your heads and we can reach a cooperation, then this matter will soon become a reality! And this is exactly my plan and purpose! "

Chu Feng made an overall summary and thoroughly analyzed his own thoughts. Facing the results shown by Chu Feng, the mysterious lord naturally still had some doubts in his heart!


After all, Chu Feng did not have so much trust with him, so he must be careful before making any decisions!

Therefore, he has not made a decision until this time.

"Okay! I know you must be hesitating in your heart. This is not an easy decision, right? It doesn't matter, I can give you time to think about it. Anyway, I have enough time to solve this matter. Besides, Mr. He is also busy with his own affairs over there!

However, I hope that during the time you are considering, I will not be threatened. Otherwise, this matter will become very difficult! "

Chu Feng is very happy to consider time for the mysterious lord, after all, he also knows that this is not an easy decision in the first place!

However, although time can be given, his own life safety must also be guaranteed!

So he can have this request, it is naturally normal!

What he never thought was that the mysterious lord had directly rejected his request.

"I don't have so much time to consider these things. If you can't prove it to me, the cooperation between us is definitely impossible!

Moreover, the southern forces are not as simple as you think, we have our own things to do, and we have formed a fixed pattern!

And if you can change the model and plan with just a few words of your rhetoric, it would be really unrealistic!

So, if you want me to cooperate with you, you must show some sincerity! "

The mysterious lord finally had to put forward his own conditions, and Chu Feng could think of this kind of result, but the time he estimated was not that accurate!

"Then you mean..."

"If you want to cooperate with us, you must disconnect from Mr. He, and you must turn against them. Only in this way can I believe that this is not a trap between you and Mr. He!

So before we cooperate, you must solve Mr. He. Only if you solve the matter of Mr. He, there is real hope!

In addition, when Mr. He dies, their eyesight will definitely fall into chaos. Even if it is our form, it will be much simpler!

So this is my requirement, and it is also something you must do. As long as you want to cooperate with me, this is the prerequisite for cooperation! "

Master Mystery made a very excessive request. At this moment, not only Chu Feng, but even Rhodia felt that this matter was a bit unrealistic.

What is Mr. He? He is the leader of a party, with huge financial resources, material resources and manpower. At this moment, even the southern forces have no choice but to take his "life" easily!

But this matter needs to be done by Chu Feng alone, which is indeed too difficult to achieve!

"You asked me to kill Mr. He, this should be considered a tricky thing, right?"

Chu Feng asked the mysterious lord with a solemn expression.

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