Whimsical System

Chapter 1235: Opportunity forced into hands

At this time, Chu Feng can basically confirm that the person lying on the bed is the target of his trip, Mr. He!

In this quiet time of the night, in this empty bedroom, between Chu Feng and Mr. He, it seems that there is no longer any obstacle!

After confirming the identity of Mr. He, Chu Feng then wanted to "fuck" the power of devouring, and demanded Mr. He's life!

However, at the moment when the power of swallowing was about to "approach" to Mr. He's body, Mr. He's eyes suddenly opened!

It was an act without warning, as if Mr. He was suddenly awakened by a nightmare, but at this time his expression was surprisingly calm, and it seemed that he had already guessed that Chu Feng would appear!

Upon seeing this, although Chu Feng was a little surprised, he did not stop his hand, "controlling the swallowing force!"

It's a pity that although Chu Feng could still feel the power of devouring, he couldn't "fuck" the power of devouring, and then "closed" to Mr. He for a half step!

It seems that there is an invisible barrier between Mr. He and the swallowing power at this time. Even if the swallowing power, no matter how overbearing and tough, it is impossible to penetrate the barrier and touch Mr. He's body!

So this matter was deadlocked because of this, and the situation at this time also became awkward instantly!

Chu Feng originally wanted to make a quick fight, and before Mr. He was awake, he solved him in his sleep, but at this time Mr. He has not only regained consciousness, but he has no way to hurt Mr. He at all!

In this way, Chu Feng's fate was completely reversed with Mr. He. This trip to "suicide" had obviously failed. Mr. He had been prepared for a long time, and he didn't seem to be afraid of Chu Feng's arrival!

He slowly lifted the quilt, sat up from the bed, and said while combing his hair: "During this period, I have always had a guess that you will be my enemy, although I am not I don't want to believe this speculation, but I am still prepared!

And now, this speculation has indeed been confirmed! Although your behavior has angered me, we are in a state of cooperation after all!

So I am willing to give you a chance to explain, if you can make all of this clear, maybe I can deal with your affairs specially, otherwise, I am afraid your fate will be a little bit miserable! "

Every word of Mr. He could be heard clearly by Chu Feng. For Chu Feng, this opportunity may not be regarded as an opportunity. It is nothing more than a desire to confess his crime!

Chu Feng has never been willing to obey this kind of confession.

So when this opportunity appeared in front of Chu Feng, Chu Feng gave up this opportunity without even thinking about it!

"This matter has become a fact, what you are seeing now is not false, so you should know how to handle it!

As for the so-called opportunity, I disdain to accept it! In short, if you want to kill me, then do it quickly. If you don't want to kill me, then let me go. Now I only have two choices, and you also only have two! "

There was no expression on Chu Feng's face. At this moment, he was already thinking about how to escape from here!

For some reason, even though Chu Feng was already in danger, he did not feel the slightest fear!


It seems that even at this time, he still feels that he will not fall into a crisis at all!

For Mr. He, Chu Feng's response was naturally a bit unexpected. After all, no one in this world has been able to achieve such arrogance, but Chu Feng has become such a one, one of the few alternatives!

But since it is an alternative, then there must be a way to deal with the alternative.

So when Mr. He got up from the bed, he gave Chu Feng another chance again. This time he didn't need Chu Feng to make any sacrifices, it was just a gift opportunity, nothing else!

Mr. He said: "Although I can't guess what you are thinking at this time, it is not particularly important to me. After all, we have had a cooperative relationship before, so as a partner, I am willing to give you more An opportunity, and this opportunity is a free gift!"

"What opportunity?" Chu Feng was naturally interested in the free opportunity, so he immediately asked!

"Chance to kill me! You came here late at night just to take my "life"! Now I can give you a chance, you can use all your abilities to deal with me, I will defend, But I will not fight back. If you can kill me in the process, then I will not have any complaints!

And when you leave here, you will go unimpeded and no one will stop you!

However, if you can't kill me in this opportunity! Then you have to promise me one condition! "Mr. He said.

"What are the conditions?" Chu Feng asked.

"Conditions, etc., after you lose, I will naturally tell you! After all, only then will this condition be truly meaningful!"

When Chu Feng asked about the conditions, Mr. He didn't plan to tell Chu Feng.

"If you don't tell me this condition, then this opportunity is equivalent to a condition for me, so I will never accept this opportunity unless you tell me what the condition is!"

I don't know when it started, Chu Feng suddenly took the initiative. At this moment, it was as if Mr. He would grasp the handle!

And what makes people feel incredible is that Mr. Hao really cooperated with Chu Feng, especially when Chu Feng said this, Mr. He actually compromised passively. All this is so unrealistic, but it is What really happened!

"Okay! My conditions are relatively simple, nothing more than hope, you can help me kill that, and the person who assigned you to kill me!"

"Oh!" Chu Feng nodded thoughtfully, "This is indeed a not too difficult condition! It's just that I can't do it at all, because no one has assigned me to this matter. I myself am the one who wants to assign myself to kill you!

Therefore, I have no way of satisfying this condition of yours, so as for the opportunity you gave me, I am afraid I have no way to control it! "

Although Chu Feng's response was a little weird, it was still reasonable. It was just this reasonable and reasonable reason that directly caused Mr. He's suspicion!

"Chu Feng, you don't have to lie to me! I still trust our relationship. You and I used to be partners before, and I am still doing things for you until now!

Therefore, apart from being assigned by others, you have no reason to kill me at all! "

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